Houtu was a little embarrassed, but nodded anyway.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong, who have mastered the magic power of water and fire, are naturally opposed.

Many decisions of the Wu clan, one in favor and the other in opposition, even made a lot of jokes in the flood for this.

"Are you afraid that they will annoy me?" Ling Tian smiled indifferently.

Hou Tu also remembered the two strange ones among the twelve ancestral witches, but at this time, he had already invited Ling Tian here, and he could only ask Ling Tian to take care of them.

"Let's see. Ling Tian didn't say much, just patted Xiao Hei from his seat and asked Xiao Hei to go towards the Wu Clan's Pangu Palace.

In front of the Pangu Palace, eleven ancestral witches were already waiting.

Ling Tian reined in his saint's qi, otherwise the saint would be accompanied by a vision, so at this time, he only floated in front of the Pangu Palace.

"Di Jiang has seen Ling Tian Sage. "

"Candle Jiuyin has seen Ling Tian Sage. "

"Ju Mang has seen Ling Tian Saint. "


Eleven ancestral witches saluted Ling Tian one after another.

Ling Tian nodded indifferently.

He and Pangu are brothers, and the twelve ancestors respect Pangu as their father, if this is really the case, these ancestors are all juniors.

Except for Dijiang, Candle Jiuyin, and Houtu, the rest of the ancestors and witches frowned when they saw Ling Tiantuo's appearance.

Their Wu clan only respects Pangu, and they don't even respect the way of heaven, let alone the saints under the way of heaven.

They gave Ling Tian a salute, one was to respect his cultivation, and the other was to respect the kindness of the Wu clan.

Zhu Rong's temper was the most hot, and he was about to open his mouth when he saw this, but he felt that his feet were sinking, and the endless meaning of thick earth was entangled in him.

Seeing Houtu's anxious face, he snorted coldly and gave up.

Ling Tian naturally sensed it, but he just smiled and didn't say anything more.

"Your Wu clan is the Pangu bloodline, and inherited the essence and blood condensed by his qi and blood, plus the turbidity of the heavens, although it cannot be cultivated to the original god, but it also has another wonder, you can use the true body of the twelve ancestors to run its own magical powers, communicate the qi of the earth gods, and turn into the twelve heavenly gods and evil arrays, and you can summon the true body of Pangu.

Ling Tian didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Houtu and Ling Tian returned to the Wu Clan together, so Ling Tiancai said what he said to Houtu again.

After listening to what Ling Tian said, many ancestral witches lit up one after another.

In fact, the obstacle that covered their eyes was only a thin layer, and now this layer of truth was broken by Ling Tiandao, and in the eyes of the twelve ancestral witches, there were different runes manifested.

That is the imprint of Pangu engraved in the bloodline, and it is also the foundation of their self-proclaimed Pangu authenticity.

"Thank you, saint!" Dijiang's words are sincere.

Ling Tian didn't care, he just raised his hand and said, "In this case, then you can try it first, if there are any mistakes or omissions, the deity can also point out one or two." "

"This?" Di Jiang and the rest of the Ancestral Witches looked at each other, and finally nodded: "It's okay." "

Condensing Pangu's true body was a major matter for their Wu clan, and they didn't want anyone to watch, but thinking that this was originally Ling Tian's guidance, they didn't say anything more.

Candle Jiuyin took a step forward and arched his hand: "I also hope that the saint can cover the heavens." "

This is their hole card, before they condensed Pangu's true body, they were all cautious, afraid of being heard by the demon clan or the immortal clan, and they were on guard.

Now that the Demon Clan's Emperor Jun and Taiyi want to be allowed to be a saint, they are more careful.

Ling Tian was indispensable, he waved his sleeve slightly, and a strange fluctuation dissipated, and the meaning of spatial cutting was fleeting.

At this time, the ancestral land of the Wu clan had been obscured by Ling Tian, and it was faintly cut off from the space of the desolate land, no matter how big the movement was, it would not be transmitted.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, only Di Jiang, who had mastered the spatial supernatural powers, faintly noticed it, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Alright. After Ling Tian finished doing this, his body moved slightly, and he flashed above the sky.

Houtu and the other twelve ancestral witches glanced at each other and nodded.

"The true body of the ancestral witch, now!"

Here in the Pangu Palace, it is already huge, and it has been exerted by Dijiang with spatial supernatural powers.

So at this time, a full twelve ancestral witch real bodies comparable to mountains appeared here, and they could also be accommodated.

Dijiang, its shape is like a yellow sac, red like a fire, six-legged and four-winged, chaotic and faceless, and the law of space speed in the palm of the palm.

Candle nine yin, human face snake body, red body, palm time law.

Harvest, human face tiger body, wearing gold scales, wings, snake in the left ear, feet by two dragons, the law of gold.

Jumang, verdant as bamboo, bird-faced human body, foot multiplication of two dragons, the law of palm wood.

Co-worker, the python head is human, wearing black scales, stepping on a black dragon, wrapping a green python in his hand, and holding the law of water.

Zhu Rong, the head of the beast and the human body, is covered in red scales, pierces the fire snake in his ears, steps on the fire dragon, and holds the law of fire.

Back soil, human body snake tail, seven hands behind the back, two hands on the chest, holding the snake in both hands, the law of the soil.

Xuan Ming, a hideous beast, has bone spurs all over his body, and the law of rain.

Strong and good, a snake in his mouth, a snake in his hand, a tiger head and a human body, four hooves and feet, long elbows, and the law of thunder.

Tianwu, eight human faces, ten tails of the tiger body, the law of the wind.

Xizi, the body of a bird with a human face, a green snake in his ears, a red snake in his hand, and the law of electricity.

Extravagant corpse, human-faced beast body, ears like dogs, ears hanging green snakes, palm weather laws.

The true body of the twelve ancestral witches roared and roared, this is the true face of the witch clan!

Inheriting the Pangu bloodline, they already have something in common with the strange looks of the Chaos Gods and Demons!

"Communicate with the gods of the earth!" Di Jiang roared, and many ancestral witches used the turbidity qi in their bodies to communicate with the divine qi of the desolate land.

The aura of the gods is one of the most terrifying evil qi that is precipitated in the depths of the earth!

On the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, different supernatural runes appeared, and with a trace of heaven-opening turbidity, it spread to the depths of the earth, communicating with the divine evil qi that had opened the sky since Pangu opened the sky and experienced the three tribulations and the Dao Demon Tribulation.

The aura of the gods was attracted by the turbid qi in the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and it quickly became connected with the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

"Pangu's true body!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were infused by the aura of the gods, and their eyes were full of ferocity and tyranny, and they roared at the same time.


The fusion of the divine evil qi and the essence blood of Pangu, and the blessing of the endless power of the earth's leylines, the momentum of the twelve ancestral witches suddenly soared!


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