The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

The one who made Yuan Lian's voice stop abruptly was none other than Huang Tian, ​​who had already fallen!

This matter was somewhat contradictory and weird. Even though Yuan Lian, who was far away in the Sun Star, had guessed something, he still stopped talking and watched quietly with the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler as his eyes.

Almost at the same time, Cang Tian, ​​Qing Tian, ​​Wang Shu and all the Starry Sky Dynasty armies temporarily put aside their current affairs and looked at Huang Tian's corpse.

At this time, Huang Tian's corpse, which had already fallen and was completely a pool of blood and flesh, suddenly flashed with a mysterious light yellow starlight. The corpse, which had become a pool of blood and flesh, seemed to melt rapidly in the starlight and gradually dissipated.

"Third brother... Third brother..."

At this time, Cangtian and Qingtian, who had already understood some things, could not help but cry out again, tears falling like rain.

"Death, return to the origin, give back to the world, can also be regarded as a kind of destination for us innate gods and demons!" Wangshu looked at the changed body of Huang Tian, ​​was somewhat touched, and expressed some emotion.

When Wangshu expressed his emotion, Huang Tian's body had disappeared, and only two fist-sized mysterious gases emerged.

One of them was a mysterious pale yellow starlight condensed gas, with endless starlight and endless starry sky laws lingering inside, which was a manifestation of part of Huang Tian's innate god and demon origin after returning to the origin.

Then you can see that this group of origin suddenly rises in the starry sky, as if it has reached the highest point of the prehistoric starry sky.


With a loud bang, the source exploded and turned into countless extremely mysterious meteor showers, nourishing the starry sky. The starlight became several times denser, and it also promoted the development and stability of all aspects of the prehistoric starry sky.

Among them, the Sun Star where Yuan Lian was located was basically stable under this meteor shower, and no longer needed the suppression of the Chaos Bell.

The Chaos Bell was now considered to have completed its merits. It flew out from the place of suppression and fell into Yuan Lian's hands, emitting a series of cheering bell sounds, which made Yuan Lian very happy!

Yuan Lian really didn't know that killing Huang Tian would actually have such a strange change. This was something Yuan Lian had never thought of.

But now that Yuan Lian thought about it carefully, he felt that it was completely understandable.

The three ancient days are closely connected with the entire prehistoric starry sky. When Huang Tian died, his origin returned to the origin, returned to heaven and earth, and promoted and stabilized all aspects of the prehistoric starry sky. This is also a rule of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, and it is not too strange.

Therefore, Yuan Lian in the Sun Star only thought about it for a while, and then stopped thinking about it. Instead, he was in a good mood and put the Chaos Bell into his Yuanshen, and then continued to use the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler as an eye to observe some changes later.

At this time, the origin of Huang Tian returned to its origin and formed another small group of mysterious gas. It was an indescribable, extremely mysterious, very light and clear, like pure white and transparent, and like a gas with endless colors. It was the Kaitian Qingqi.

After the Kaitian Qingqi appeared, it floated in the starry sky, emitting bursts of mysterious and indescribable breath, as if interpreting the supreme creation of the mysterious truth of the world when it was first opened, the clear air of the sky rising endlessly, and transforming all kinds of things above the sky.

After the Kaitian Qingqi appeared, it stayed for a while, and then turned into a stream of light, flying directly into the star seal in Cang Tian's hand, and instantly combined with the origin of the star seal.

As a result, the star seal seemed to have undergone many changes, but no one knew what kind of changes it was.

Even Cang Tian, ​​the owner of the star seal, could not know.

Cangtian just felt that the power of the Star Seal should have increased a bit, and its influence on the prehistoric starry sky was also a bit greater.

At least Cangtian now had an intuition, that is, he alone, holding this Star Seal, even if it was unstable and very dangerous, he could enter the Sun Star without damage, which was difficult to do before, which shows how much the Star Seal has changed.

But this was meaningless to Cangtian, he just looked at the Star Seal in his hand and shed tears silently!

"Yuanlian! Yuanlian! You will not die well, my two brothers will fight you to death..."

"To death..."

"To death..."


Qingtian, who was also crying constantly, suppressed the grief in his heart, looked at the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, roared loudly, and vented his grief.

At this time, Yuanlian, because of Huang Tian's fall,

The Sun Star suddenly stabilized, resulting in the Chaos Bell being completely in hand, and there was no need to stay on the Sun Star for a long time.

So after hearing Qingtian's roar, Yuanlian frowned, and then his mind moved, and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler flashed with a golden light of merit. When the golden light of merit dissipated, Yuanlian had already arrived near the Taiyin Star.


As soon as Yuanlian arrived here, an infinitely terrifying aura emanated, like a surging sea wave, and a series of earth-shaking loud noises were emitted. Even the Taiyin True Water densely distributed in the entire Taiyin Star Domain was forced back to the deepest part of the Taiyin Star Domain by this terrifying aura. It was really terrifying!

Under this terrifying aura, the two brothers Cangtian and Qingtian had to forcibly operate their magic power and use treasures to resist.

But even so, the two had to retreat a long distance to relieve the terrifying pressure brought by the aura of Yuanlian.

At this time, the army of the Endless Starry Sky Dynasty saw that something was wrong and quickly rushed forward, surrounding Cangtian and Qingtian in the innermost layer to protect them.

Although the two brothers Cangtian and Qingtian were very unwilling to accept this and were still very sad and angry about Huangtian's death, they did not go forward to fight with Yuanlian, let alone speak.

They just looked at Yuanlian, who was emitting a terrifying aura and holding the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, in a daze, with obvious shock and even fear on their faces!

"Yuanlian Daoyou,"

Wangshu, who had transformed into the Taiyin Star, shook his body, returned to normal, and came near Yuanlian.

But Wangshu was obviously shocked by something terrible and couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

Finally, Wangshu forced himself to calm down, and then his beautiful eyes sparkled. He asked with some disbelief, stuttering: "Daoyou Yuanlian, you... you are now... now a Daluo Jinxian... a Daluo Jinxian mid-stage?"

"If Daoyou Wangshu is right, then I should be a Daluo Jinxian mid-stage now!" Yuanlian smiled faintly and said modestly.

"But how is this possible!"

Although he got the answer, Wangshu was still shocked and unbelievable!

"This is impossible! You broke through the Daluo Jinxian and reached the Daluo Jinxian early stage, although it was a little faster, but it was acceptable, but you broke through to the Daluo Jinxian mid-stage now, which is really extremely fast and far ahead. This... this is absolutely impossible!"

Listening to Qingtian who had returned to normal and roared doubtfully, Yuanlian did not change much, but said to Cangtian and Qingtian faintly: "If I tell you, if it is not..."

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