"You should not be creatures from the myriad races, or rather, you are not from the ferocious beasts either."

As Yang Mei said this, the monkey and the foal's expressions changed drastically, and their bodies could not help but tremble.

Seeing this, Yang Mei showed a smile on his face:"As expected, you have the blood of the ferocious beasts and the prehistoric myriad races in your body, and you are born from both races."

Hearing this, the monkey and the foal became silent. It was indeed as Yang Mei said, they not only contained the blood of the prehistoric myriad races, but also that of the ferocious beasts. They were considered a hybrid race, belonging to both the prehistoric myriad races and the ferocious beasts.

It was just that their kind of creatures were not recognized by the prehistoric myriad races and the ferocious beasts, and were regarded as inferior species, with no status at all on the prehistoric continent.

"Why?" The monkey buried his head, his voice was extremely low and hoarse.

The foal closed his eyes tightly, his body trembled slightly, as if thinking of some unbearable memory.

He and the monkey met when they were very young, and they had been through life and death together. They had also been oppressed by the prehistoric tribes and the fierce beasts, and suffered from the cold and warmth. They lived in fear every day...

And all this was attributed to their birth, which was the hybrid blood of the fierce beasts and the prehistoric tribes, and was not recognized by the two tribes.

There are many creatures like them on this prehistoric continent, and each of them is a pitiful person.


The monkey raised his head and looked at Yang Mei. His eyes had turned red and bloodshot, and he looked extremely ferocious. However, tears were rolling down his ferocious face. His clear eyes were filled with resentment and unwillingness.

"I was born like this, why should I be treated like this!"

"Is it my parents' fault? Yes! It is their fault! They shouldn't have given birth to me, letting me come to this cold and ruthless world and endure this endless torture!"

The monkey roared angrily, his teeth became extremely sharp, his hands covered with monkey hair clenched tightly, and he didn't even know that his sharp nails were digging into the flesh.

The foal also had a look of resentment, his nose exhaled heat waves, and his originally neat and tidy teeth became sharp, and his honest appearance became extremely ferocious.

When Yaya heard the monkey's words, her dislike for the two monkeys in her heart suddenly disappeared, and her face was full of sympathy.

Yang Mei's face was indifferent, and she took in all the changes in the two monkeys. She knew that this was the revival of the blood of the fierce beasts in their bodies.

"I can't accept it! Why do I have to endure this? Why do those gods and demons have to be high and mighty while I have to live like a dog?"

"I don't want to be looked down upon by them anymore. I want to be supreme, and I want all spirits to worship me!"

"Senior, please teach me, teach me how to become stronger!"


The monkey's head hit the ground heavily, and a pool of blood flowed out.

"Senior, please teach me your magic!"


The monkey kowtowed again, and his face was already stained red with blood.

The pony also kowtowed like the monkey. He didn't want to live the life of fleeing everywhere anymore.

He also wanted to be high and mighty!

He didn't want to be an ant anymore!

"Son……"Yaya gently pulled Yang Mei's hand, with a pleading look on her face. She was moved by the monkey's words.

Yang Mei's face remained calm, and he did not want to accept the monkey as his disciple because of the monkey's words.

For Yang Mei, who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, the monkey was just one of the living beings. Although the monkey in front of him lived a miserable life, he still had his own choice.

"But the fate of the monkey in the future was determined before he was born, and his whole life was designed by others."Yang Mei sighed in his heart.

Suddenly, Yang Mei's heart was shocked. When did he feel such compassion?

Bang bang bang - the monkey and the pony were still kowtowed continuously, their faces were bloody, but he did not stop, but kowtowed harder.

Perhaps for the two of them, this was the only choice to change their fate.

"Yaya, let's go." Yang Mei patted Yaya's head gently, then led Yaya away.

"senior……"When the monkey saw Yang Mei leaving, he couldn't help but yell, but Yang Mei didn't look back.

"Monkey, the senior is gone, what should we do?"The pony said palely.

The monkey pondered for a while, raised his hand and wiped the blood off his face.

"Xiao Hei, as long as we don't give up, Senior will definitely accept us as his disciples!"The monkey said with a firm face.

"Will they really accept us?" The pony looked disappointed.

""Yes! I will!"

The monkey pulled the pony up and looked at Yang Mei's back as she left.

""Xiao Hei, we have no other choice." The monkey said solemnly.

The pony nodded, and then followed Yang Mei's pace with the monkey.

Yang Mei felt the monkeys following closely behind her, and a complex look flashed in her eyes.

"My appearance seems to have changed their fate."

""Alas, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 100,000 years have passed.

In the northern part of the prehistoric world, on the outskirts of the extreme north, four figures walked in the river, surrounded by towering mountains, and in the distance there were endless snow-capped mountains. The sky was dark red, as if stained with blood, and even the air was mixed with evil spirits.

It can be said that if ordinary creatures stay in this environment for a long time, they will be assimilated into beasts without intelligence by the evil spirits in the air.

Yang Mei looked at the extreme north in front of him, and soon they would reach the beast royal city.

"Shen Ni, I am looking forward to meeting you."

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