Deep in the fog is a purple fog area. In addition to the extremely strong innate killing aura, there is also an indescribable aura.

"This is the Hongmeng Qi."

Yang Mei's eyes lit up. Hongmeng Qi, this is a rare commodity. Even in the Chaos Age, Hongmeng Qi is extremely rare.

Legend has it that there was a mysterious and unknown period before the Chaos Age, called the Hongmeng Period. According to the records of the Great Dao, there were no living creatures in the Hongmeng Period. There were only countless Hongmeng Qi and the supreme power of rules, and the Great Dao was conceived in the Hongmeng Period.

It can be said that Hongmeng is the beginning of all the ways and the birthplace of rules. It was not until Hongmeng was broken and chaos was born that the Hongmeng Period became the past.

The main reason why there is no record of the Hongmeng Period in later generations is that there were no living creatures in the Hongmeng Period, which was a barren and unknown period.

"Pangu opened the sky and actually attracted the Hongmeng Qi!"Yang Mei narrowed his eyes slightly, the Hongmeng Qi is not simple. In the past, when he was in the chaos, Yang Mei had obtained a Hongmeng Qi and knew that it contained a trace of rule power.

The power of rules is different from the power of laws. There is no comparison between the two. It can only be said that the functions of the two are different.

It is like the power of rules is the structure of a house, and the power of laws is the bricks that fill these structures. Although the functions are different, the results are the same. They are both necessary for proving the Tao!

Yang Mei took Yaya through the purple fog area and came to the deepest part of the entire ancient giant forest. There was purple fog everywhere, and it was hazy. Yang Mei had an illusion that he had come to the legendary Hongmeng world and could clearly feel the fluctuations of the rule power around him.

Yang Mei seemed to be very relaxed, but in fact, there were many dangers here. Even Hunyuan Jinxian would be killed by the surroundings if he was not careful. The innate killing aura was assimilated, but this was just a small matter for Yang Mei, who was born in the extremely dangerous Chaos Age. You have to know that the Chaos Age was a billion times more dangerous than here. Any chaotic gale could wipe out a saint.

Yaya held Yang Mei's arm tightly and tucked her head into Yang Mei's arms. From time to time, she looked around with her head raised, and her innocent face was full of curiosity.

She could see that it was extremely dangerous here, but with the young master by her side, she didn't need to worry about anything.

After walking for a long time, Yang Mei finally stopped. He stared at the front, where a purple light column stood. It was unknown how high the purple light column was. It seemed to penetrate the entire foggy area. The body was filled with an extremely rich Hongmeng aura and a terrifying innate killing aura. From a distance, it looked like a magic sword that could cut off everything in the world.

"This is the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler." Yang Mei looked at the purple beam of light in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

"It is indeed the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, which is known as the first attacking treasure. It is bred by the Hongmeng Qi, a part of the innate killing origin, and one tenth of the Xuanhuang Qi."

Yang Mei couldn't help but marvel. He could feel how powerful the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler was in front of him. It was almost as powerful as some of the Chaos Spirit Treasures in the Chaos Era. The main reason was the Hongmeng Qi. These Hongmeng Qi contained a trace of killing rules, which greatly enhanced the killing power of the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler.

"But, can Yaya withstand the killing of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler?"Yang Mei showed a trace of hesitation on his face. Although Yaya was born early, her cultivation was only that of a Golden Immortal. Her mind was pure and dust-free, so it was difficult for her to control the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

"I was overthinking it. With me by Yaya's side, Yaya would not have the chance to use the Hongmeng Ruler. Besides, I can seal most of the power of the Hongmeng Ruler first, so that Yaya will not be harmed."

Yang Mei thought of this, smiled slightly, looked down at Yaya who was staring at the Hongmeng Ruler with a dazed look, a hint of doting flashed in his eyes, he knew Yaya's fate, she would embark on the path of a Heavenly Saint, eventually create the human race, become a saint with merit, and become the only female saint throughout the ages.

But now that he has intervened, Yaya's fate will naturally be rewritten.

In this life, Yang Mei will never let her become a Heavenly Saint. He will give Yaya several choices, and everything is up to Yaya to decide. But no matter which choice she makes, Yaya will achieve extraordinary success. But all this is a matter for the future, and everything will have to wait until Yaya grows up completely.

Yang Mei gently put Yaya down, patted her head, and said with a smile:"Yaya, wait here for a while, I'll go get something for you."

Ya Ya nodded and stood still very obediently.

Yang Mei turned her head to look at the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, and came to the front of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler in an instant. Even with Yang Mei's current level of physical body, he felt a burst of pain, as if there were thousands of sharp swords shuttling around.

Yang Mei's face was solemn, and he pinched the ancient seal with both hands, and bursts of Tao sound came out of his mouth. The Tao sound manifested its substance and turned into countless Tao patterns, wrapping the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler layer by layer.


With a light shout, countless Dao patterns suddenly shrank and formed a chaotic colored divine chain.

Buzz buzz buzz - the self-consciousness of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler seemed to feel the crisis and began to struggle violently, causing the entire foggy area to boil. Not only that, the ancient giant forest outside also began to tremble.

At this moment, a number of sharp swords condensed by the innate killing energy appeared around Yang Mei's body. At this moment, even Yang Mei's face changed slightly.

"Young Master!" Yaya panicked when she saw this scene and couldn't help but step forward

"Yaya, don't move." Yang Mei immediately stopped Yaya from approaching, and then looked at the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler with cold eyes.

"A mere acquired treasure dares to disobey me. If it is so, I won't be polite!"


Yang Mei shouted, his momentum soared, his black hair fluttered wildly, and his whole body instantly became a million feet tall, like a giant god from the ancient times.

At the same time, the Chaos God Chain wrapped around the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler began to shrink, tightly wrapping around the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

Buzz buzz - the self-consciousness of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler seemed to be angry, and the countless killing swords around Yang Mei began to attack, but the attacks of these killing swords were just tickling for Yang Mei, and could not stop Yang Mei's determination to subdue the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

""Give it to me!"

Yang Mei grabbed the Hongmeng Ruler with both hands, looked up to the sky and shouted, an unparalleled momentum burst out, and in an instant, the whole body of the Hongmeng Ruler was trembling, as if it was afraid of Yang Mei.

It was unknown how long the two of them entangled, and finally Yang Mei used hundreds of restrictions to subdue the Hongmeng Ruler.

Yang Mei returned to his original state, looking at the Hongmeng Ruler in his hand, which was as big as a ring, and grinned, and came to Yaya who had already cried.

"Yaya, here, this is the gift from the master."

PS: I set a goal for myself today, six chapters! I hope you can support me, there are too few flowers and evaluation votes, please support me!

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