Chen Changsheng closed his eyes slightly. It was not difficult for him to pull the Taiyi Qi over and refine it.

Donghuang represents the ultimate power.

He Nanji also represents the ultimate power.

When helping Jingwei transform into a girl, he caught the feeling of the Shouxing, which represents the ultimate power, transforming into Nanjixing.

Now that he can use it on the top of the mountain, he is familiar with it.

The power is of the same nature, so he can naturally drag it directly to himself.

Of course.

This is just the first step.

The second step is to confront the remaining trace of Donghuang Taiyi's will in Taiyi Qi head-on like Zhuque.

Chen Changsheng was already prepared.

At the moment he closed his eyes, he also saw Donghuang Taiyi holding the Chaos Bell in his hand, surrounded by the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, wind and fire.

At the moment when his mind manifested, he surrounded all the starlight in the south, gathering the future image of the Nanji Changsheng Emperor he imagined.

He gathered his thoughts of immortality after countless calamities, intertwined the law and principles, and suppressed Donghuang in an instant.

Donghuang Taiyi's body had already fallen, and he himself had not achieved sainthood, so the strength of his thoughts was just that.

Zhuque was limited by his predecessor as the Phoenix Clan Leader, and could not suppress Donghuang Taiyi at all.

Chen Changsheng infinitely elevated himself, without any scruples, and naturally suppressed Donghuang Taiyi.

In the end, it was naturally Chen Changsheng who suppressed a little and easily refined the Taiyi Qi. However, the phantom of the Chaos Bell did not dissipate like Donghuang Taiyi in the end, but instead hung high in Chen Changsheng's soul, as if to help him suppress some of the scattered laws and principles.

As expected, Chen Changsheng did win the jackpot. The imprint of the Chaos Bell might allow him to get the Chaos Bell, the innate treasure, at some point.

Chen Changsheng tried to touch the mark of the Chaos Bell, but found that it was unmoved.

He had a feeling that if he wanted to find the Chaos Bell, his cultivation had to be improved to the level of Donghuang Taiyi in the Lich Tribulation.

Otherwise, even if he could find it, the Chaos Bell would probably not recognize it.

Chen Changsheng was very content.

The Chaos Bell had been with Donghuang Taiyi for countless years, and in the end it was even called Donghuang Bell instead of Chaos Bell. If it could be easily obtained, it would be too cheap.

Let it stay in the endless universe, and when his strength reaches it, he can naturally pursue this innate treasure.

Without caring about the innate treasure Chaos Bell, which he didn't know when he could get, Chen Changsheng slowly recovered from his meditation.

Bai Ze subconsciously looked into Chen Changsheng's eyes, and saw that there seemed to be a deep chaos behind the golden flame, which suddenly gave him an indescribable feeling.

Chen Changsheng also looked at Bai Ze.

He had gained many benefits from Bai Ze, so he had to be the Lord of the Six Paths.

Bai Ze looked at Chen Changsheng and said with a wry smile.

"You can do what I can't do. I am willing to follow your wishes and go to the Nine Netherworld, but I still want to know one question."

"Why is it me?"

Bai Ze was not surprised that Chen Changsheng could sense the energy of Taiyi. He was just curious why he became the candidate for Chen Changsheng's Lord of the Six Paths.

"Nothing, I just think you are suitable."

"Hou Tu Niangniang's body has been reincarnated, and the Nine Netherworld has been opened up. Bai Ze's magical power should have changed. Originally, you could know the things of the gods, but now you can also sense ghosts and gods."

Bai Ze's eyes changed.

This magical power of his is his innate magical power, and only he knows the effect. He didn't expect that it would be revealed by Chen Changsheng in front of him.

"I hope you can become the master of the Heavenly God in the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"You are actually an innate divine beast, and the most intelligent in the heaven. Entering the Nine Netherworld should help Lady Pingxin better."

Master of the Heavenly God.

Bai Ze finally knew what Chen Changsheng was going to ask him to do.

He is the divine beast with the highest innate wisdom. Even if he doesn't pay special attention, he can still learn about the situation in the Nine Netherworld from some clues.

Including the competition between the Styx and the Western Church in the Six Paths.

If he joins in and stands on the side of Hou Tu, it can indeed change the situation in the Nine Netherworld and help create some more favorable situations.

There are not many people who can serve as the master of the Heavenly God in the reincarnation at this time.

"Lady Hou Tu's incarnation in reincarnation will benefit the entire prehistoric world. I am willing to help her."

If it were any other existence.

Bai Ze might still hesitate.

But if it was Lady Hou Tu incarnated in reincarnation, Bai Ze would have no choice now.The restrictions of the Taiyi Qi that guards Donghuang Taiyi, but he is willing to go through this journey.

Seeing Bai Ze agree.

Chen Changsheng nodded slightly, no longer said anything, just put his hand on Bai Ze's shoulder, and then immediately activated the seal representing the Southern Ghost Emperor's position in his soul.

In the Nine Netherworld, Empress Pingxin felt something in her heart.

Just when Bai Ze hadn't reacted to what Chen Changsheng was doing, he suddenly sensed that there was a surge of earth energy.

In an instant.

A reincarnation channel opened under his feet.

Bai Ze realized it later.

It turned out that this was how he went to the Nine Netherworld.

Zhuque and Liuer Mihou stared at Bai Ze's sudden fall in amazement, which did not give Bai Ze any defense at all.

Chen Changsheng seemed to sense the breath standing next to Jiuquan through the reincarnation channel.

The empress didn't say much to him. I think she was quite satisfied with this Taoist master.



The eyes of the empress Pingxin flickered.

She didn't expect Chen Changsheng to be so dedicated to finding the Taoist master of the Six Paths for her.

Bai Ze, who was once one of the ten demon commanders, she already knew the other party's magical powers during the last catastrophe. Now that he has become Pingxin, she knows the changes in his magical powers.

She never expected Bai Ze, who was at the quasi-saint level, to enter the Nine Netherworld to help her.

But now Chen Changsheng has done it.

Bai Ze is indeed very suitable for the great power of the Taoist master of the Heavenly God.

"Bai Ze, the innate divine beast, greets the empress Pingxin!"

Bai Ze bowed his head slightly. He had entrusted the Taiyi Qi to Chen Changsheng, and he had also fulfilled the last duty of the demon clan.

Now that he had to help the empress Pingxin take charge of the overall situation, he would resume his identity as an innate divine beast.

Ping Xin nodded slightly: "Bai Ze, from now on you will be the leader of the Heavenly God Dao, responsible for suppressing the Heavenly God Dao and commanding the Heavenly God Magic!"

Empress Ping Xin's words came true, and Bai Ze immediately felt a unique mark on his body, which was the same as the aura of the former Heavenly Court Order.

He was very familiar with it!

Just as Chen Changsheng promised on the mountain, he really became the leader of the Heavenly God Dao.

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