Time goes by, a hundred years in the blink of an eye.

A hundred years later, the study of the slaughter saint of Pangu Hall has been on the right track, and it is expected that it will take more than a hundred thousand years to blossom and bear fruit.

However, Pangu Hall is the last power of Pangu, and the interior is another plane, another universe, and the environment has not been destroyed, which is better than living in the Flood Barren Continent.

Fang Hao returned to Redstone City again at this time.

At this moment, Hongshi City has been highly informatized, and in a hundred years, wireless communication has gradually emerged, gradually covering an area of five million kilometers.

At this time, Kamikaze Technology Group is advancing rapidly in the wireless field, and Brilliant Technology Group is an absolute hegemon in the field of chips and machinery.

As for the National Research Institute, it has made steady progress in the field of basic theory, especially in the field of materials research, because Fang Hao has laid a solid foundation, and various high-performance materials have sprung up.

The level of science and technology has developed to the space age, and it is entering the dawn of the space age, and communication technology has been thoroughly developed and matured.

Fang Hao is in the electromagnetic wave research institute of brilliant technology companies at this moment, starting to study 6G communication, and the technology is about to mature.

The development process of wireless communication technology is complex, divided into 6 generations.

The first generation is 1G communication technology, also known as cellular communication technology, this time is frequency exclusive communication, that is, in a certain location, only one person can use the frequency to call, and the others can only choose different frequencies.

Cellular communication technology is very simple, that is, a signal tower is placed at intervals, so that the user can communicate continuously over a long distance, and the device layout is like a beehive.

Moreover, users use telephone numbers for communication, different numbers can use the same frequency for communication, because the frequency is limited, so there is often a phenomenon of communication busyness in this era.

The second generation is 2G communication technology, divided into TDMA and CDMA two technologies, the two are essentially no different, both are to cut the signal, the user intercepts a piece of communication information exchange.

TDMA divides each channel into several time slices according to time, and each user only makes calls in a certain allocated time slice, which makes the channel capacity increase virtually, and a single frequency can carry out multi-user communication at the same time.

CDMA is to encode the communication content of all people, and users intercept their own part of the code when they are calling, so the communication of different users does not interfere with each other, and the channel is shared.

They all have the disadvantage that each user is downloading call information all the time, so the speed is very slow, after all, so many people download things together and share a frequency.

The third generation is 3G communication technology, the communication technology of this era is still CDMA technology, but the hardware equipment and program algorithms are constantly upgraded, users intelligently download their own call information, can reach 3.6M/s download speed.

The fourth generation is 4G communication technology, the communication technology of this era is essentially TDMA technology, but the degree of intelligence is higher, the frequency is higher, because the use of carrier aggregation technology, can aggregate 2-5 carriers together, users then use the chip to analyze the aggregate carrier, data communication capabilities have been improved several times, can reach 100M/s download speed.

The fifth generation is 5G communication technology, hardware performance has been breakthrough improved, the maximum download speed can reach 1.25GB/s, the software is more intelligent.






In the process, it can be seen that with the upgrading of communication technology, the frequency used in communication is getting higher and higher, and the frequency used by 2G, 3G, and 4G is electromagnetic waves, the size is 30~3000MHz, the 5G frequency is above 24GHz, and the 6G frequency is above 100GHz.

As for stronger communication technology, chips need to be completely upgraded and upgraded, and current silicon-based semiconductors are not enough to support such strong high-frequency communication.

From low frequency to high frequency, electromagnetic waves are divided into: radio waves (divided into long waves, medium waves, short waves), microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and γ rays, which constitute a complete electromagnetic spectrum.

1G to 5G also belongs to the radio wave classification, which essentially encodes electromagnetic waves.

There are several distinctive new technologies, the first is time division technology, that is, each second of electromagnetic waves is divided into countless time periods, and users need to use time to extract their own time period.

The second is coding technology, which turns electromagnetic waves into binary coding such as 1010, and can also mix several electromagnetic waves and then decode them on the mobile phone, which is the essence of 4G and 5G technology.

However, the communication above 6G is already microwave communication, which belongs to a higher level of communication technology, and the lowest download speed can reach 100GB/s.

Such a high communication frequency will cause a problem, only straight-line distance communication can be carried out, once there is an obstacle will be blocked, microwaves can not penetrate the obstacle, only the obstacle is heated.

Microwave oven heating food is designed with the characteristics of poor microwave penetration, microwave energy is all absorbed by food, so food can be heated within tens of seconds.

Although so, 6G communication technology is a chicken technology in the flooded land, but it is an important technology in the cosmic starry sky, which can carry out ultra-long-distance signal transmission, and the signal decay is very small.


Brilliant Technology Company Electromagnetic Wave Research Institute, micron wave technology research came to an end, Fang Hao and a large number of experts here, the final test of this technology.

“The speed transfer was perfect! Up to 148Gb/s. ”

“The waveform integrity test passed, and the test eye diagram was within the specified range.”

“The temperature of the communication chip is 105°C, and the temperature is somewhat abnormal and needs to be adjusted.”

“The noise test is perfect, almost unaffected by the external low-frequency electromagnetic waves!”


One data after another was collected, and finally a thick test data was assembled, which was used to study the data manual and then deliver the first-hand information to the test team.

The first stage of 6G technology has been researched, and the rest is the test stage.

The test stage studies the various characteristics of micro-wave communication, and then changes are made to the hardware research, and the chip design team slowly modifies the circuit parameters according to the requirements of the test team, and then performs chip tape-out.

The chip with the tape-out chip is again taken to the original theory team for preliminary testing, discussing various chip parameters, and if it is qualified, it is then taken to the test team, and the test team will conduct communication testing.

This cycle is repeated until the test team believes that the chip can be used and the bugs in the testing process are solved, which is the working mode of brilliant technology chip research.

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