Canal Road has become the center of the public opinion storm!

Lu Wendong’s sincere apology is like a knife, stabbing the excitement of Hong Kong people!

“Back then, Mr. Lee Hysan returned to Hong Kong from America and taught at Queen’s College before quitting teaching to do business.”

Since Lu Wendong had made his move, he must have made sufficient preparations.

He praised him profusely:”Mr. Lee Hysan is indeed a business genius. When the Party announced the ban on opium, Mr. Lee saw a business opportunity and quickly established Yuxing Company to buy opium and stock up.”

“Make a fortune!”

“Later, he crossed the sea to Haojiang to bid for the opium monopoly.

Lu Wendong was full of admiration:”A poor country boy became a wealthy man in Hong Kong and the king of Causeway Bay by selling opium!”

“What is this?”

“It is the spirit of Lion Rock!”

Everyone at the scene stared blankly at Lu Wendong who was giving a speech on the stage.

This handsome guy was really not afraid of death!

He actually dug up all the dirty past that the Li family wanted to bury!

You know,

Hong Kong Island had already announced the ban on opium with the Republic of China, which means that the originally legal business has become illegal!

But that Li Hi-shen rushed into the opium industry at this time and transported a large amount of opium to the mainland!

No matter how the Li family cleans up later or how they become celebrities, they can’t change the sins of their ancestors!

“Mr. Lu!”

Not all reporters are fame-seeking people, some are of integrity.

Someone shouted,”Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Lu Wendong said,”Of course I am afraid of death! But I am more afraid of the injustice of this society!”

“I, Lu Wendong, consider myself a somewhat famous person.”

“It also produced a film that was quite good in the market.”


“It’s because I, Lu Wendong, refused to drink with Li Chengwu from the Li family.”

Lu Wendong said sternly:”Now, my second film contract has been cancelled and Golden Leopard Restaurant has been closed down!”

“I, Lu Wendong, dare to speak out.”

He looked at the reporters in the audience and said,”Do you dare to report it?”

“Do you dare to report for the justice of the news?”

The audience was silent, their cheeks even flushed a little.

They knew very well that after submitting the report, a considerable part of it would not be published.

“I dare!”

The man who shouted to Lu Wendong said:”The public has the right to know the truth!”

“If a surname can cover up the truth of the world, then where is the media freedom in Hong Kong?”

“”Beep, beep, beep!”

A police van came in hastily, and five policemen rushed out of it.

The leading police chief blew the whistle and shouted,”You are gathering without a permit. Disperse, everyone disperse.”

They rushed straight towards Lu Wendong.

“Big Brother!”

Gao Jin immediately stepped out, ready to protect Lu Wendong.


Lu Wendong whispered:”Get ready, cover me”

“We are going to make a shocking news!”

He whispered a few words,

Gao Jin gritted his teeth and said:”Understood.”

Reporters shouted:”What illegal assembly?”

“Police Force Abets Crime”

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot.” The policeman who came saw that something was wrong and immediately called for support:”Canal Road needs support, needs support.”

At the same time, the sheriff who blew the whistle had approached Lu Wendong.

“No talking allowed


Gao Jin led five or six people to surround the police officer, and

Lu Wendong immediately stepped forward to hold the police chief’s right hand, then pulled out the baton from his waist, and then hit his head!


Lu Wendong didn’t feel anything at all, he immediately reacted, damn, he has a golden bell cover!

“What are you doing? What are you doing?”

Seeing that there was no baton, Lu Wendong immediately grabbed the sheriff’s right hand, pulled out the emergency knife from his belt and hit himself on the head.

This time he used a little more force and finally cut his scalp, bleeding profusely!

“”Big brother!”

Gao Jin and others dispersed at once, and the reporters turned around and saw that

Lu Wendong’s head was bleeding!

The reporters took pictures and shouted in grief and anger:”Heaven is unfair, the police force is accomplices to the evil!”

“It’s not me, it’s not me.”

The sheriff stood there with a pale face, trembling all over:”You, you framed me.”

Lu Wendong was looking at the sheriff coldly, he didn’t wipe his face, just walked back to the podium:”Everyone, I think I can’t continue speaking”

“The ones coming now are just the police, the ones waiting to come may be the bomb squad”

“Who knows, there might be some lackeys from the Li family coming to deal with me.”

“I will just say one last thing: I, Lu Wendong, will never commit suicide! Please bear witness to this!”

“Mr. Lu!”

The reporters’ eyes were red.

They saw with their own eyes that the police turned black into white and used violence against Lu Wendong!

Even if everyone was illegally gathering, at most they would be expelled!

As a result, the police acted so recklessly!

What does this show?

There is a black hand behind the scenes directing the police!

Is this still the Hong Kong Island in everyone’s eyes?

In the crowd,

Le Huizhen was in a daze.

She never thought that things would become so dire in an instant, and she admired Lu Wendong’s courage and determination even more!

“Mr. Lu.”

Yue Huizhen suddenly shouted:”If the news report doesn’t get out, we will publish it internationally and march to the Governor’s House.”

“There is press freedom in Hong Kong!”

“That’s right!”

A group of reporters shouted:”Lawlessness, it’s really lawlessness!”

The few policemen who came over no longer had their arrogance, but just looked at each other, and their expressions were quite ugly.

At this moment,

Lu Wendong’s body swayed and he fell backwards.

Fortunately, Gao Jin was beside him and caught him with just one hand.

Lu Wendong said in a thin mosquito-like voice:”They said I was bleeding too much and went to the hospital.”

“Let Le Huizhen do my private interview.”

Everyone shouted and came forward:”How is it? What happened?”

“The police beat someone to death”

“No, no!”

The sheriff collapsed and shouted:”Don’t wrongly accuse me.”

At this time,

Gao Jincai said with a sad face:”Brother is bleeding too much, I want to take him to the hospital.”

As he said that, he bent down and carried Lu Wendong on his back.

“Miss Le, thank you for coming with me.”

Le Huizhen said”oh” and followed behind.

A group of reporters quickly made way and waited for Gao Jin to take Lu Wendong to the car, and then hurried back to the newspaper!

They dared to swear that today was the most exciting day since they became reporters!

This news was too explosive!

Lu Wendong was sent to the nearest Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital for treatment, and the news about him covered the entire Hong Kong Island in an instant.


“Little punk.”

Li Chengwu, who had just watched a play with his grandmother, was already preparing to study Happy Tonight.

He found that Hong Kong Island was more fun!

As long as you mention the name of the Li family, you will be successful in everything!

Tap, tap, tap, the assistant ran in:”Master?”

Li Chengwu said nonchalantly:”How is the little mouse?”

The assistant said weakly:”Master, I’m afraid something is wrong.”

Li Chengwu was stunned:”Not done yet?”

He shook his head:”How do you do things?”

“I greeted so many people.”

Li Chengwu counted on his fingers:”Hung Hing, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Fire Department, Industry and Commerce Department, Police Force…”

“That’s it, and you still can’t handle it?”


The assistant whispered,”Master, all the places under Lu Wendong’s name have been closed.”

Li Chengwu clapped his hands and said,”It’s easy.”


The assistant said weakly again:”Master, why don’t you watch TV first?”

Li Chengwu frowned:”What happened? Turn it on.”

The assistant quickly took the remote control, and he turned on the TV while saying:”One hour ago, the Golden Leopard Seafood Buffet under Lu Wendong’s name distributed ingredients to the general public for free.”

Li Chengwu disdainfully:”Playing tricks with me? He doesn’t know what kind of person he offended!”

Since returning to Hong Kong,

Li Chengwu found that the word”Li” is very popular in Hong Kong Island.

No matter where he goes, he is a guest of honor!

And picking up girls is even more successful!

As long as they know that their surname is Li, no matter who it is, (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) will throw themselves into his arms!

However, there are two women who rejected him, and the reason they rejected him is nothing more than because Lu Wendong is present!

With Li Chengwu’s pride, how could he allow anyone to reject him?

The TV was turned on, and the news was being interrupted.

The assistant didn’t dare to look at Li Chengwu at all:”Later, Lu Wendong held a media conference.”

Li Chengwu disdainfully:”Just him?”

“Hong Kong News: Lu Wendong, the film producer who once created a box office storm, revealed that he was suppressed by the Li family in Causeway Bay”

“According to Lu Wendong, the Li family instructed the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Industry and Commerce Department, the Fire Department, the Police Force and other related agencies to forcibly shut down the Golden Leopard Seafood Buffet under his name.”

“He also ordered Diamond Hill Studios to breach the contract and not allow Lu Wendong to shoot his second film.”

“Our reporter has already arrived at the Diamond Hill Studios, and we can see that the set for the filming of the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty is already being packed up.”

“Let’s ask about the situation on the scene”

“OK, everyone, I am Liang Jingren, a reporter on the scene. Please follow my camera and take a look. This is indeed the place where the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty were filmed.”

“Hello, sir.”

Liang Jingren saw Fatty Wang directing the packing and guessed that he should be the person in charge, so he stepped forward and asked,”Have you finished taking the photos?”[]

“Are you kidding me?”

Fatty Wang, who had been warned in advance, shouted,”We were originally scheduled to shoot for a month, and we’re only halfway through, how can we get it right?”

“So what are you guys packing for? Are you going to shoot on location?”

Fatty Wang shouted,”We are shooting a period film, most of the scenes are shot in the studio, there are not many outdoor scenes.”

“What are you doing?”

Fatty Wang shook his head:”I don’t know either. Anyway, the owner of the Diamond Hill Studio suddenly wanted to drive us away.”

“He didn’t give any reason and insisted that we leave immediately.

He muttered,”It must be the boss who offended someone.””


Fatty Wang followed up with a curse:”The Diamond Hill Studios don’t follow the rules and don’t give us any time.”

Liang Jingren quickly took back the microphone:”As you can see, this gentleman is quite emotional.”

“As of now, the set of the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty has been cleared out by Diamond Hill Studios for unknown reasons.”

“Okay, thank you Liang Jingren, the reporter on the scene.”Now please let us see another picture.”

The picture flickered a little, but the background was still clear.

It was in front of the Golden Leopard Seafood Buffet.

Lu Wendong, with a bloody head, was standing in front of the camera and talking.

Next to him was a bewildered police chief.

“According to a reporter’s report, after the Golden Leopard Seafood Buffet was ordered to close, Mr. Lu Wendong distributed free food to passers-by.”

“Afterwards, it attracted many reporters to watch”

“In the report, Mr. Lu Wendong expressed his admiration for Mr. Lee Hysan and reviewed the origins of Mr. Lee Hysan’s fortune.”

“~ Afterwards, the police came to stop”

“During the dispute, the police chief allegedly cut Mr. Lu Wendong’s head, causing him to be seriously injured and rushed to the hospital.”

“This series of events really makes us citizens deeply worried…”


An ashtray came and knocked over the TV

“Bastard, bastard!”

Li Chengwu was shaking with anger:”Okay, this bastard dares to resist?”

He was almost furious!

“Are these guys’ brains full of shit?”

“It’s just one thing, and you can’t even do it? And you’re letting people take advantage of it?”

Li Chengwu turned around, grabbed his assistant by the collar and yelled,”Useless guy, who are you looking for?”

“What’s wrong with this TV station? How dare they make up such lies?”

The assistant said tremblingly,”Young Master, this is ATV.”

The Li family is a major shareholder of TVB!

And ATV is TVB’s mortal enemy!

In order to grab the ratings, the two sides once fought each other to the point of bloodshed.

Of course, generally speaking,

ATV will not report on the Li family’s affairs.

Lu Wendong could not withstand the big storm, so ATV must go down, and it will absolutely remain fair and just!

Li Chengwu’s body stiffened,


He felt something was wrong, so he pushed his assistant heavily:”Contact Jiang Tiansheng immediately and tell this little mouse to shut up.”


Li Chengwu said viciously:”If anything happens, you must carry it on your back.”

Tap, tap, someone knocked on the door outside:”Young Master, the master asks you to come in.”

Li Chengwu’s body suddenly stiffened:”Okay.”

He looked at the assistant:”Do you understand?”

The assistant nodded tremblingly:”Young Master, everything is my idea.”

Li Chengwu took a breath and then walked out quickly.

It turned out that the butler was standing outside.

“Young Master.”

The housekeeper leaned forward and said,”The master is in the Buddhist temple.”

Li Chengwu’s face changed.

Buddhist temple?

Does that mean that my father knows about this?

He immediately asked,”Has grandma been there?”

The housekeeper shook his head and said,”I don’t know. The master just wants the young master to rush over as soon as possible.”

Li Chengwu said with a stern face,”Go and tell grandma that I’m going to the Buddhist temple!”

Since Li Xishen was shot in the head by someone, the Li family built a Buddhist temple and burned incense in the morning and evening.

Only the most important things are handled here.

The housekeeper hesitated and nodded, and Li Chengwu rushed to the Buddhist temple.

In the Buddhist temple, green smoke was curling, and a man in his fifties was burning incense.

He was the current head of the Li family and Li Chengwu’s father, Li Zigang!


Li Zigang was looking at the tablet, which contained all the ancestors of the Li family.

“Back then, my great-grandfather traveled thousands of miles across the ocean to work as a miner in America. After working hard, he finally built up a family business and later brought your grandfather back to Hong Kong to make a living.”

“Later, my grandfather entered the foreign medicine business and finally earned the first pot of gold for the Li family.”

Foreign medicine is opium.

In the past, foreigners such as Jardine imported opium into Guangdong and Guangxi and other places, using the name that opium can cure diseases.

When big opium merchants like the Li family were talking to the outside world, they never said that they were in the opium business, but only that they were foreign medicine merchants.

“Because of this, your grandfather was shot in the head in the street.”

Li Chengwu’s heart trembled.

In fact, he knew all these things.

However, after hearing what his father said today, he was afraid that something bad might happen.

“Later, your grandfather made a rule that our Li family would never touch foreign drugs, and no one in the Li family would ever set foot in Haojiang.”

The reason why Li Xishen died was because he competed with Luo Bao’s men in Haojiang for the opium license and spread rumors about Luo Bao, which angered Luo Bao!

Li Chengwu felt that something was wrong, so he knelt down on the ground with a thud:”Dad.”

Li Zi just turned around, his face was ashen:”Ni Ziyu!”

“Li Jia has forgotten the past, and made everyone forget the past”

“Today, because of you!”

“Everyone in Hong Kong knows that my Li family comes from a family of foreign medicine!”

Li walked to the altar and picked up a ruler on it:”Today, I will beat you to death, you evil beast!”


Li Chengwu said anxiously:”It’s not me, it’s not my idea, it’s the people below who messed around.”

“How dare you quibble?”


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