Lu Wendong came to Hong Kong to enjoy life, to fight and kill?

That is a non-essential option!

What is the benefit of getting rid of Babi?

Lu Wendong was dismissive of this.

Shan Ji and others were overjoyed:”Brother B”


Boss B groaned:”Are you sure?”

“That’s right”

“Brother B, I came here today to talk to you about something that happened this afternoon.”

Big Brother B immediately said,”Let’s talk in my office.”

“Haonan, the matter of Babi is now handed over to you. You must not only do it beautifully, but also be majestic.”

After saying that, he quickly took Lu Wendong to the manager’s office of the bar.

Originally, Chen Haonan, Shan Ji and others were quite happy.

They thought that Lu Wendong retreated in the face of difficulties and would definitely leave a negative impression on Brother B.

By then, when they get rid of Babi,

Brother B will definitely have a different impression of everyone.

With one rising and the other falling, how can Lu Wendong compare with Brother Nan?

Who knew that Lu Wendong would suddenly do this, and from the looks of it, in Brother B’s heart, the importance of what Lu Wendong said was far greater than the matter of getting rid of Babi.

This made Chen Haonan and others feel depressed. Why is there Liang when there is Yu?

Why is Lu Wendong so popular with Brother B?

“Brother Nan, what are they talking about?”

Chen Haonan shook his head, and then he cheered up:”This is the work assigned by Grandpa, we must do it well.”

Shan Ji and others nodded:”We must not be inferior to Lu Wendong”




In the office,

Lu Wendong explained:”Brother B, the flow of funds in the game hall is limited. If it exceeds a certain level, it will arouse suspicion.”

“And it is easy to be reported by peers, so it will not be worth the loss.”

“Movies are different, there are many tricks.”

Lu Wendong is a professional actuary and accountant.

In his previous life, he was best at helping Party A to do superficial work, making losses or profits as he wished.

Because of this,

Lu Wendong was exposed to a lot of industry insider information, such as making movies.

Big Brother B was a little confused.

Making movies?

He knew that Liang Kun had set up a Qiankun International Film Production Company, which specialized in making third-level movies, and it was said to be okay.

But it was not to the point of being envied by everyone.

Up to now,

Liang Kun’s main business is still selling drugs.

Big Brother B speculated that if Liang Kun really made so much money from making movies, why would he need to sell drugs?


Big Brother B asked in a deep voice:”Is it a bit sudden? Will you?”

Lu Wendong smiled and said:”Brother B, the film and television industry in Hong Kong is so developed, there are directors, producers, and actors everywhere, professional matters should be left to professionals.”

“Wendong, let me think about it.”

Lu Wendong knew the quality of Big Brother B.

He could not read or write, but he was good at beating people. No matter how he explained to him about such a professional thing as making a movie, it would not make sense. So he went straight to the point:”Brother B, how much money do you have that needs to be laundered?” Big Brother B hesitated and said,”About three million.


Lu Wendong asked again:”What about the deadline?”

“Of course, the sooner the better. Who doesn’t want to get the money in the pocket as soon as possible?”

Big Brother B was also very honest:”But the commission outside is very high, often more than 20 points, I really can’t bear it.”

He was a poor man who had suddenly become rich, and he really couldn’t bear to give people such commissions.

Lu Wendong nodded:”Brother B, the cost of 10 points, guaranteed to be clean within 2 months.”

Big Brother B was shocked:”10 points?”

This commission is ridiculously cheap.

In fact, how could Big Brother B know?

These 10 points are the money that Lu Wendong wants to make himself, otherwise, according to his means, the cost can be completely wiped out.

Plundering the passing geese is the supreme law of the financial world!

Even if he travels through time,

Lu Wendong will not violate his own ethics!


Lu Wendong followed up,”Besides, you don’t need to give me the money directly.”

Big Brother B was even more confused.

He didn’t need to pay for money laundering?

In fact, money laundering is very simple.

It is to make the money that cannot be seen in the light visible after operation, that is, legal income.

At present, this is the positioning of the foreigners on Hong Kong Island.

Therefore, the foreigners give Hong Kong Island full financial freedom and a relaxed legal environment, which attracts funds from the Asia-Pacific region to Hong Kong Island.

Lu Wendong knows this very well.

He knows that the best way to launder money in Hong Kong Island is actually the stock market.

The problem is that he doesn’t have a shell company in his hands, so he can’t be a banker for the time being.

Therefore, he can only use the movie to make money.


Big B found it unbelievable

“That’s right!”

Big Boss B didn’t even think about it, and smiled:”Wendong, you are in charge.”

He patted his chest and said:”As long as it is something I can do, just tell me.”

Of course, there is no such cheap thing in the world,

Lu Wendong said so, and

Big Boss B nodded repeatedly:”No problem, absolutely no problem.”

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