Two days later, Lamma Island.

Lamma Island is the third largest island in Hong Kong, second only to Lantau Island and Hong Kong Island.

There are people living on Lamma Island, most of whom live in the north of Yung Shue Wan, which is relatively flat and can be used as arable land. However, some people live in Sok Kwu Wan in the south.

Although the area is large, Lamma Island has only one mode of transportation, ferry, so in the economically developed Hong Kong, more and more young people have begun to move away from Lamma Island.

As a result, the main labor force of Lamma Island is now some elderly people and children.

Today, the usually peaceful Lamma Island is indeed very lively. On the pier, a shed has been set up for the gentry to cool off.

On the sea, ten dragon boats are neatly placed, waiting for an order to set off quickly.

"Hello, hello, have you received a signal? If you have received a signal, please answer me." Liang Xiaotang was testing the headset in front of the Lamma Island pier.

The signal here is not very good, and there is a rustling sound coming from the headset.

"Boss, wait a minute. Wayne and I are switching."

In a van, Zhuo Kai and Zhong Wayne were debugging monitoring equipment and communication equipment. Zhuo Kai was still injured, so Liang Xiaotang arranged for him to work with Zhong Wayne to do logistics communication intelligence.

Now the SIG people have been divided into five groups, and they are protecting their respective targets.

Zhou Xingxing and Ling Jing were arranged by Liang Xiaotang to observe the water surface at a commanding height. Zhou Xingxing was at a commanding height 400 meters away from the water surface.

The wind speed on the sea was very high, and 400 meters was already his limit, while Ling Jing was at 500 meters. His highest record was hitting the target at 500 meters at full wind speed.

Liang Xiaotang knew that Xiaozhuang would kill Wang Dongyuan with a sniper rifle from the sea. Although Liang Xiaotang didn't like Wang Dongyuan, he wanted to die in his own hands.

"Everyone listen, identify your respective targets. The dragon boat race will start in an hour, and you must be alert at that time." Liang Xiaotang ordered in the headset.


On the high platform, Jiang Tiansheng was introducing local gentry to him with Zhuang Youzheng.

After the incident with Sang Biao, Jiang Tiansheng had already begun to intentionally cultivate Zhuang Youzheng. The reason why he did not bring Chen Yao was to make Liang Kun think that he and Chen Yao had fallen out.

"Ah Zheng, you must not underestimate these gentry. These people have more or less deep networks of relationships in their respective territories. Sometimes one word they say is more useful than ten words from the police."

"I am not optimistic about the fighting and killing that we have been doing in Hongxing, grabbing territory, and fighting for territory. What we need is to gradually turn it into a regular position. You are a talent, educated, and capable. I am optimistic about you. Don't let me down."

Jiang Tiansheng also heard about Zhuang Youzheng's affairs. Recently, he has been quietly attracting the subordinates of Big Boss B. He has seen all of this.

He admired this very much, because Zhuang Youzheng knew how to use the enemy's weaknesses to attack, instead of being like others, brainless and only knowing how to fight and kill.

Although Big Brother B is loyal, he has no ability and still retains old ideas. Even if there are 100 of such people, they can't beat Zhuang Youzheng alone.

So he saw Zhuang Youzheng's undermining Big Brother B but didn't stop him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I won't let you down, but Mr. Jiang, you came to participate in this dragon boat race today, aren't you afraid that Liang Kun will deal with you? After all, recently..." Zhuang Youzheng raised his eyebrows and said.

"Don't worry, Liang Kun is a smart guy, he won't kill me at this most important moment. In this way, those who supported him before will also turn to me, after all, killing fellow disciples is not a good reputation." Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand and smiled.

"I see, but Mr. Jiang, Liang Kun has been trying to win over other hall masters recently, uncle, I'm worried that he will really take over in a few days, and then he will definitely deal with you." Zhuang Youzheng pretended to be worried about Jiang Tiansheng.

"Ah Zheng, have you ever heard that a bad apple spoils the whole barrel? That's the case with our Hongxing now. There are too many people, and they are mixed. Moreover, many of these people have been with my father since his time."

"You can swallow one or two bad apples, but once there are more people, you have to find a way to eliminate them and then add some rice that belongs to you. Do you understand?" Jiang Tiansheng said.

"I see. By the way, that's not Wang Dongyuan. It turns out that he is also a gentry." Zhuang Youzheng was also surprised when he saw Wang Dongyuan.

"He was a gentry a long time ago, but he made a lot of money when the New Territories wanted to build a small house. That's why the Wang Group still exists today. But he is old, and many people outside want to deal with him, and even people inside want to get rid of him. He is stubborn and has blocked the way to wealth for many people.. "Jiang Tiansheng said disdainfully. He was naturally aware of Wang Dongyuan's affairs.

The two chatted, and Liang Xiaotang was also observing them with a telescope on the dock.

Jiang Tiansheng would bring Zhuang Youzheng here today. Zhuang Youzheng had already told him about this last night. Coincidentally, someone would come to attack Jiang Tiansheng today, which would allow Zhuang Youzheng to further gain Jiang Tiansheng's trust.

The camera moved down and came to the dragon boat group.

Liang Xiaotang's mouth curled up a smile. He didn't expect that the one who came to kill Jiang Tiansheng was Dongxing, Crow. Although this guy tied his long hair into the throw and put on a dragon boat suit, Liang Xiaotang still recognized him.

After all, Crow was a villain that impressed him very much, but the strange thing was that he couldn't figure out why Crow thought of coming to kill Jiang Tiansheng today.

"Ma Jun, Xichen, pay attention to the dragon boat team, a man who is 1.85 meters tall, wearing a headscarf and looking arrogant. "

"And his team should also pay attention to money. Their target should be Jiang Tiansheng. Later, Ma Jun, you two should pay attention to protecting Jiang Tiansheng, but let him go, understand?"

Liang Xiaotang ordered that the crow must have some reason to come to kill Jiang Tiansheng. He wanted to use the crow to lure out the big fish behind him.

For the people present, Liang Xiaotang only needed to ensure that the councilors and Jiang Tiansheng would not get into trouble. As for the other gentry, he didn't care if a few of them died. All of these people's history of making a fortune was not clean.

As long as the councilors did not get into trouble, the higher-ups would at most criticize him, and no one would care about the death of these gentry. If they were not councilors, why would the higher-ups send Liang Xiaotang here?


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