The more Zhou Wenjun spoke, the more he smiled, lowered his head and stared at the incredulous expression of the big head, aggravated his tone and continued,

"You say"

"Should I sympathize with you or mock you?"

"Years of loyalty, the result is not even worth ten million!"

Zhou Wenjun deliberately paused when he said this, giving the big head time to be confused,

Light a cigarette, and then slowly say,

"The most infuriating thing is Chen Haonan, how long have they been with Big Guy B, he would rather spend 20 million to save Popskin and Pheasant than save you"

"That's too pitiful!"

Zhou Wenjun looked pitiful and big~, and continued,

"I'm all for you - it doesn't feel worth it!"

Big head: ""

Looking around, looking at the car that Big Guy B left, there was a look of collapse in his eyes,

Although he knew that Zhou Wenjun was deliberately mocking him, the truth had not changed!

Big guy B just didn't save him!

Instant in!

The expression of the big head showed a strong touch of despair and anger

Red eyes!

The bruises on the forehead are directly highlighted!

Normal people, who can accept that they are abandoned?

Or was it abandoned by his eldest brother who has been willing to work hard for many years?

Big heads are no exception!

Right now!

The big head is angry in his heart!


Desperate again

Immediately, the big head closed his eyes sharply, gritted his teeth and said to Zhou Wenjun,

"Less nonsense!"

"Kill me!"

When Zhou Wenjun heard this, he couldn't help but laugh,


I have to say that he is very satisfied with the reaction of the big head!

He said so much, isn't it so that the big head has this reaction?

If you want to ask Zhou Wenjun why he did this, there is naturally a reason!

Although the big guy B abandoned the big head, but Zhou Wenjun felt that the big head still had something to use,

Immediately, Zhou Wenjun showed a strange smile and asked rhetorically,

"Why should I kill you?"

Big head: "??? "

Suddenly confused!

Showing puzzled and surprised eyes, he couldn't help but ask,

"How? If you don't kill me, are you still going to let me go back?" "

It is not difficult to hear from the words of the big head, at this moment his heart is full of resentment,

Resentment because Big Guy B abandoned him!

Stimulated by Zhou Wenjun's words, this resentment has been amplified countless times, and the big head at this time already feels that he has no hope of living, so he will break the jar and break,

Directly open your mouth to ask for death!

No one knows how much resentment and anger there is now in the heart of the big head!

Zhou Wenjun became more and more satisfied with the expression of the big head,

In fact, I still appreciate the big head Zhou Wenjun,

The big head has always been silent, but there is no doubt about his loyalty to Big Guy B, and he is his right-hand man,

At the same time, he has fewer eyes and does not like to fight, and he is also a rare honest person among the confused boys!

This is also the case in the plot of the movie "Confused Boy", after topping the pot for Big Guy B, he came out of prison and found that Chen Haonan had become Big Guy B's henchman,

The big head who thought that he could be reused was suddenly discouraged, and since then he has been running a newspaper point incognito, but unfortunately he was dragged down to death by Chen Haonan in the end,

In Zhou Wenjun's view, the big head has the potential to be a qualified knifeman,

But this person is stupid and not very enlightened!

It just so happened that Big Guy B gave up on him again at this time, didn't this just give Zhou Wenjun a chance!

So Zhou Wenjun filled the mockery, and the mentality of the big head exploded directly!

At this time, the big head glared at Zhou Wenjun with resentment and asked,

"What do you want to do if you don't kill me?"

"Hahaha!" Zhou Wenjun couldn't help but say,

"Finally have some brains, no stupid death!"

However, Zhou Wenjun did not answer the big head's question head-on, and then got up and looked around, and said lightly,

"Ciyun Mountain is still like this, the wind is so strong!"

"Forget it, then go back and say it!"

Zhou Wenjun deliberately sold a pass without directly explaining to the big head, and at the same time was giving him time to think,

Zhou Wenjun is well aware of the weakness of human nature, so don't look at the big head now because of grief and indignation dare to directly ask Zhou Wenjun for death,

But just wait for him to calm down,

There is no one who does not want to live!

That was the perfect opportunity for Zhou Wenjun to speak!

Zhou Wenjun's mastery of the rhythm of human nature is simply not too strong!

Immediately, Zhou Wenjun led everyone back, and the big head's face also showed hope for life, and his expression gradually struggled,


Just when Zhou Wenjun rushed back to his territory with a big head,

Here, Chen Haonan, the pheasant, and the popping skin were also completely loosened from the rope of comfort and freedom,

Take off the hood,

The three of them once again cautiously expressed their gratitude to Big Guy B, and said in unison,

"Thank you Brother B!"

Big Guy B smiled, waved his hand and said,

"Although there was a little accident this time, fortunately you are still young,"

"I hope you will be more cautious in your future work!"

"Otherwise, I can save you once, but I may not be able to save you a second time!"

"Yes!" Chen Haonan, Pheasant, and Popskin replied seriously,

Immediately following, the pheasant couldn't help but mutter,

"Thanks to Brother B this time, otherwise we would definitely not be able to walk out of Connaught Street!"

Poppy also said with a helpless face,

"I just don't understand, where did this Zhou Wenjun find so many fierce people, and his skills were so strong"

Even Big Guy B couldn't help nodding and sighing when he heard this,


"I really don't know what shit luck the bastard surnamed Zhou went"

However, just when Big Guy B was chatting with the pheasant and Poppy, Chen Haonan looked around and realized something,

Immediately couldn't help but interject, interrupted the conversation of several people, and asked aloud,

"Brother B, why didn't you see the big head?"

"What about the others?"

Big guy B:""

Hearing this, his expression suddenly froze!

Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Pop Skin suddenly had a bad premonition after seeing the expression of Big Guy B, and their expressions changed slightly,

"Alas!" Big Guy B sighed deeply and replied slowly,

"I didn't redeem the big head back!"

"What?!" Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Poppy looked shocked!

The big head is also the henchman of Big Guy B, and Chen Haonan didn't think in the direction of Big Guy B giving up the Big Head, so his face was full of incomprehension,

The pheasant and the popping skin couldn't help but ask one after another,

"How so?"

"Is it because the surname Zhou is unwilling to release people?"

Big Guy B shook his head helplessly, and under the gaze of Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Pop Skin, he spread out his hand and replied,

"I'm hard to do too!"

"It's not that I don't want to catch him, it's really that Zhou Wenjun's bastard is asking too hard!"

"I really can't do enough for 10 million per person!"

"Can't get so much money!"

Speaking of this, Big Guy B's face and mood became very bad, helplessly,

"This is still Mr. Jiang's 10 million, I can redeem the three of you,"

"So where is the big head"

Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Poppy suddenly fell silent when they heard this!

Especially Chen Haonan, thought that he was doing things under Big Guy B, and the big head started earlier than him, and he also learned a lot from the big head,

His relationship with Datou is still good, so when he heard the news at this time, his mood suddenly became very complicated!

And the pheasant and popping skin are even more confused,

I never expected that Big Guy B would spend so much money to get them!

For them now, this is simply an astronomical amount!

At the same time, the two of them were mixed with a trace of happiness in their hearts,

Glad that the big guy B fished them, as for the big head, it's hard to say anything!

For a while, the expressions of Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Poppy became very complicated, and they didn't know what to say!

Immediately, Big Guy B said with a bit of anger in his voice,

"So which of you must earn me some gas," (Read the Violent Novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This account, I must settle it with Zhou Wenjun!"

Chen Haonan, Mountain Chicken, and Poppy nodded silently.

The pheasant hurriedly said,

"Brother B rest assured, we will be"

But the pheasant is just halfway through speaking,


The voice disappeared, the pheasant's expression became distorted, and the facial features were twitching wildly,

Chen Haonan was the same, after seeing the reaction of the pheasant, he couldn't help but snort, and his neck began to twitch when he was crooked,

Not to be outdone, he showed the same state as Chen Haonan and the mountain chicken!

At first glance, the three of them seemed to have committed sheep madness at the same time

Big guy B was immediately stunned!

In the car, only Chen Haonan, the pheasant, and the popping skin made strange sounds.

This is Zhou Wenjun's gift to Big Guy B!

At this moment, Chen Haonan, pheasant, and popping skin are addicted at the same time!

0 ask for flowers

Big Guy B was just stunned for a moment, and then instantly reacted to what happened,

After so many years of mixing in Hong Kong, Big Guy B is naturally experienced, how can he not see what the situation is!

Addiction onset!

began to spit out white foam, and all five facial features began to separate

Big guy B can see at a glance from the state of the three with his own experience, and the three have been poured into a lot of measurement!

Immediately, Big Guy B realized that he was by Zhou Wenjun, and he was half angry!

Venus is the direct eye of the gas!

This Nima, it's only been a few days, Chen Haonan, pheasant, and popping skin have become this virtue?

It can be known that the amount that Zhou Wenjun poured into the three people is definitely not small,

Big guy B mentality fryer!

After all, he spent all his money, a full 30 million!

As a result, it turned out to be three addicts!

Who can stand this special code!

Immediately, Big Guy B couldn't help but scold,

"Zhou Wenjun, you are a pounce!"

"Bastard who gave birth to a son without X, I will lose your old mother (U)(*)

Big guy B feels like his lungs are going to explode!

Immediately let the little brother stop on the side, and then let the little brothers control Chen Haonan, the pheasant, and the three people,

This will definitely not work, it will bite off the tongue!

On the side of the road, Big Guy B looked at the three people who were struggling and twisting madly, his face was extremely dark, and he couldn't help but dial Zhou Wenjun's number,

On the other side, Zhou Wenjun had expected this to happen, and the call had been waiting for a long time!

The phone was answered in an instant.

Big guy B couldn't help but curse with his throat,

"Pounce on the street Zhou Wenjun! You bastard, what did you do to my people? "


Big Guy B's swearing had just begun, but he was directly interrupted by Zhou Wenjun after snorting coldly, and shouted violently,

"Shut up!"

Big guy B:""

A little stunned!

At this time, Zhou Wenjun directly opposed the guest and vented as much as he could,

"Lose your mother! This special code is my gift to you! "

"How, isn't it very satisfactory!"


"You don't talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes! You must not die well! Big Guy B couldn't help but roar angrily,

Zhou Wenjun retorted,

"Drafting the old mother, you are also kind enough to tell me the rules of the rivers and lakes,"

"The rules of the rivers and lakes can't bring disaster to the family!"

"Make it clear, it was your special code that broke the rules first,"

"Since you dare to break the rules and mess around, how can I not do too much, right?"

Big guy B:""

Immediately speechless by what Zhou Wenjun said!

Who let Zhou Wenjun have a reason, what he said is really right!

If it weren't for Zhou Wenjun who happened to be in the hospital to visit Wei Jixiang at that time, whether it was Ruby or sister-in-law Achan's accident, Zhou Wenjun would inevitably become passive.

Immediately after, Zhou Wenjun scolded unpleasantly,

"Dead on the street! You do the first year of junior high and I do the fifteenth, is there a problem? "

Big guy B's face is gloomy and ugly, reasoning his reason is untenable, scolding people can't scold Zhou Wenjun, Chen Haonan, pheasant, and popping skin The appearance of the three people at this time directly made his angry nosebleeds rush out,

Zhou Wenjun scolded for a while, and then said,


"Big guy B, you are really ignorant, do you know how much money there are on the market now?"

"That is, I am a person who is naturally generous, so I didn't ask you to collect money, otherwise the goods your little brother sucked will cost tens of thousands of yuan!"

"Not interesting yet"

Big guy B:""

The mentality exploded!

I've seen shameless, I've never seen Zhou Wenjun so shameless!

Isn't this Nima too much!

The people who blackmailed me 30 million actually called me shameless!

Zhou Wenjun was still chattering and scolding,

Big guy B finally couldn't listen to it, and roared through gritted teeth,

"Zhou Wenjun! It's not over! "

"I will definitely find you to settle this account!"


Angrily hung up the phone,

Big guy B mentality exploded,

Zhou Wenjun did breathe a long sigh of relief here, lit a cigarette with a smile, and couldn't help muttering,

"I knew that Big Guy B would be satisfied with this generous gift I sent!"

ps: First change, 4300 words... Dry....

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