Chapter 51

“Send someone to check for me, who the old man said is, what is his name, where he works, and what hobbies he has.”

After returning, Kim Moji gave his men a gloomy expression.

Cheng Leer was the woman he liked by Kim Moji, especially the Cheng Group, who was in his own pocket. How could he let others pry into the corner of his own.


At the same time, on the police side, Yazi also reported on the situation on the ship.

There was nothing else but praise and exclamation.

“By the way, where’s Su Yu kid?”

“Go home and rest…” Yazi just wanted to answer that he was too tired, but before she could say, the superior had already made up his mind automatically.

“It’s time to go home and take a good rest. Thanks to his presence this time, the Fugui incident, otherwise, it will be over.” The superior nodded with approval.

Uh, all right.

When Yazi heard this, she also knew that she was not suitable to find any excuses for Su Yu.

After reporting all the situation, Yazi will follow the aftermath to deal with the matter.

This time, many people died on the Fugui.


“Su sir”

Su Yu wanted to spend time with them at home, but suddenly received a call.

“A Xing? What’s the matter?” Su Yu heard A Xing’s call, Su Yu asked casually.

“Sir, everyone knows what happened to you this time, so my brothers all want to show you the wind, do you see?” A Xing asked tentatively.

Su Yu thought about it, then said, “Okay, where is it?”

“It’s right here on Queen’s Road. After dinner, my brothers still want to invite you to the bar to have fun.” When Ah Xing heard Su Yu’s promise, his tone was different, and he was much lighter.

“Okay, no problem, I’ll be there in an hour.” Su Yu agreed without refusing.

They also kindly wanted to give Su Yu the wind, how could Su Yu refuse.

If you refuse, it would be too unkind, and it is not conducive to harmony between superiors and subordinates.



After explaining to the family, Su Yu directly took a taxi to Queen’s Road.

When Su Yu arrived, Zhou Xingxing, Cao Dahua, Ma Jun, Huang Zhicheng (previously written as Huang Sheng, sorry, now I am back), curry, and chili were all waiting at the hotel entrance.

“Su sir”

“Su sir”

When Su Yu arrived, six people greeted him.

“Let’s go, don’t wait at the door, everyone go in.” Su Yu greeted.(Read more @

Blocking at the door also affects the business of other people’s hotels.

This time, it was originally the reception banquet prepared by the six of them for Su Yu, but it took a lot of money.

Originally, Su Yu was given a lot of credit. Now, with the addition of the Fugui Maru, everyone knows that Su Yu will become a high-level police force sooner or later.

Don’t flatter yourself at this time, when will you wait?

After eating, I didn’t rush to leave, and found a bar to sit down for a while.

The location of the bar is not far, just here in Causeway Bay.

“The bar now is really noisy and noisy.” After entering the bar, Su Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

In fact, Su Yu prefers to go to the kind of clear bar, listening to leisurely music, everyone has nothing to talk and chat, the environment is particularly elegant.

It’s a pity that there is no such bar in Xiangjiang in this era. If there are, the environment is not very elegant, more like a coffee shop.

“Sir doesn’t like this place?” Cao Dahua approached Su Yu and asked.

“It’s okay, you play with yours, I just don’t like the environment here, it’s too noisy.” Su Yu shook his head and didn’t care much.


Cao Dahua just wanted to speak.

Suddenly, at this moment, a deck not far from the neighboring deck yelled loudly.

“Come on, let’s congratulate Haonan.” Big boss B raised his glass and congratulated Chen Haonan loudly.

Just yesterday, Chen Haonan killed Pakistan and is now promoted directly to the eldest brother.

“Brother B, you can shame me, I am a little brother, how can you toast me, I will do it first.” Chen Haonan said respectfully to the boss B.

After drinking, he continued: “Thank you Brother B for this. If it weren’t for Brother B, I wouldn’t have my Chen Haonan today.”

After all, it was three more cups in a row.

“it is good.”

“Brother Nan, you are now the boss, and you’re awe-inspiring.” Pheasant joked to Chen Haonan from the side.

“Pheasant, if you want to, you also have a chance.” Big boss B said to the pheasant with a smile.

“Hey, thank you B for taking care of it.” Pheasant said with a grin.

It is impossible to say that the pheasant has no ambition.

The gangsters, who wants to be a short mule for a lifetime, who doesn’t want to be the big brother?

“Let me wish that Hong Xing is getting stronger and stronger, B brother is getting younger and younger, and Nan brother is getting bigger and bigger…” After drinking it, the pheasants, nest skin, foreskin and Da Tian Er were all overjoyed. Even Chen Haonan and Big Brother B are the same.

“Wan Chai has always been a big sun, I play sun

Hong Xing is in charge of the area

Bo Lou chicken sinuses and big stalls are all watching

Mopping the ground to the highest level

I am strong on my background

On splitting friends, I will not give up

Daoguangjianying let me break into the club to show my skills

Even if you die, you won’t…

“Keep it down, don’t sing it, it’s terrible.” Just when the pheasant and the others were singing the best, an impatient voice suddenly interrupted them.

“Who the hell are you? Dare to take care of our business?” The pheasant stood up and looked at the other side and roared.

As soon as the pheasant moved, the foreskin, Datianer, and Chaopi all stood up and surrounded each other.

“What are you doing? What do you want to do?” A trace of panic flashed in Cao Dahua’s eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and looked at the pheasant and others.

Of course Cao Dahua knew that they were all from Hong Xing. The reason why he appeared here was also because Su Sir said just now that it was too noisy to abandon this place.

Then a few of them started howling ghosts and wolves. Cao Dahua looked at it, wasn’t this when he was acting? So I came here.

It’s just that Cao Dahua didn’t expect that this group of people was so arrogant, they immediately surrounded themselves.

“What are you doing?” Foreskin gave Cao Dahua a sharp look, and shouted, “Brothers, fuck him.”

As soon as the voice fell, the four of Pheasant, Big Tianer, Foreskin, and Chaopi directly punched and kicked Cao Dahua.

Su Yu has been watching the situation here. He knew what Cao Dahua thought, and he didn’t care about it. Subordinates wanted to flatter their superiors. Isn’t it normal?

It’s just that things developed so fast that no one thought that the group would beat Cao Dahua at a disagreement.

In front of him, his subordinates were beaten by a bunch of short mules? This is undoubtedly hitting Su Yu in the face.

Su Yu stood up with an ugly face. .

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