Chapter 46

“Boos, it’s not good.”

Suddenly, a terrorist ran outside and looked at McDonald in horror.

“what happened?”

McDonald stood up abruptly and asked hurriedly.

“The brothers outside can’t stand it anymore.” The terrorist looked terrified.

Seeing this, it was obvious that he had been smashed.

“How could this happen?” McDonald lost his mind for a while, and then furious: “If you can’t stand it, you have to stand it. Go, tell my brothers, I have resisted it. After returning, there will be 10 million per person.”

At the critical moment, only a huge bounty can arouse the morale of these terrorists.

“Yes, boos.”

Sure enough, the morale of these terrorists skyrocketed as soon as they heard that there were 10 million people.

“Bald head, ready to leave with a confidant.”

When there were only two people left in the captain’s room, McDonald and the bald head, McDonald suddenly sighed faintly.

“What?” The bald head froze for a moment, then looked at McDonald’s questioningly: “Boss, didn’t you just say, let the brothers stand it?”

“Idiot, if I don’t say that, how do we get out of here?” McDonald glared at him fiercely, and then said: “Don’t talk nonsense, and leave here with your confidant.”

It was not McDonald’s counseling, but he knew that the other party was indeed not something he could resist.

Otherwise, whenever there is a chance, he will not let it go.

“Yes, boss.” The bald head responded and went to prepare,

This action, even if it fails, does not matter. Who has not failed in this life?

As long as life is still alive, there is still a chance.

It can be said that McDonald’s thinking is very transparent, and also very right.


Although there must be a brave man under the reward, it also depends on how big the gap is, but it took less than twenty minutes to kill all these terrorists by Su Yu.

Afterwards, he rushed directly to the captain’s room, but found that there was no one, especially McDonald, who had disappeared.

“What about people?”

Su Yu looked around and suddenly looked at the sea.

“So I wanted to escape.”

Su Yu’s gaze narrowed, and he could see that McDonald, with a bald-headed man, and five or six guys dressed as terrorists, was preparing to board a small boat and leave.

How could Su Yu let McDonald escape?

Standing in the captain’s room, holding the AK47 seized from the terrorists in his hand, he shot randomly at the glass of the cabin.

In an instant, the glass was broken.(Read more @

Afterwards, put the gun on the shelf, aim and shoot directly.

Bang bang bang

There were six gunshots in a row, and there were blessings aimed at the plug-in. All six people, including McDonald, were killed on the spot.

McDonald did not expect that he would die so suddenly.

If you had known this before, you might as well have a good fight with Su Yu, at least when you die, you can do it vigorously.

After dealing with these terrorists, Su Yu turned around and returned.

“Sir, are you okay?”

“Su Yu, how are you? Are you injured?”

When Su Yu came back, Yazi and Huixiang were surrounded by him, looking at him with concern.

“Don’t worry.” Su Yu soothed them, and then said: “All the terrorists have been resolved.”

As soon as Su Yu’s voice fell, the scene was quiet, and after a few seconds, cheers suddenly burst out.


“Finally killed these executioners.”

“Survived, I finally survived.”

“woo woo woo woo……”

The people present were all emotional and excited, some who looked up to the sky and laughed, some were excited and wept, and even some were howling and loudly crying.

One of these is the bigfoot.

No way, Bigfoot was too sad in his heart, sad and uncontrollable.

It was originally a wonderful cruise trip, but who knows, this happened.

The most important thing is that because of this trip, he is regarded as sending his most beloved woman to other men’s arms by himself.

As soon as Huixiang was so close to Su Yu, Bigfoot couldn’t control her tears.


“Which one of you can sail?”

After everyone calmed down, Su Yu suddenly asked.

At this moment, everyone calmed down and looked at each other, hoping that someone could stand up and say that they would sail.

But after waiting for a long time, no one came forward.

“It’s over, the terrorists are all killed, but no one can sail the boat. How can the boat go to Xiangjiang?” Su Yu said with some distress.

He doesn’t know how to sail, especially on such a big cruise ship, who knows what those buttons mean.

“No, don’t we want to wander at sea for the rest of our lives?”

“This is too memorable, what should I do?”

“Which one of you knows how to sail? If I knew that today, I would definitely learn how to sail.”

Seeing everyone watching each other one by one, no one would sail the boat, Su Yu had no choice but to say: “Don’t be nervous, everyone, I have already counted the food on the boat, and it can maintain what we need for a month.

Presumably at this moment, the outside world must have known that the cruise ship is missing, and someone should have been sent to look for it. ”

For this, Su Yu is quite convinced.

If it is an ordinary ship, it will be fine, but this is a luxury cruise ship, and there are more than 30 billionaires from Xiangjiang on board.

If something happens to these people, it will definitely hurt Xiangjiang’s economy.

Therefore, the Hong Kong police will certainly not remain indifferent and will spend a lot of effort in searching.

Hearing Su Yu’s comfort, everyone was slightly relieved.


The fact is as Su Yu said, at the moment when the Fugui cruise ship lost contact, the whole Xiangjiang moved.

After six o’clock in the evening, no one could contact the Fugui cruise ship, which immediately alarmed the police.

Upon learning that there were more than 30 billionaires on the Fugui cruise ship, and the assets that had been leveraged together amounted to nearly 100 billion, the entire police force was alarmed at once.

After that, he directly issued an order to dispatch all the marine police to search for the whereabouts of the Fuguimaru.

At the same time, such a big move by the Xiangjiang police could not be concealed from the media. Soon news of the loss of the Fugui Maru was spread throughout Xiangjiang.


[About some of the bugs in the book, the frog will change it later, thank you for pointing it out. If there are any mistakes or omissions, I hope you can correct me, thank you! ! !

Seeing that everyone didn’t seem to like this story, the frog speeded up and moved on to the next story as soon as possible. 】.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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