Tony didn't know what happened behind Lu Yun.

He only knew that Ah Hu was beaten back for some unknown reason.

He was worried that Lu Yun would take the opportunity to attack Ah Hu.

So, Tony lifted up the huge coffee table and was about to smash it towards Lu Yun.

Lu Yun jumped up and did a roundhouse kick, kicking directly on the coffee table.

The coffee table broke directly in the middle.

The remaining force kicked Tony in the stomach.

Tony flew backwards. He slid on the ground for several meters.

He hit the corner of the stairs on the side.

Because of the great force, his back was also very painful.

He stood up tremblingly.

Now two of the three brothers have fallen.

He doesn't have much strength left.

On the other hand, Lu Yun was calm and composed, and even lit a cigar.

Tony knew that he had lost.

Moreover, he lost completely.

The three brothers besieged Lu Yun alone.

I didn't expect it to end like this.

I did some things in Hong Kong Island before.

Those big guys were completely subdued by me.

I thought that all the gang bosses in Hong Kong were like this, nothing special.

Now it seems that Lu Yun is completely different from those people.

Lu Yun is too powerful.

So powerful that Tony doesn't know how to describe it.

He knows that his martial arts skills are definitely top-notch in the whole of Hong Kong Island.

And Ah Hu, if he is not top-notch, he is also a top-notch master.

Add Ah Zha.

The three of them combined, but they were completely defeated by Lu Yun.

Lu Yun dodged and moved around, and was not injured. He looked very relaxed.

On the other hand, two of the three of him had already fallen down and couldn't stand up.

Although he barely stood up, he was also at the end of his strength. I am afraid that a gust of wind can blow me down.

""Okay, stop the fighting!"

Lu Yun shouted.

The sound was full of energy.

It dispersed the noisy fighting sound and reached everyone's ears.

They all stopped attacking involuntarily.

The two gangs separated.

Lu Yun knew that this was the place of Hongxing Prince.

If he killed someone here, it would be troublesome and affect Hongxing's business.

Besides, the person who was beaten was Bucky, not himself.

There was no need to kill.

The most important thing was that Lu Yun knew that Tony and Ah Hu still had some skills.

Maybe he could consider subduing them in the future.

So he kept their lives first.

"Tony, what do you think, how should we deal with this matter?"

Lu Yun pointed at Tony and said.

If he was satisfied with the handling, he could let them go.

If he was not satisfied, then he would just kill them.

"Just be handsome and tell me what to do.' 」!"

Tony had heard about the story of Handsome Yun before.

But he didn't really believe it was true.

After all, he knew that people in the underworld like to brag.

And the gang leaders he met were not that powerful.

So he thought those glorious stories were all exaggerated.

Now it seems that the legends of Handsome Yun are true.

"I want at least this amount."

Lu Yun took out a big golden bull and pointed to the number of one thousand on it.

"One thousand yuan?"

Ah Hu stood up and rubbed his face, blurting out

"It's 10 million."

Lu Yun took a puff of cigarette and said,"How is it? Is there any problem?"

"You're not as good as……"

Ah Zha was about to speak.

After all, they had worked hard for two years and just had 10 million in savings, but

Tony stopped him.

If they continued to fight, they would probably die here.

So, they had to agree:

"Ten million is ten million, but I don’t have that much money on hand, so send someone back to get it from me!"


Lu Yun sent a few people to follow Tony to get the money.

He was not afraid that Tony and his men would default on the debt.

After all, there were crows following them.

They could not escape.

Although Tony did not know that Lu Yun had crows following him, he knew that with Lu Yun's kung fu, it would be too easy to kill them.

Now that the other party was willing to spare his life and the lives of his two brothers, it could be said that it was a great favor to him.

He did not want to resist, nor did he dare to resist.

He took out all his savings, 10 million, and gave them to Lu Yun's younger brother.

Lu Yun saw it in the crow's eyes and thought: This is good enough, you are sensible.

Take out a small part of the 10 million to treat Bucky.

The rest of the money.

Lu Yun proposed to open a large nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui. The prince sent someone to watch the place.

So we can earn an extra share.

And the rest of the profit will be divided equally among everyone.

This is the company's asset, and everyone can make money.

So everyone is very happy.

Lu Yun just became the leader and he did such a big thing.

This is a good sign.

The hall masters also felt that it was right to choose Lu Yun.

Everyone continued to have fun that night and was very happy.

Lu Yun didn't return home until the early morning.

At this time, the morning star in the sky had risen.

The air was hazy, and it felt like dawn was about to break.

In the swimming pool, a beautiful woman was swimming.

A black swimsuit was very cool.

The beautiful woman was also very happy to see Lu Yun come back.

She stopped and poked her head out of the water:"Brother Yun, you are back!"

Lu Yun saw that it was Qi Meng.

The pool water wet the clothes and stuck to her body

"Qimeng, you got up so early? Can't you sleep a little longer?"

"Brother Yun, I have been practicing martial arts since I was young, and getting up early has become my habit."

Qimeng climbed out of the swimming pool.

""Practicing Kung Fu? What Kung Fu are you practicing?"

Lu Yun asked

"I am practicing Eagle Claw Kung Fu?"

Qi Meng said, making an Eagle Claw move with her hands.

"Oh, really? Show me how you do it."

Lu Yun lay down on the beach chair and planned to watch the show.


Qi Meng was a little shy to perform martial arts in front of others.

However, since Brother Yun asked her to practice, she should practice!

Qi Meng got ready and started practicing.

The whole process: rich claws, grabbing, pinching, flipping up and down, fast and continuous, imitating the shape of the fist, both form and spirit.

When moving, it is violent and fierce, fast and dense; when still, it is smart and steady, like an eagle waiting for its rabbit.

It gives people a sense of wit, decisiveness, bravery and beauty.

""Not bad, not bad."

Lu Yun clapped his hands.

This Eagle Claw Technique had indeed been practiced for decades, otherwise it would not be possible to perform it so skillfully.

Even in the overall movement, there was some subtle internal energy.

"¨〃"Brother Yun! Did you peek at me just now?"

Qi Meng seemed a little shy.

Only now did she realize that she was wearing a swimsuit when she was boxing just now. Wasn't Lu Yun able to see everything during the movements, especially when she was lifting her legs and bending over ?

"I didn't peek at you!"

"I saw it clearly!"

Lu Yun said with a smile.

It's really very informative.

"You are so annoying!"

"Since you bully me, I will punish you too."

Qimeng shook her legs and squatted down beside Lu Yun.

"How do you want to punish me?"

Lu Yun asked

"I am practicing Eagle Claw Kung Fu! I want to play the game of Eagle Catches Chicken with you."

Qimeng picked up her finger and said

"How to play?"

"Of course it is……"

Qi Meng tried to catch Lu Yun's chicken.

It turned out to be a big rooster.

But, it was just right.

Qi Meng gave the big rooster to her sister to eat.

The sister ate it on the beach chair for a while.

Then she ate it in the swimming pool.

She was very happy and danced with joy.

The water in the swimming pool also followed with waves.

(Zhao Lihao) The film"Lucy" has been completed not long ago.

Today is the day for the release.

Because of the previous publicity

, many people in Hong Kong are looking forward to the release of this movie.

"Wow, Qiankun Films'"Lucy" is going to be released today. The previous trailer is so exciting. I really want to go watch it tonight."

"Well, I've seen it too. The heroine is so beautiful. Her facial features are really perfect."

"In the beauty, there is some charming temperament"

"And the screenwriter of this movie is Brother Yun!"

"Anything produced by Brother Yun must be a top quality product!"

"It can be seen from the first two Happy Ghost movies. Brother Yun's screenwriting is really interesting. It makes people feel very comfortable watching it."

"The script of this"Lucy" is even more exciting!"

"May, go on a date with me! Let's go watch this movie together"

"Go watch it yourself! The only person I love is Brother Yun. I will only watch it with my bestie, not with the opposite sex!"

"I just heard it! All the employees are interested in the movie"Lucy". The company is going to have a team building these two days, so how about organizing a group to watch this movie together?"

"That's great, great, support……".

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