Because Lu Yun knew that he had received 30 million in cash from Lian Haolong, Su Su's working capital would definitely not be enough.

Lu Yun guessed that they would go to withdraw the money in the near future.

But he didn't expect it to be so soon. Tonight, Su Su drove away with the bodyguards.

Lu Yun followed all the way and came to the outside of the warehouse.

However, he found that there was a secret door inside.

He didn't know what was inside the secret door.

However, he had his own skills.

Lu Yun called the Black Widow out from the space.

Although it has evolved into a human form now, it can change into the first two forms at any time.

Lu Yun asked the Black Widow to transform into a spider and enter the office through the crack of the door of the office on the second floor of the warehouse.

Then he came to the secret door and crawled in through the gap.

At this time, the four bodyguards had their backs to Su Su, but they didn't notice the small spider on the ceiling.

Lu Yun didn't expect Su Su to be so careful, even if the bodyguards had their backs to her.

She was still very safe, blocking her body in front of the password lock and carefully entering the password.

This, this is not difficult for Lu Yun.

Lu Yun used his perspective skill.

For one minute every day, he could see through obstacles and see anything he wanted to see.

Obviously, he was not interested in Su Su's figure.

He was interested in the password of the combination lock.

Lu Yun remembered the whole process of Su Su's input.

After a while, the door opened.

Su Su went in and took out 30 million.

Then he closed the door and left.

On the first floor, there were more than a dozen big men in black.

They looked like warehouse porters, but in fact, they were specially used to protect the cash warehouse.

"Watch closely, don't let your guard down, understand?"

Su Su said.

""I understand. Don't worry, Sister Susu."

The guards replied.


Su Su said, and then left.

She trusted these guards very much, and she chose the most self-disciplined ones from all the men of Zhong Xin Yi.

They would not drink or play cards during work.

They would not do all kinds of miscellaneous things, but would only guard the warehouse with one heart.

Moreover, Su Su knew the family information of each of them.

If something happened in the warehouse, not only would these guards be severely punished.

Sometimes, their families would even be threatened.

Therefore, they must guard the warehouse diligently.

The warehouse under the night sky was very quiet.

These guards patrolled according to the arranged routes.

There were people watching all around the first floor, inside and outside, and there was no blind spot.

They believed that as long as they kept the first floor tightly closed, , no one can go up to the second floor, and nothing will happen.

How could they know that Natasha was already there on the second floor at this time.

And she also knew the password of the combination lock.

However, even if Natasha opened the secret room, she could not transport the piles of cash away quietly.

This requires Lu Yun to come in person.

Natasha went out of the secret door and came to the office on the second floor.

She opened the window on the second floor, stretched out the widow's bracelet, and shot a hook to the opposite wall.

Lu Yun used the spider thorn to easily climb up the building opposite from the warehouse.

According to the hook shot by Natasha, Lu Yun easily came to the office on the second floor without the guards noticing.

Lu Yun entered the corridor inside the secret door and came to the combination lock.

He successfully opened the password door based on the password he observed.

The secret room is completely dark, and ordinary people have to turn on the lights.

But that would lead to them being discovered by the guards outside.

Lu Yun has cat eyes, which have a unique pupil structure, a vitreous layer of the retina, and a strong visual adaptability.

This enables him to better capture weak light information in the dark.

The situation in the entire secret room is now like a black and white TV screen, and Lu Yun can see it clearly.

The cash inside is stacked in piles.

Each pile has 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

Lu Yun counted them and there were 830 million in total.

In the original book, Su Su and A Fa swallowed 300 million, and Lian Haolong had another 300 million to redeem his fourth uncle.

There were at least 600 million.

However, looking at the current situation, Susu and Afa should not have teamed up to cheat Lian Haolong of his money.

Therefore, there are a total of 800 million in the warehouse.

Lu Yun was not polite and threw all of it into the pet space.

Because there was too much money.

Lu Yun opened up a room in the manor of the pet space to store the money.

Since there will be no other creatures disturbing the manor, it will be very safe to put it in there.

If you want to use it, it is also very simple.

Lu Yun is the god of this pet space. He can quickly locate the manor, even every room in it.

It is very easy to take the money.

After doing all this.

Lu Yun closed the door and wiped off his fingerprints.

From the widow bracelet, he came to the roof of the next building.

Natasha took the widow bracelet and left here with Lu Yun.

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