To open a VCD store or a computer store, you only need to open one every few streets.

But it is different to open a fried chicken store.

Basically, you can open one in every community. Therefore, Jimmy has opened a thousand stores throughout Hong Kong Island.

On the door of the store, there is a unified LOGO.

A red W with a chicken pattern inside.

The stores also have a unified red theme color.

The decoration inside the store is very elegant and beautiful. The tables, chairs and benches are all new.

There are single tables for single seats, and long tables for multiple people to gather. There are flower clusters in the middle of the partitions, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The hygiene of the fried chicken shop is very good, and the staff are all wearing the same uniforms, which makes them look very professional.

Most people have seen this kind of Western fast food in foreign movies.

It's great to see it for real.

So it's full of novelty.

People went into the store to taste it.

"Brother Sheng, where are you taking us to eat?" asked Shi Shi, one of the leaders of Hong Le.

"Oh, I heard that a Wanying fried food fast food restaurant has opened recently. This kind of thing is quite popular all over the world, but it is not common in Hong Kong Island. I will take you to try it and see how it tastes."

Hongle's gentleman said

"Oh? This fried chicken and hamburger shop was opened more than ten years ago, and their food tasted really good. However, they don't have any seats. Do they want us, the big guys, to stand there and eat like little brothers? And there's something else! We pick up the fried chicken directly with our hands, and our hands are full of oil. If an enemy comes to seek revenge, our machetes will be a little slippery in our hands. How can we fight them?

So! That fried chicken and hamburger shop called KFC had to be closed down hastily."

Shifu is an old hand in the society. He remembers the world more than ten years ago.

"Oh? Really? Then let's go and have a look. If that

's the case, let's change seats!" Gentleman Sheng felt that if that was the case, it would not be suitable for them to have a meal together.

After all, they were all people of status. If they got their hands full of oil and ate standing there, how could it be decent?

However, when they arrived in front of Wanying Fried Chicken and Hamburger Shop, they were surprised to find that there were tables, chairs and benches here!

And some people were already eating.

They were all wearing thin plastic gloves on their hands.

It looked clean and would not destroy the touch of the hand-torn chicken, killing two birds with one stone.

"This... maybe they have learned from their previous lessons and are now making some changes and improvements!"

Shi Shi was also surprised.

"Shi Shi, I heard you say that this fried chicken burger tastes good, so we don’t have to think about it, just choose to eat here! I also want to taste this fried chicken burger. After all, I haven’t eaten it for a long time!"

Gentleman Sheng has only eaten it a few times when he traveled abroad.

Now I do have some memories of the taste.

And there are no gloves abroad.

Now I can eat with plastic gloves, which feels more advanced than eating abroad.

"So good! So good! I want to taste that flavor again!"

Several people put together a big table and ordered a lot of food.

There were fried chicken, hamburgers, soda, egg tarts, French fries, and rice.

The table was full and tasted great.

The corners of the mouth were greasy and the mouth was smooth.

Several people were very satisfied with the food.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the one thousand shops open in Hong Kong Island.

Everyone was eating and praising:

"Wow, look at these tables, chairs and benches, they are much more beautiful than those in food stalls. The shape is simple and bright, very artistic"

"The waiter is very professional! The one who takes the order is very polite. The one who cooks is responsible and very hygienic."

"Chicken legs are delicious only when they are torn by hand"

"Everyone is equipped with gloves! This is so thoughtful"

"This is a real burger! So delicious!"

"This fried chicken is crispy, oily and smooth. It tastes so good."


The customers are very satisfied.

It's not just that the original chicken ingredients are good. After all, they are all mountain chickens, with good texture and delicious taste.

Coupled with the complete version of KFC recipe provided by Lu Yun, how could the taste be bad?

All of a sudden, it became popular all over Hong Kong.

Each store has at least 400 customers a day.

Each customer spends an average of 50 yuan on meals.

Each store has a daily turnover of 20,000 yuan.

One thousand stores means a turnover of 20 million.

In a month, it is a turnover of 600 million.

Excluding costs, after all, the main ingredient, chicken, is provided by their own farm.

Therefore, the cost is not much.

Lu Yun's personal income can reach 400 million per month.

It's a huge profit!

Shatin District.

Lin Huaile's villa is a three-story building.

The main color is white, and the overall design of the house is very elegant.

Recently, I chose the leader with Liansheng, although the arrogant Big D in the middle caused some trouble.

But in the end, it was Ah Le's men who got the leader stick and became the leader.

Until now, he has no time to go home

""Sheila, why didn't I see Danny? Is school not over yet?"

Lin Huaile asked the maid.

"Master, you don't know that Danny hasn't come back for several days. I wanted to notify you, but I couldn't find you."

The Filipino maid said anxiously


Lin Huaile felt a sharp pain in his chest.

The election campaign was so intense that he actually ignored his son.

"Master, are you okay? Come, have a drink of water first.

The maid immediately poured a glass of water for Lin Huaile.

Lin Huaile drank a sip of water and felt a little better.

"Fire Bull, Fire Bull!"

Lin Huaile shouted loudly.

"Brother Le, I'm here, what's up?"

Huo Niu ran in and asked.

"Huo Niu, my son is missing. Go check and see if Big D has taken him away."

The first person Lin Huaile suspected was Big D. After all, he seemed to be crazy in this election. He also said that he wanted to create a new and Liansheng.

He didn't stop until he got the dragon head stick.

It is unknown whether he sent people to deal with his son during this period.

"OK, I'll check it out right away.

Huo Niu nodded faithfully.

"Hey! Wait, there's one more. Last time, Danny and two of his classmates beat one of his classmates to death! Go check and see if his father is here to seek revenge."

Lin Huaile thought of something that happened not long ago and asked Huo Niu to check this aspect as well.

0 ······Request flowers0 ··

""Okay, Brother Le, I'll check it out right away."

Ah Le had saved Huo Niu's life before, so Huo Niu was very loyal to him. After

Huo Niu left, Lin Huaile took out his phone and called Da D.

"Hello, Ah Le, it's so late, what's up?"

Big D on the other end of the phone said carelessly.

"Big D, do you have time tomorrow? How about we go fishing?"

Lin Huaile asked

""Okay! I just happen to have time."

Big D said.

Since Lu Yun buried Lin Huaile's son Danny last time, he sent crows to watch Lin Huaile's home.

Who knew he would come back just now.

Sure enough, he also wanted to track down Zhang Li.

In this way, Lu Yun could not keep Lin Huaile.

It happened that they were going to fish tomorrow, and Lu Yun knew that there might be something interesting, so he made arrangements in advance.

"Ding, system task released: Kill Lin Huaile!"

"Reward: A random pet."

The system task is really timely! I was just about to kill Lin Huaile! He came to this task!


After killing Lin Huaile, there was another pet reward.

The next morning, Ah Le and Da D went to a pond in Nupo Mountain to fish.

Since both of them had something to discuss, they went fishing alone.

They found a good position, spread out their fishing rods, put on the bait, and threw it into the pond.

"Big D, we are gangsters, we fight and kill, but we don't harm our families. Where is my son? Tell me!"

Ah Le said

"Ah Le, what did you say? Why don't I understand? What do you mean, where is your son? How do I know where your son is? You should ask yourself this question!"

Big D asked with some doubt.

There are trees everywhere on the barren mountain, and it is rarely visited by people.

Big Yellow Peak transformed from a robot and climbed up the hillside.

He saw two people fishing below.

So, he transformed back to the car and hid under the huge leaves of a bush.

However, his eyes were always fixed on the two people below.

He could directly shoot and store the scene he saw.

"You really don't know where my son is?"

A Le asked

"Of course I don't know. You don't even know where your son is, so how would I know? Hey, Ale, is your son safe?"

Big D asked.

"No, no, nothing happened to him."

Lin Huaile answered calmly.

Da D's expression was always undisguised, and Lin Huaile could see that Da D really didn't know where his son was.

Therefore, he could only look at another line, the line of the people his son had killed, to see if Huo Niu could find the news of his son's disappearance.

"By the way, Ah Le, I saw a gang today, they created a double dragon head, and it was pretty good. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, why don’t we also create a double dragon head? We and Liansheng will definitely be more prosperous!"

Big D said with great yearning

"Are you serious?"

Lin Huaile's heart suddenly tightened. It seems that Da D still wants to be the leader!

This guy is too unstable and may affect his position.

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