Lu Yun inspected the shooting site that day.

Sure enough, these were professional filmmakers.

After Lu Yun talked to them, the samples they shot made Lu Yun very satisfied.

The staff brought lunch.

They were all KFC fried chicken and hamburgers.

Lu Yun suddenly thought that these were very popular for working meals in the United States.

In this era, there were no such fried chicken restaurants in Hong Kong Island.

This market was completely blank. If I could get the formula,

I would definitely make a fortune if I opened a fried chicken restaurant.

I did it right away.

Lu Yun asked Bill about the location of KFC headquarters that day.

KFC is a franchise marketing business.

Therefore, the headquarters office is not large.

At night, Lu Yun sneaked in.

Soon, he found the company's confidential database.

He did the same.

Soon, he got the formula of KFC fried chicken.

In fact, the formula is also simple.

It's nothing more than a dozen seasonings, and the proportion of each seasoning.

He was very happy to get the formula.

Soon, he returned to Hong Kong Island.

He called Jimmy over immediately.

"Jimmy, go register a fast food restaurant company and name it Wanying Fried Chicken Food Chain Enterprise.

Open a thousand chain stores in Hong Kong Island.

Remember to design the chain store's logo, as well as the store's decoration, style, etc.

Then use this recipe to make various foods."

Jimmy took the recipe and looked at it. There were recipes for fried chicken, hamburgers, French fries, rice bowls, egg tarts, and other foods.

Jimmy was a little confused. This was somewhat similar to the food of KFC.

KFC had entered Hong Kong Island in the 1970s.

At one time, it opened hundreds of chain stores, but later all of them went bankrupt.

"Brother Yun, this kind of Western fast food is not suitable for us Hong Kong people!"

"Jimmy, it's not that Western fast food restaurants are not suitable for us Hong Kong Islanders, but that Westerners don't understand China's national conditions."

Lu Yun also knew that KFC fast food was completely wiped out in Hong Kong Island in the 1970s.

First, Western fast food restaurants generally have no seats, and customers just take their food and leave. Chinese people like to eat and chat in restaurants.

You don't have seats? Then customers will definitely not come.

Second, KFC restaurants in the United States don't have plastic gloves, they eat directly with their hands.

But Chinese people think this is dirty, so of course they won't come to buy

"Oh, so that's how it is."

After Lu Yun analyzed it for Jimmy, Jimmy suddenly understood.

Brother Yun's summary of the market was really insightful, and Jimmy was convinced.

He had eaten KFC when he was a child, and the taste was really good.

However, you can't wear gloves, so let us eat directly, it's too dirty.

Moreover, you don't have seats, we all eat standing, isn't it inconvenient!

I hadn't thought of these two points before.

Now that Brother Yun reminded me, Jimmy recalled that it was indeed the case.

So Lu Yun is now bringing Western fast food over and opening chain stores in combination with China's national conditions.

First of all, the store area is larger than that of the West.

It should be divided into a kitchen as a dining area and an outdoor dining area so that customers can eat and chat.

Set up a toilet area next to it, so that after chatting for a long time, some customers can use the restroom area when they need it. Convenient.

Moreover, a kind of transparent plastic gloves are designed so that customers can eat with gloves on, solving the problem of being too dirty.

Looking at the plan that Lu Yun took out, Jimmy really felt that Brother Yun was a genius.

Providing such delicious food to the citizens of Hong Kong Island, and preparing a dining environment and dining utensils for them, I believe that as long as it opens, it will be popular all over Hong Kong.

Moreover, this kind of Western fast food is very suitable for opening chain stores. After all, the ingredients are the same, and it is actually relatively simple to make.

The more chain stores there are, of course, the more money they make.

How to say it! Brother Yun's ideas are always great.

After receiving the task, Jimmy immediately went to prepare.

At this time, Haitang walked in:"Brother Yun, there is someone looking for you outside. His name is Zhang Li, and he said he is your childhood friend."々」 "

"Well, let him in."

Lu Yun said.

This guy is indeed Lu Yun's childhood friend. He now has a large dog kennel in Goudu Mountain. When he killed Liang Kun last time, it was he who provided Lu Yun with a place to hide Liang Kun.

""Ali, come and sit down."

After Zhang Li came in, Lu Yun asked him to sit down.

Zhang Li looked a little haggard, and he said as soon as he entered the door:"Brother Yun, you have to help me this time."

""What's the matter? Tell me!"

Zhang Li said sadly;

"My son has always been well-behaved and sensible.

A few days ago, three of his classmates asked him to go out and play.

As a result, he didn’t come back at night.

I went to his friend’s house to look for him, and they said they had separated from him in the afternoon!

I searched for him the whole night but couldn’t find him, so I called the police directly.

The police went to their house to inquire about the situation, and later came out to tell me that if it wasn’t them, even if it was them, they were under the age of fourteen, so they couldn’t file a case.

I went to find those children myself, but their families directly drove me out.

Moreover, he has a lot of thugs, and said that if I cause trouble again, my whole family will be killed.

I have no choice but to beg you!

If you can help me, I am willing to give you all my wealth, and I will work hard for you in the next life!


Zhang Li was very sad

"Ali, my friend, you are looking down on me by saying this. You and I have known each other for so many years. When we were young, you often treated me to snacks. Last year, you even risked your life to help me hide people. Now you are asking me for help and you are also saying that you will give me money. This is obviously looking down on me!

Tell me their address now, and I will help you deal with this matter."

Lu Yun said

"Thank you, thank you, Brother Yun."

Zhang Li took out three photos and handed them to Lu Yun.

Lu Yun looked at them and thought it would be easier to handle things with photos.

Zhang Li nodded deeply to Lu Yun several times before leaving.

Southeast Middle School.

The bell rang and the students ran out like fish that had escaped the net.

Beside the playground, a group of three people walked together.

"Pick! I didn't know Zhang Xiong was so weak that he died after a few hits from us!"

Danny, wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag on one hand, said

"That's right! Where can we get money now?"

Fei Zai said depressedly

"Isn't it easy to get money? Why don't we just find a lone person and rob him?" said Johnny.

"It's a bit troublesome to find the lone person! What if we can't find him? It's too much effort. I think we should just look for a classmate."

Danny suggested.

"` ˇRight, it's easy to find a classmate! Let's pick Xiaofang! Her family is quite rich, and she's my deskmate. She'll definitely come if I call her."

Yoni said sinisterly.

"Yes, yes, it's her, and she's so pretty. After we rob her of her money, we'll let her play with us, take some photos, and threaten her not to tell anyone about it."

Flying Boy laughed.

"Right, right, you are the most thoughtful one. OK, call now."

At this time, Luo Tianhong came over with a group of people.

"You are Danny, Johnny, and Fei?"

Luo Tianhong asked

"I am Danny. What? Do you want to talk to me about something?"

Danny pointed at himself and said nonchalantly.

The other two knew that Danny's father was very powerful, so they were not panicked at all. They pointed at themselves and said:

"I am Johnny!"

"I am the gangster!"

Luo Tianhong saw him and said,"I'll pick him! He's young, but very arrogant! Take him away!"

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you know who my dad is?"

Danny asked arrogantly.

""I don't give a f*ck who your dad is!"

Luo Tianhong said as he took a few people into the van.

He closed the door and drove away.

In Shatin District, on a deserted hill somewhere, in front of an old building.

Luo Tianhong's car drove to this place.

The door of the car opened.

Luo Tianhong and a group of younger brothers, along with Danny and three others, entered the house.

They took out the ropes they had prepared, tied up Danny and the others' hands, and hung the other end of the rope on the iron hook above, and hung them up.

"You three killed someone not long ago. Where did you bury them?"

Luo Tianhong asked

"We didn't kill anyone, you did! Let me go! Do you know my dad is...ah!……"

Danny was still being stubborn. After all, his father had told him that if he met someone, he only needed to say that they didn't do it, and his father would take care of it.

"You didn't kill anyone?"

Luo Tianhong said, and hit Danny's ribs with the handle of the knife.

Danny screamed in pain!

""Did you kill anyone?"

Luo Tianhong asked Yoni again.

Yoni was also stunned when he saw Danny in so much pain, but he didn't dare to admit it and shook his head again.

Luo Tianhong hit Yoni's ribs with the handle of the knife again.

Yoni was also in great pain.

Feizi was the same and shook his head.

Luo Tianhong did the same.

The three people's ribs were broken one each, and they were in great pain.

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