"You kid, you are so brave. You dare to ruin my good deeds and make money from my company. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Who are you? How did I make money from you?"

"Do you know who owns Fenghua International? How much money did you make in total? Tell me!"

"Oh. I won't tell you, just forget it!"

Lin Yixiang smiled. It turned out that he was discovered by someone.

Although he was also very curious about how the other party found out about him.

However, it was meaningless. If he was caught, he was caught.

Lin Yixiang was also tough. He knew that he would not have a good ending, so he was determined not to tell anyone.

""Speak or not, speak or not."

Soon, several bodyguards surrounded him and beat and kicked Lin Yixiang.

Lin Yixiang's body was soon covered with bruises.

Lu Yun's car had parked nearby. He came out from the dark and saw what was going on inside.

Four bodyguards were beating Lin Yixiang, while Ma Zhihua was eating next to him, while Ah Hua and the secretary were watching.

Lin Yixiang was still valuable to Lu Yun, but of course, he had to be alive to be valuable.

Lu Yun rushed down, jumped up, broke through the window, and rushed towards one of the He rushed over to a bodyguard.

The bodyguard was knocked away.

The other three bodyguards rushed over. Lu Yun held a dagger in his hand and activated his Light as a Swallow.

Now his speed was 26, doubled to 52 points of agility.

Five times that of an ordinary person. His speed was very fast. Each time he chopped a bodyguard's neck, in less than five seconds, the necks of the three bodyguards were cut by him.

At this time, Ah Hua attacked Lu Yun from behind.

Lu Yun quickly dodged.

Ah Hua was also a martial artist with a certain foundation in martial arts, so his speed was faster than that of an ordinary person. Hurry up.

He originally thought that his sneak attack could be successful, but now he realized that he still underestimated Lu Yun's speed.

After the sneak attack failed, Ah Hua launched a killing skill and attacked Lu Yun frantically.

Each of Ah Hua's attacks was very tricky.

However, Lu Yun was faster and was able to dodge every time.

Ah Hua forced Lu Yun into a corner and thought that Lu Yun would not be able to escape this time.

Ah Hua attacked Lu Yun fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yun took the initiative to jump back, stepped on the wall a few steps, and fell again. He flew out of the blind spot.

Ah Hua was stunned. He had practiced martial arts for so many years, but he had never heard of this move.

While he was stunned, Lu Yun had already cut his neck.

Ma Zhihua was shocked. How could such a killer suddenly appear? He was like a ghost and killed four of his men directly.

Ma Zhihua wanted to escape, but he stepped on the fish bone that he had just thrown on the ground, slipped and fell to the ground.

Lu Yun walked over and stabbed Ma Zhihua's calf with a dagger. Ma Zhihua could no longer run.

"Boss Ma, I heard you are very rich, and I just need money."

"How much do you want?"

Ma Zhihua knew that this person had bad intentions, and he wanted to settle the matter quickly with money to avoid losing his life.

"How much do you have?"

Lu Yun asked.

Ma Zhihua was shocked. This guy asked this question, obviously he wanted all of me!

However, Ma Zhihua was not willing to give out all of himself. These desperate people must have never seen a lot of money.

He could tell him a number first, maybe he could impress the other party?

"I have three billion!"


Without saying anything, Lu Yun pulled out his dagger and stabbed Ma Zhihua's other leg.

Luo Yaoming has 3 billion, and you are a big boss behind him, and you say you only have 3 billion? No one would believe it!

Ma Zhihua endured the great pain and said:

"How much do you want?"

"I repeat, how much do you have!"

""Five billion, five billion, at most five billion, enough for you to spend in your lifetime!"

Lu Yun stabbed Ma Zhihua's arm with a dagger again.

Ma Zhihua's arm was also weak, and only the last arm was left to support his body.

Lu Yun put the dagger in front of Ma Zhihua's neck:"I'll ask you one last time, how much do you have?"

Ma Zhihua's words just now completely exposed that he definitely had more than five billion.

"I won't tell you. If you want to kill me, just kill me! I won't tell you even if I die."

Ma Zhihua knew that if all his money was taken away, he wouldn't need to live anymore!

He was going to die anyway, so he didn't want to let Lu Yun get away with it.

"Really? Let me see how tough you are!"

Lu Yun's hand revealed an extremely tiny spider thorn.

The shape of the spider thorn is a bit like the barbs of a mantis.

Each spider thorn is one centimeter long and very sharp. He grabbed Ma Zhihua's arm directly.


It was very painful when a centimeter-long needle entered the skin.

What's more, it was all over my hands?

The pain increased dozens of times, causing Ma Zhihua to straighten up and scream hysterically for a while.

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