Tian Yangsheng and his men shot very accurately and killed some people on the opposite side immediately.

"Damn it, this cruise ship belongs to Lu Yun! Fire!"

Zhou Chaoxian also shouted.

His men were holding AK-47s and shooting crazily.

However, at the beginning, many of his men had been shot and killed.

Zhou Chaoxian was surprised:

Damn, where did they get so many M16s!

You know, M16 is the standard weapon of the United States.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to see it on the market.

He also wanted to get an M16, but so far, he hasn't got one.

And the other party not only got it, but it was also brand new.

There was a layer of oil on it that was shining.

You know, the accuracy of M16 is extremely high.

Many of Zhou Chaoxian's men died at the beginning.

However, Zhou Chaoxian had a lot of men.

You know, he had forty-eight vehicles before.

Among these vehicles, there were buses, trucks, and other big guys. There were a lot of people in them.

Now there are more than two hundred people left.

And the gunmen brought by Lu Yun were only a dozen.

Soon, the more than two hundred AK-47s formed fire suppression on Tian Yangsheng and others.

"I choose! Brother Yun is really chasing Zhou Chaoxian!"

"However, this is not right! How come Zhou Chaoxian still has more than 200 men? And all of them are armed with guns?"

"How can these dozen people fight against the enemy's more than 200 people?"

"Brother Yun, do you want me to speed up and leave here immediately?"

Ye Chuanzhang was very anxious.

If he left now, he could still escape.

If he waited until the other side threw a hook on the deck and some people jumped on it, then he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

"No need. We are sure to win."

Lu Yun said calmly

"Winning is certain? Ten people, defeating more than 200 people?"

Ye Chuanzhang was very surprised, and he suspected that he had heard it wrongly.

A dozen gunmen wanted to defeat more than 200 gunmen.

Is this something that humans can do?

Soon, Zhou Chaoxian also discovered this problem:

"Three guns, it turns out that there are only a dozen gunmen on the other side, what a boast! Go over there, I want to kill them!"

Zhou Chaoxian said at this time with high spirits.

"OK! Boss!"

"Brothers, provide fire support. Dashan, take 50 people and charge forward with the hooks!"

Luo Sanpao ordered his men.


Dashan immediately ordered someone to take out the hook.

At this moment, Tian Yangsheng picked up an RPG-29.

It was already loaded with a TBG-29V fuel-air bomb.

Tian Yangsheng pressed the switch.

The fuel-air bomb spewed out a long tongue of fire and flew towards the deck of Zhou Chaoxian's ship.


A huge spark exploded.

The intense high temperature of the flame immediately burned more than a dozen of them to death.

In addition, the powerful shock wave also caused another twenty or so people to vomit blood.

They temporarily lost their ability to fight.

"Damn it, Lu Yun, you actually have an RPG-29V."

Zhou Chaoxian never thought that

Lu Yun actually had such a powerful weapon.

This weapon was newly developed a few years ago.

The production quantity is not large.

I didn't expect that Lu Yun could have a new one. No wonder Lu Yun wanted to use these dozen gunmen to deal with more than two hundred people.

It turned out that one shell could make nearly fifty of his people lose their combat capability.

"Three guns, take out our rocket launchers as well, to provide fire cover for the boarding team!"

Zhou Chaoxian commanded from the safe cab.


Luo Sanpao ordered his men to take out the rocket launcher.

Compared with the RPG-29, Zhou Chaoxian's rocket launcher looked very shabby.

It was a very ordinary rocket launcher, not powerful enough.

However, they had more people. More than a dozen ordinary rocket launchers fired at Lu Yun and his team.

Tian Yangsheng quickly hid under the bunker.

Fortunately, Lu Yun reminded them to build a solid bunker on the deck.

Therefore, they were not injured. They were just a little tinnitus caused by the huge roar.

After this round of bombardment.

Luo Sanpao's boarding team was about to throw the hook, but found that the hull suddenly shook.

And it tilted away from the Yuntian Yisese.

As a result, their hooks were not hung on the Yuntian Yisese without preparation.

It turned out that the Luowei sea monster had been entrenched in the bottom of Zhou Chaoxian's cruise ship.

At this time, it stretched out its tentacles.

Grabbed the railing on the building on the side away from the Yuntian Yisese.

With a force, it pulled down.

The Yuntian Yisese was not stable.

It fell over here

"What happened? What happened? Why did the ship collapse?"

Zhou Chaotian in the cockpit was horrified.

The other side had only fired a fuel-air explosive bomb at him.

And it exploded on the deck.

Could it be that this could also blow up his ship?

This is impossible!

But no matter what, his ship was indeed tilting at this time.

Soon, the whole ship lay horizontally on the sea.

Moreover, water continued to flow into the cabin, and gradually sank.

Tian Yangsheng and others on the Yuntian Yisese were also confused. Why did the other ship sink?

Did his TBP-29V fuel-air explosive bomb break the other party's hull?

This is too mysterious!

Tian Yangsheng couldn't think of any other reason except this one.

The other party's ship sank suddenly.

After all, Lu Yun controlled the Lowe sea monster. Grab the railing on the back of the opponent's ship and pull it down.

The people on this side couldn't see what was going on.

However, the opponent's ship has also sunk.

Most of the people on the deck fell into the sea like dumplings.

This battle was undoubtedly a great victory for their side.

Yechuan Zhang was stunned.

A dozen gunmen defeated Zhou Chaoxian's more than 200 gunmen. This is too strong!

No wonder Brother Yun was so confident just now.

Although I don't know how the opponent's ship sank.

But it must be Brother Yun's strength.

This made Yechuan Zhang admire Lu Yun even more.

Cheng Xiaomei was very confused. She followed Lu Yun out to play on the yacht for a day and take a vacation.

Unexpectedly, the two ships started fighting directly.

They ladies all entered the cabin.

I could only look out through the window occasionally.

The bullets kept ringing.

From childhood to adulthood, Cheng Xiaomei had never seen such a scene.

Two cruise ships, these are things that only powerful people can own.

Both sides were holding machine guns and firing continuously.

This kind of violent scene is hard to see even in movies.

But she saw it with her own eyes.

The other side has more than 200 people!

And Brother Yun’s side has only a dozen gunmen.

She was very worried about Lu Yun before.

But she never thought that the other side’s ship was sunk first.

This is too exaggerated!

Brother Yun is really strong.

Haitang, Gao Jie, and Chen Guilin were also surprised.

They were all members of the former Four Seas Gang.

The former Four Seas Gang was also one of the four major gangs in Wandao.

However, even the cruise ship owned by the former gang leader Hai'an was only a medium-sized cruise ship with only two floors.

And the two cruise ships of Lu Yun and Zhou Chaoxian were seven or eight The firepower of both sides is very strong.

Especially on Brother Yun's side, M16, RPG-29.

These are products that several people have only heard of but never seen.

Now all of them are emitting strings of fire in front of them.

On Zhou Chaoxian's side, the firepower is also okay.

The main reason is that Zhou Chaoxian has a lot of people.

Sometimes the number of people is also very important.

After all, the opponent has more than a dozen AK-47s, and you have an M16.

The firepower is too strong! It can beat you so that you can't even show your head.

But what happened?

Tian Yangsheng fired a TBG-29V fuel-air bomb.

The opponent's cruise ship suddenly sank?

Too strong, right?!

Brother Yun's men really used more than a dozen people to defeat more than 200 people on the other side.

At this time, everyone came to the deck in disbelief and looked at the people in the sea below.

Zhou Chaoxian's ship had sunk more than half, with only a small half still floating on the sea.

Because the sea water is still squeezing out the air in the cabin.

So, it is still sinking slowly.

"Natasha, shoot a hook down there, I'll go down there."

Lu Yun ordered.

"Brother Yun, this is too dangerous!

Cheng Xiaomei was unconsciously worried about Lu Yun.

"It's okay, trust me."

Lu Yun pinched Cheng Xiaomei's chin lovingly.

Natasha was very obedient and shot a hook towards the slowly sinking hull.

Lu Yun took the pulley and slid down, and soon, he slid onto the hull of Zhou Chaoxian's ferry.

""Put it away!"

Lu Yun ordered.

Natasha took the hook.

After all, if it was always hooked, Yuntian Yise would sink with it.

Lu Yun entered the cabin.

He searched inside and found the warehouse where Zhou Chaoxian stored the cash.��

The cash was packed in boxes.

Although some water leaked in through the gaps, most of the money was not wet.

So, there was no problem.

Lu Yun put all of it into the pet space.

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