"All right then! Then it's better to obey than to be respectful."

Lu Yun did not refuse.

After Cheng Xiaomei finished cleaning the shop, she went upstairs to cook.

They were all home-cooked dishes.

However, Cheng Xiaomei was always thinking of Lu Yun while cooking. She smiled knowingly from time to time.

He cooked with a good mood and love.

So, the taste was very good.

Soon, a table of delicious meals was ready.

At noon, everyone was busy eating, and the barber shop did not have much business.

So Cheng Xiaomei's mother also came to eat.

The table was very rich, with hairy crabs, candied silk, and so on. Sweet potatoes, baby buns, egg sausage, black pepper beef tenderloin, mushroom and meat soup, and stir-fried vegetables.

Cheng Xiaomei's cooking skills are very good.

Each dish has its own unique flavor.

Lu Yun felt very comfortable eating it.

Cheng Xiaomei's mother was very puzzled.

This is the amount of meat for their family for a month. They ate it all today. For the next month, they can only eat vegetarian food.

After the meal, Cheng Xiaomei went to wash the dishes obediently.

In the afternoon, Cheng"983" Xiaomei's mother was cutting a customer's hair.

Suddenly, several fierce-looking people walked in.

"Where is Lao Cheng?"

Rotten Tooth Qi said unceremoniously.

"What do you want to do with him?"

Cheng Xiaomei's mother asked

"Why should I look for him? He owes me 500,000 yuan. What do you think I should look for him for?"

Lan Yaqi said angrily.

"He didn't come back last night."

Cheng Xiaomei's mother felt a little nervous.

Damn, five hundred thousand!

Their small shop can only make twenty thousand a year.

It will take a hundred years to pay back the five hundred thousand.

This bastard husband is really going to cause trouble for her.

"Stop pretending to be stupid. If you don't have money, use your daughter to pay it back."

Lan Ya Qi was very angry.

He had agreed with Cheng Xiaomei's father last night.

He asked him to bring his daughter to him.

But he didn't see him the whole morning.

He didn't answer the phone.

In a rage, Lan Ya Qi came to his house.

"My husband owes you money, so why go find him? Why are you looking for my daughter?"

Cheng Xiaomei's mother said.

"If I could find him, I wouldn't come looking for you!"

"No matter what, you have to pay me back today."

"Otherwise, be careful or I won't be polite!"

Lan Yaqi sat on the chair and said arrogantly.

It seemed that if the money was not paid back today, he would attack Cheng Xiaomei and the other person, as well as this shop.

Those who were getting their hair cut or waiting for their hair cut ran out.

Xiang Jiangzi watched in a corner outside, and when the time was right , he would rush in to save the beauty.

He would find a chance to kill Lan Yaqi and let Cheng Xiaomei's mother go to jail for him.

In this way, she would definitely entrust Cheng Xiaomei to him for care.

By then, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wanted?

Xiang Jiangzi couldn't help but feel very proud of his clever plan.

""Hey, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Lu Yun, who heard the noise, came down from the second floor.

Cheng Xiaomei was originally very scared. If this group of people were to use violence against her, she would definitely not be able to resist.

That would be the end.

Now that Lu Yun stood up, Cheng Xiaomei felt hope in life.

"Boy, where are you from?"

Rotten Teeth asked, gritting his teeth.

"I'm from Hong Kong."

Lu Yun replied

"Pick, those who are mixed up in Hong Kong dare to go to Taibei to act wild"

"Haven't you heard that a powerful dragon cannot suppress a local snake?"

Lan Yaqi said with disdain.

No matter how powerful Lu Yun is in Hong Kong, he is still far away from the emperor.

And Lan Yaqi's interpersonal relationships are all bad.

It's too easy to find a few hundred people to do things for him.

""So what if he's a local tyrant? Can a local tyrant bully others?"

Lu Yun asked

"Humph, I'm not bullying them."

"Her husband owed me 500,000 yuan in gambling debts, and now he is missing. Of course I will ask his relatives to pay it back."

"Take it away for me!"

Lan Yaqi said, commanding his subordinates to take action.

Lan Yaqi's subordinates rushed over to grab Cheng Xiaomei.

"No, no, what are you doing?"

Rotten Tooth Qi's brothers came up to arrest people.

Cheng Xiaomei was so scared that she kept trying to evade them.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Let my daughter go!"

Cheng Xiaomei's mother immediately pushed them away.

Lu Yun stood up and kicked the arm of a thug who was holding Cheng Xiaomei.

The man felt his arm was about to break.

It was very painful and he flew backwards.

Lu Yun kicked several more times.

Each kick hit one of the Rotten Tooth Qi's brothers.

All three of Rotten Tooth Qi's brothers flew backwards.

Rotten Tooth Qi realized that Lu Yun was indeed quite capable.

He couldn't find anyone stronger than him in the whole of Taibei.

"It's no use having good skills. You need real strength to get by."

"With just one word from me, hundreds of people will come and surround this store in a matter of minutes. By then, none of you will be able to escape!"

Rotten Tooth Qi said angrily.

"You just said that this is a gambling debt, and gambling debts should be repaid at the gambling table. Do you have the courage to gamble with me?"

Lu Yun asked

"Humph, boy, you want to bet with me?"

"You probably don't know my nickname, the one called the gambling devil is me, Rotten Teeth"

"You want to bet with me? Be careful or you'll lose everything!"

Lan Yaqi said proudly.

"Come on then!"

Several people came to the coffee table in the barber shop.

Lu Yun and Lan Yaqi sat opposite each other.

Lan Yaqi ordered his men to take out a deck of playing cards.

Soon, the game began.

In the first two rounds, Lu Yun did not follow.

Let Lan Yaqi win a little money.

Lan Yaqi was very happy.

Just now, seeing this handsome man very confident, he thought he was very capable.

Unexpectedly, his gambling skills were also very bad.

It seems that he can not only get Cheng Xiaomei today, but also make a lot of money.

Cheng Xiaomei on the side also pulled Lu Yun's arm with great concern and said:

"Handsome guy, I think it's better to forget it! If I cause you to lose money, I will feel very sorry.... "

"Don't worry, this little money is nothing."

In the third round,

Lu Yun had seen the next cards through perspective, so he chose to follow.

Lan Yaqi's current open cards are Red Star Six, Seven and Eight, and his bottom card is Red Star Nine. Lu Yun's open cards are three Kings, and his bottom card is a Three.

In terms of the open cards, Lu Yun's three Kings are bigger, so Lu Yun said:"One million!"

"One million? You bet so much?"

Lan Ya Qi was very surprised.

Their minimum chip was 10,000.

So, the first two times Lu Yun didn't follow, he lost a total of 20,000 to him.

Now, Lu Yun directly bid one million, which made Lan Ya Qi a little confused.

Could it be that Lu Yun's hole card was the last K?

Lu Yun looked at his hole card himself.

It was the three of diamonds.

The younger brother of Lan Ya Qi standing behind Lu Yun immediately gestured to Lan Ya Qi, indicating that he could follow.

Cheng Xiaomei also saw Lu Yun's hole card and was worried about Lu Yun:

"Brother Yun, I think you should bet less this time! One million is too much."

One million. Cheng Xiaomei has never seen one million in her life.

She really doesn't want Lu Yun to lose this money.

Lan Yaqi saw the gesture of his younger brother and saw Cheng Xiaomei's worried look.

Then, he also had a bottom line in his heart.

Lu Yun's hole card is not K.

Then the probability of the last K in this deck of cards falling into Lu Yun's hands is too low.

On the other hand, he has red stars six, seven, eight and nine.

If he gets any five or any ten, he can form a straight, which is greater than Lu Yun's three.

And if he gets any red star, he can form a flush.

The probability is much greater than Lu Yun.

So, he plans to give it a try:"Follow!"

Lan Yaqi asked his younger brother to bring one million in cash.

Lan Yaqi's younger brother dealt the cards.

He secretly made a move and directly dealt a red star three to Lan Yaqi.

And Lu Yun's card 0.3 is a red star ten

"Hahahaha! Young man, it looks like you lost. I have a flush!"

Rotten Tooth laughed and was about to collect the money.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Lu Yun's pet space already has all the playing cards on the market.

Now he activated the stealing skill.

Within a second, he changed the bottom card to the last spade king.

Then he opened the bottom card.

"I have four of a kind, which is bigger than your flush."


Rotten Tooth Qi was shocked.

"Why are you four?"

""You are the only one who can play a flush, but I can't play four of a kind?"

Lu Yun said with a smile.

Chen Guilin couldn't believe it. He was standing behind Lu Yun just now and had seen Lu Yun's hole card before.

It was just a three of diamonds. For this reason, Chen Guilin was worried about Lu Yun.

Now Lu Yun actually opened a three of diamonds.

Chen Guilin was also very surprised.

When did the cards change, how come he didn't know at all?

Chen Guilin now felt more and more that this Hongxing leader from Hong Kong Island was indeed very powerful.

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