Chapter 77: Thirty-three Days Away, Three Tribulations of Chaos (4 More Subscription Custom)

After a lot of time in the Wu Clan, Zhou Yi soon went to find his two apprentices, Fuxi Nuwa and the mount White Tiger.

Now Fuxi Nuwa is in an orderly manner under the jurisdiction of the creatures of this imprudent mountain realm.

Nuwa lacked interest in this matter, and every day she nagged when the master would return.

On the contrary, Fuxi was quite concerned about this matter that governed all living beings.

No wonder in the original history of the flood famine, Di Jun and Taiyi invited Fuxi to take the position of demon emperor, and Fuxi would agree so happily.

It is precisely because of this that Fuxi’s good talent wasted time on ruling the demon clan, and when the Lich War came, the shortcomings of Fuxi’s cultivation were revealed.

In the end, Fuxi also went to a dead end.

When the two brothers and sisters of Fuxi Nuwa were resting and breathing in the cave, a green smoke was born in front of them.

Zhou Yi’s body also emerged.

“Master, are you back?”

“Apprentice Fuxi, Nuwa meet Master!”

The two immediately noticed Zhou Yi’s breath, and at this time they knelt down and kowtowed very decisively.

These two apprentices are filial, and Zhou Yi has always known.

Now he smiled and nodded.

“After a long time, the cultivation of the two brothers and sisters has made long-term progress, which is gratifying!”

In the time of five yuan meetings, even the pig should have made great progress, not to mention Fuxi and Nuwa.

When they met last time, the two brothers and sisters had just entered the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal.

At the moment, the two of them are ordinary and have the attainments of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Although they are only the entry stage of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is quite rare to be able to cross two small realms in the time of the Five Yuan Society.

Both Fuxi and Nuwa had a slight smile on their faces.

But soon, Zhou Yi changed his face.

“Nuwa naturally has to be praised, but, Fuxi…”

“Although you are also in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, your foundation is unstable, it seems that during this time, your cultivation has been a little slack!”

“Aren’t you distracted by ruling those creatures?”

Being mentioned so lightly by Zhou Yi, Fuxi’s face changed abruptly.

He didn’t expect that his foundation was unstable, no wonder he often felt a little strange when he came in to cultivate.

Looking at Fuxi’s face, Zhou Yi said helplessly: “Cultivators should put themselves first!” ”

“In all cultivation behavior, Fuxi, do you understand this truth?”

“If you go on like this for a long time, you will have the resources of heaven, and I am afraid that you will also be overtaken by others!”

Zhou Yi just randomly dialed, whether Fuxi could wake up or not was his own business.

However, at the moment, Fuxi was thoughtful, and soon kowtowed to Zhou Yi heavily.

“Thank you Master for your guidance.”

“Now that the main seat is back, it is natural to set up a dojo, and only the chaos side is the perfect place for this seat to set up the venue!”

“Your senior brother and sister are the senior disciples and master sisters of this throne, so go with this throne!”

Zhou Yi thought for a while, and then said, “Fuxi, are you willing to give up your current position among these creatures?” ”

Fuxi did not have the slightest hesitation, “Naturally willing!” ”

“So good, then go with the throne!”

With a move, Gengjin White Tiger outside the cave mansion rushed over very wisely.

“Meet Daojun!”

“White tiger, send us to Chaos!” Zhou Yidao.

“Chaos? Understood, Do-kun! ”

Although the white tiger was surprised, he quickly turned into the appearance of his body, allowing Zhou Yi and the three of them to easily get on the body.

In the low roar of the beast, the body of the white tiger went straight towards the thirty-three heavens.

Near the Buzhou Mountain Realm, those creatures who were saved by Fuxi Nuwa in the catastrophe were full of surprise as they watched their leader Fuxi Nuwa and the two leave, feeling a little lost in their hearts.

But soon they were on their knees.

“Congratulations to Fuxi and Nuwa!”


Thirty-three heavens, unattainable, far to the extreme.

But for a Daluo Golden Immortal level cultivator, as long as he is willing to spend time, he can always reach the end of the thirty-three heavens.

And rushing out of the thirty-three heavens, endless chaotic qi came to the surface.

The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi born in the flood wilderness was directly shattered when it encountered the chaotic qi, and it could not spread in the flood famine at all.

And that chaotic qi is like a blade, like a blade.

The terrifying power to kill the Great Luo Golden Immortal can be born anytime and anywhere.

The first time Fuxi and Nuwa came into contact with this chaotic qi, their hearts were shocked, and their eyes were shocked.

They are still okay, after all, the cultivation of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal is placed here.

Although these chaotic qi were extremely powerful, their impact on them was minimal.

It’s just that Gengjin Baihu’s cultivation is far less than Fuxi Nuwa, and he is a little panicked at the moment.


Suddenly, a divine thunder burst out from the friction of that chaotic qi, extremely fast.

Even Fuxi and Nuwa couldn’t react at all.

The white tiger was even more frightened and trembled.


Zhou Yi snorted coldly, and invisible power spread out.

Fuxi Nuwa White Tiger didn’t even notice what was happening, they only felt a tremor around them.

The next moment, the terrifying divine thunder born from chaos completely dissipated at this time, turning into nothingness and returning to chaos.

Thunder, how to hang in front of Zhou Yi?

Even if it is a Chaos God Thunder, Zhou Yi can erase it with a single thought.

This is the power of Zhou Yi, who has mastered the law of thunder and the law of nature.

Fuxi and Nuwa Baihu looked at Zhou Yi’s gaze with a bit of admiration.

It really deserves to be their master (master), and such strength is really strange.

“White Tiger, if you go boldly, this seat will protect you safely!”

With these words, the confidence in Baihu’s heart was also sufficient to the extreme.

“Obey the decree of the Dao King!”

The white tiger shuttled through the chaos, and along the way, violent trumpet winds and raging karmic fires all emerged in the depths of chaos, with the domineering power to destroy the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

These two disasters are called the three plagues of chaos together with the divine thunder in the chaos, that is, those chaos demon gods in the past have to retreat and cannot be provoked casually.

It’s just that these things are obviously just pediatrics for Zhou Yi, who has mastered many laws.

Finally, when the white tiger rushed to an unknown distance, Zhou Yi finally let him stop and came to a place where the aura of chaos was extremely thick.

Even if they were hundreds of millions of miles apart, Fuxi and Nuwa could feel the terrifying pressure formed by the interlacing of chaotic qi.

If they go deep into it, they may all die nine times.

But a slight smile appeared on Zhou Yi’s face, “This is it!” ”

After speaking, in the surprised gazes of Fuxi Nuwa and White Tiger, Zhou Yi’s body soared into the air, and in a flash, he actually rushed towards the direction of the infinite chaotic qi.


A violent humming sound came from all directions.

The eyes of the three of White Tiger and Fuxi Nuwa were shocked.

They suddenly saw that Zhou Yili’s method at this moment was boundless, and a palm blasted out, which actually stretched for hundreds of millions of miles.

The chaotic power of the law was being arranged in a unique way, forming Zhou Yi’s unstoppable power.


The Qi of Destruction was punched out of a huge hole by Zhou Yi at this moment, like a palm.

The cloud of chaotic qi that was enough to kill the Great Luo Golden Immortal was so devastating that it was covered by Zhou Yi.

Such a mighty divine power, in front of Fuxi Nuwa, they were shocked.

“Qingcang Realm!”

With Zhou Yi’s soft groan, a cloud of light appeared out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, it was like a mustard seed, turning from the size of a dust into a small world!

ps: The fourth more sent, kneel and beg to subscribe to customize!

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