"How could it be so fast..."

On the top of a mountain in Jiuzhou, the great magician Xuandu looked at the human city in the distance with a blank face.

As a quasi-saint.

Even with the suppression of the Jiuzhou barrier, Xuandu could see that the acupoints in the human body in the city in front of him had been opened.


Just like the doubts he had raised before.

How could it be so fast...

This is the 600th human city with opened acupoints he has discovered.

And with the help of the human domain gate, these 600 cities almost span the human Jiuzhou.

To put it simply...

The acupoints of the entire human race have been opened.

"It shouldn't be!"

Xuandu looked blank.

You know, a thousand years ago, when he just came to the human race, he still needed to carefully search for people with opened acupoints in Jiuzhou.

But in just a short thousand years...

No, not a thousand years!

Xuandu's mind flashed with several human cities that he had passed by ten years ago that had not opened their acupoints.

But when he went to investigate not long ago, he found that all of them had opened their acupoints.

That area, no, all the human cities in the entire state, had opened their acupoints.


The acupoints of the entire human race were opened within ten years.


How could it be so fast?

Ten years.

Not to mention passing through all the human cities of the entire human race, even if it was just a simple flight over the Nine Provinces, I'm afraid that even a quasi-saint couldn't do it.

"How did Junior Sister Jin Ling do it?" Xuandu couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

As Laozi's disciple, Xuandu can be regarded as the eldest brother in the entire Xuanmen. It would be right for Jin Ling, a disciple of Tongtian, to call her Junior Sister.

"Could it be that a saint has taken action..."

Xuan Du knew that only the saint's magical power could help Jin Ling do such a thing under the cover of the Jiuzhou barrier.


Even if a quasi-saint had reached the Great Perfection, he might not be able to do such a thing.

Xuan Du could never have thought of it.

There was a Daluo Jinxian like Gui Ling in the prehistoric world, who was not suppressed by the Jiuzhou barrier.

After all, he, the first disciple of a saint and a quasi-saint of the human race, did not enjoy such treatment.

How could an alien race enjoy such treatment.

As for why Xuan Du suddenly and quickly crossed the human race's Jiuzhou to explore the progress of the human race's acupoint opening.

It has to start from a dark and windy night.

That was six months ago.

On a moonless night.

The clouds above the sky blocked the stars in the sky, but only the light of the moon could not be blocked by the clouds.

The bright moonlight filled the prehistoric world.

Xuandu, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged quietly on the top of an unnamed mountain, practicing silently.

There are too few people in the human race who have opened their acupoints now, so it is not worth his painstaking effort to pass down the Golden Elixir Dao.


For thousands of years, Xuandu has mostly been practicing silently.


Xuandu, who was practicing hard, suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of horror in his eyes.

In his body...

Acupoints, open!

There was disbelief in Xuandu's eyes.

As a quasi-saint, he had his acupoints opened without noticing.

How is this possible?

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, Xuandu's quasi-saint divine thoughts came out directly, reflecting everything within tens of millions of miles around him, but...


Xuandu's eyes showed a look of horror.

The moment he noticed that the acupoints in his body were opened, he urged his divine thoughts to explore the surrounding billions of miles.

At the speed of the quasi-saint's thoughts.

Xuandu had this confidence. Even if Jin Ling was already a quasi-saint at this time, it was absolutely impossible for him to leave the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles in such a short time.

But...it was impossible that Jin Ling was casting a spell from hundreds of millions of miles away and opened all the acupoints of the human race around here.

Xuandu thought of the hundreds of millions of miles he had explored, and the dozens of human cities almost all had their acupoints opened.

This guess.

It was even more terrifying than the previous guess.

Xuandu would rather believe that there was a delay in Jin Ling's method of opening the acupoints of the human race, so when his acupoints were opened, Jin Ling had already left.

He was also unwilling to believe that Jin Ling cast a spell from hundreds of millions of miles away.

You know.

The ultimate purpose of the human race to create the Jiuzhou barrier was to prevent the destruction range of the great monks from being too shocking.

It was extremely easy to affect the weak human race.

Therefore, in the Jiuzhou barrier, the strongest suppression of the monks was almost the range of the monks' magic.

Can affect billions of milesSpells, even if they are not destructive, are absolutely impossible.

It was because of the silent opening of Xuandu's acupoints six months ago that Xuandu traveled all over Jiuzhou.

To investigate the opening of the acupoints of the human race, and at the same time... to find Jin Ling, wanting to know how Jin Ling did it.


Until now, Xuandu has not been able to find Jin Ling and Gui Ling.

In this Jiuzhou barrier, Gui Ling, a Daluo Jinxian who was not suppressed, really had too much advantage.

Even as a quasi-saint, it is almost impossible for Xuandu to find Gui Ling and Jin Ling.

Xuandu sighed lightly.

Now, Xuandu has given up the idea of ​​looking for Jin Ling and Gui Ling.

After all, the acupoints of the entire human race have been opened.

Then Jin Ling and Gui Ling will naturally not stay in this Jiuzhou barrier.

As for why.

Xuandu said that if it were not for passing down the Golden Elixir Avenue created by his master, he would not stay in this Jiuzhou of the human race.

After completing the mission in the Nine Provinces, it was natural to leave the Nine Provinces barrier as soon as possible.

With a single hand flip, Xuandu took out the inheritance of the Golden Elixir Avenue that Laozi had given him before he left.

To preach in the Nine Provinces of the human race, first of all, Xuandu naturally had to practice the Golden Elixir Avenue.


How to preach.

Of course, although the Golden Elixir Avenue was the most superior practice method created by his own teacher, it was only a Daluo-level practice method anyway.

It would be natural for him, a quasi-saint, to practice.

He had not practiced in the past because the acupoints of the human race had not been opened, so he was not in a hurry to preach.

It was also because his own acupoints had not been opened, and he had not reached the conditions for practicing the Golden Elixir Avenue.

Naturally, he would not be in a hurry to practice.

When he first arrived in the Nine Provinces, he wanted to find the Golden Spirit, and part of him wanted the Golden Spirit to help him open the acupoints.

But he never thought of it.

He hadn't even seen this junior sister, but his acupoints had already been opened.

Whenever he thought of this, even though Xuandu was a quasi-saint who practiced Laozi's way of inaction, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Xuandu shook his head slightly, put aside the complicated emotions in his heart, restored his previous indifference, and turned away.

"Think about it carefully, how to pass down this golden elixir avenue!"

Although now, nearly 80% of the human race's acupoints have been opened, meeting the conditions for practicing the golden elixir avenue.

But no matter what, the golden elixir avenue is also the most superior practice method created by the saints, and it is extremely precious in the entire prehistoric world.

Naturally, it is impossible to make it a big deal, and the whole prehistoric human race, everyone has a copy.


At the same time.

On the other side, the turtle spirit and the golden spirit.

Just as Xuandu guessed, the two women have now left the human race's nine states.

However, Xuandu was wrong about one thing.

That is, the reason why the two women left was not because they could not stand the Nine Provinces barrier, but because...

The acupoints of the human race in the Nine Provinces of the human race have been opened.

But outside the Nine Provinces, there are still acupoints of the human race that have not been opened!

Especially... Although this part of the human race is small, the human luck they occupy is extremely important to the human race.

And this place...

"Is that the Fire Cloud Cave over there?"

In the air, the spirit turtle looked at the distant mountains with curiosity, which had a bit of ancient and wild atmosphere but was ordinary.


Golden Spirit Holy Mother nodded.

"That is the Fire Cloud Cave, the holy land of the human race today. The great human beings in it are the real foundation for the human race to stand tall in the wilderness today."

"Even the human race's Saint Emperor Fuxi lives in this Fire Cloud Cave."

Golden Spirit Holy Mother said, with a little nervousness on her face.

Even though she was a disciple of the Saint and was very familiar with the Saint's face, Jin Ling still inevitably became nervous when facing an unknown Saint.

"Brother Fuxi's dojo!"

Hearing Jin Ling's words, Gui Ling beside her sighed: "Speaking of which, this is my first time to come to Brother Fuxi's dojo!"

The expression on Jin Ling's face froze instantly.

The Saint's pressure was too great, and for a moment she forgot that the sister following her was the Saint Fuxi's junior sister.

With this sister around, why should she be nervous.

She immediately stopped hesitating and took Gui Ling to the direction of Huoyun Cave.

In the Jiuzhou barrier, it was Gui Ling who was not suppressed by the Jiuzhou barrier and took Jin Ling.

But when they left the Jiuzhou barrier and hurried on, it was naturally replaced by the Quasi-Saint Jin Ling and the little Daluo Gui Ling.

Quasi-Saint FeiThe speed of flight was extremely fast. Even if Jin Ling did not rush at full speed, it was definitely much faster than Gui Ling.

Not long after.

The Fire Cloud Cave, which was originally very far away, was already in sight.

From a distance, before landing, the two women saw two figures outside the Fire Cloud Cave who were obviously waiting for them.

Of course.

These two figures could not be the Holy Emperor Fuxi.

Even if Gui Ling, the junior sister, came in person, as a saint, Fuxi could not greet them at the door.

Waiting for Jin Ling and Gui Ling outside the Fire Cloud Cave were just two human beings with perfect Daluo cultivation!


This "just" is for the quasi-saint Jin Ling.

After all, the little Gui Ling is just a newly promoted Daluo, how could he be so arrogant.

"Ji Rong!"

"Qing Sang!"

"Hello, ladies!"

The two perfect Daluo of the human race bowed to the falling Jin Ling and Gui Ling, and said humbly and respectfully.

"You two Daoists, you are welcome."

Jin Ling smiled and returned the greeting, speaking softly.

But she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Before she broke through, they were both Daluo Perfection, and when they met each other, they just bowed and called each other Daoist.

But now, she has only taken a step further and broken through to Quasi-Sage, and when Daluo Perfection met, they had to respectfully call her "Niangniang".

What a change.

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