
A roar.

A young human cultivator holding a sharp sword directly cut the hideous monster in front of him into pieces.

On the sword tip, the magic power surged, wiping out the monster's vitality.

"Haha, it's finally killed. The last immortal monster around the Xiong clan is finally dead."

"It's so easy to kill the immortal monster. Xuanyuan is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Xuanyuan has only practiced for a few years, but he can kill the immortal monster alone. It's amazing!"

The winner has been decided. On the battlefield, human cultivators holding sharp blades and in a mess came over.

Looking at the dead monster, they showed a happy look, and at the same time looked at the boy standing on the monster, and praised him.

After completely wiping out the monster's vitality, the boy named Xuanyuan let out a long breath and put away the sword.

Looking at the tribesmen below, who were all present, a bright smile appeared on his face.

From the beginning, every time they conquered the surrounding monsters, they suffered heavy losses. Now, not a single one was lost.

In the meantime, in addition to the progress of others and the increasingly tacit cooperation, the biggest contributor was Ji Xuanyuan.

Youxiong tribe.

From a distance, the tribal guards saw the corpse of the monster that was as big as a hill, and immediately shouted.

In the tribe, everyone rushed over excitedly to welcome the hero.

Especially when they saw that all the members of the expedition team were present, many tribesmen who were originally worried were relieved.

Joined the cheering team.

The expedition to the immortal monster was not lost, and the tribe naturally celebrated in triumph.

And the corpse of the immortal monster was naturally the best food for celebration.


The center of the Youxiong tribe was full of laughter and singing to celebrate.

As the greatest contributor to the tribe and the focus of attention, Ji Xuanyuan left the tribe and came to the ancestral tomb of the Youxiong tribe.

After placing the wine and offerings, Ji Xuanyuan kowtowed several times. This is... his mother's tomb.

His mother was not a cultivator, but an ordinary human who died in a demon disaster ten years ago.

His life was exchanged for his mother's sacrifice that time.

Ji Xuanyuan didn't say anything. In this world where reincarnation exists, Ji Xuanyuan knew that his mother had already reincarnated.

No one would hear anything he said now.

But in his heart, Ji Xuanyuan silently swore that he would definitely eliminate the demon disaster of the human race.

The human race has suffered from the demon disaster for a long time.

The demon disaster does not only refer to the big demons in the human territory.

If it is just the big demons that are rampant in the human territory, even if the human race suffered huge losses in the previous war, it is not difficult to sweep and eliminate these big demons.

But compared to these monsters and demons, the really tricky ones are those strange and bizarre demons.

Even if the great human beings use the innate eight trigrams to deduce, they can only calculate that this demon is related to the demon race.

That's why it is named demon, but its origin is a mystery.

It often appears out of thin air from the gathering place of the human race, and then kills and devours people.

In the human tribe city, even the human Taiyi Jinxian and even Daluo will still have demons born after many sweeps and searches.

It seems that they can't be killed.

Among them, even the weakest demons need earthly immortals to wipe them out.

And once this demon devours more human beings, its difficulty will increase.

Demons equivalent to the earthly immortal realm need to be wiped out by heavenly immortals, and demons equivalent to the heavenly immortal realm need to be wiped out by true immortals.

And the highest realm of demons equivalent to Taiyi Jinxian that have appeared so far can only be dealt with by the human Daluo himself.

Although the human race has many masters at this time, the territory of the human race is too large and wide.

Even if the masters of the human race come out together, there is no way to protect all the territories of the human race.

Moreover, the great powers of the human race also need to practice, and it is impossible for them to guard the territory of the human race for billions of years.

For the human race at this time, this demon is like a scabies, which has nothing to do with the foundation of the human race, but makes the entire human race extremely uncomfortable.

Time flies.

I don’t know how many years have passed. Ji Xuanyuan’s cultivation has reached Taiyi Jinxian at this time, and he has long become the leader of the Youxiong clan.

And the Youxiong clan has also grown a lot in these years.

In the center of the tribe, Ji Xuanyuan handled the affairs of the entire tribe in front of him. After a long time, after all the affairs were handled, he let out a long breath.

Picked up a piece of intelligence on the side and read it.

"Six demon disasters, 26 deaths, 160 serious and minor injuries..." Ji Xuanyuan looked at the handThe records in the book did not look very good.

Now the population of Youxiong clan is tens of millions.

Every year, the number of people who died in battles or other reasons was far more than this number. This kind of demon disaster with the death of more than 20 people and casualties was only 160.

Normally, it would not appear in the hands of Ji Xuanyuan, the leader of Youxiong clan.


The obsession in his heart made Ji Xuanyuan unable to let go of the matter of demon disaster.

But just as the great human beings had studied before, this demon seemed to appear out of thin air in the human race.

Only through these years of experience, the more stable the human gathering place, the lower the possibility of the appearance of demons.

The only thing Ji Xuanyuan could do was to govern Youxiong clan well.

But even so, every year, at least one or two times, at most seven or eight times, this demon disaster could not be eradicated after all.

Youxiong clan is definitely rare in the entire human race. The number of demon disasters in other regions every year far exceeds that of Youxiong clan.

And every time this scope is expanded to the entire human race, thinking of the number of casualties.

Ji Xuanyuan can't help but be furious, and his belief in eradicating this demon disaster is even stronger.

"Report to the leader, suspected traces of a big demon have been found along the coast of the East China Sea. According to investigation, the big demon may be a Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Outside the room, a human cultivator came hurriedly, and the voice sounded in Ji Xuanyuan's ears.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal big demon? How could a Taiyi Golden Immortal big demon appear?" Ji Xuanyuan's eyes condensed.

Although the human race has been plagued by demon disasters in recent years, most of them are demon chaos, and those big demons have been killed in countless years of crusades.

Even if a big demon appears, it is at most a terrestrial immortal or a celestial immortal. How could a Taiyi Golden Immortal big demon suddenly appear?

What's more, it is in the East China Sea...

For countless years, the monsters that landed from the East China Sea to the human territory are very few.

Although he was confused, Ji Xuanyuan did not hesitate at all. He stood up and grabbed the spiritual sword beside him.

As the leader of Youxiong clan and the only Taiyi Jinxian of Youxiong clan, Ji Xuanyuan had no reason and could never retreat.

What's more, he had never killed a big monster of Taiyi Jinxian before!

A cold light flashed in Ji Xuanyuan's eyes.


The coast of the East China Sea.

Ji Xuanyuan stood in the air, staring at the East China Sea below.

The army of Youxiong clan also formed a formation in the distance, ready to rush up to help their leader at any time.


The waves surged, the sea water rolled, and a giant beast slowly rose from the sea, revealing the huge beast head of thousands of feet.

On the top of the beast head, a single horn still flashed a holy light even in the sun.

The moment he saw the giant beast, Ji Xuanyuan's face immediately condensed, and he looked at the giant beast in front of him with great solemnity.

Taiyi Great Demon?

No, this is clearly the Daluo Demon God!

"Which demon god is this? What is your purpose in coming to our human territory?"

Although he knew that the person in front of him was the Daluo Demon God, Ji Xuanyuan did not show any fear, but instead questioned him forcefully.

In the East China Sea, Bai Ze looked at the human Taiyi who was questioning him without fear, his eyes calm and unconcerned.

Once upon a time.

Taiyi of his demon race was also so confident.

"I am here for the matter of demons in the human territory." Bai Ze's gentle and elegant voice sounded in Ji Xuanyuan's ears.

"The matter of demons?" Ji Xuanyuan frowned, and looked at Bai Ze with a heavy look.

You know, the upper echelons of the human race have calculated that one of the sources of this demon is from the demon race.

That's why it was named demon.

"The demons were born in the prehistoric times because the demon Luohou seduced our demon race to fall and feed on the flesh and blood of the human race."

"Whether it is our demon race or the human race, they are all great harms, and have seriously worsened the relationship between the two races."

"This time I came here to offer a solution." Bai Ze said softly, and the holy light condensed on the horn on his forehead.

Then he turned into a scroll and appeared in the air, floating towards Ji Xuanyuan.

Looking at the picture scroll floating over, Ji Xuanyuan's eyes tightened, but he still raised his hand and took the picture scroll.

Seeing Ji Xuanyuan take the picture scroll, Bai Ze was secretly relieved in his heart. Since this human race did not refuse at the beginning, today's matter has already been 80% done.

His coming here this time and appearing in front of Ji Xuanyuan was not a coincidence, but a choice he made after careful investigation.

Nowadays, humans and demons are not at war, but they are definitely not friendly.

Ji Xuanyuan is a rare human tribe leader who hates demons to the core, but does not have much resentment towards the demons.

"In the prehistoric world, the matters of demons, ghosts and gods, the essenceThere are 11,520 kinds of things and wandering souls, all of which are depicted in this picture, and the annotations have their origins, names, and solutions. "

Hearing Bai Ze's words, Ji Xuanyuan's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately opened the scroll to check it out without hesitation.

The one who calls the eldest wife's name at night is an old chicken. The horse dung is smeared on people's doors, be careful, if you don't, you will die, and it's just a disaster.

The ghost calls the second wife at night, with a black body, white tail, and red head. It smears people's good utensils with its dung, and it's just a disaster. It's a cloud that paints the stove...

One after another, beautiful pictures and annotations appeared in front of Ji Xuanyuan, and the more Ji Xuanyuan looked, the brighter his eyes became.

The scrolls recorded If the demon's true weakness is true, then in the future, the demon will no longer need to be killed by cultivators of higher levels.

The same level, no, even weaker cultivators can kill the demon with such a weakness.

This will not completely eliminate the demon's scourge, but it will definitely reduce the demon's scourge by more than 90%.

Suddenly, Ji Xuanyuan paused.

Looking at one of the scrolls, he was stunned, and his hands holding the scroll tightened.

"The spirit of the toilet is called Yi Yi, wearing green clothes and holding a white stick. Those who know his name and call him will be exterminated, and those who don't know his name will die."

Ji Xuanyuan whispered softly.

His mind couldn't help but return to that night in the past, the night he didn't want to think about until now.

"This demon god, Xuanyuan has accepted this picture. After I verify it to be true, I will never forget the demon god's kindness. "Ji Xuanyuan said while looking at Bai Ze opposite him.

Although his voice was still low, it did not have the aggressive momentum at the beginning.

"Okay..." Bai Ze nodded. He did not expect Ji Xuanyuan to believe him now.

Besides, the scroll was the intelligence information he obtained by using his identity as the demon saint of the demon clan and his own magical power to know the world.

It is impossible to make a mistake.

As long as the verification is correct, Ji Xuanyuan will definitely accept his favor.

Not to mention completely changing the current situation of the demon clan, but at least... it will not make the demon clan completely equated with demons in the future.

"I don't know what this picture is called?" Ji Xuanyuan asked.

Bai Ze hesitated a little, and then said directly: "Just call it... Bai Ze Demon Picture!"

After the voice fell, Bai Ze's figure disappeared silently.

Ji Xuanyuan was not surprised by this. It would be strange if a Daluo demon god did not have such magical powers.

"Bai Ze Demon Picture! Bai...Ze?" Ji Xuanyuan looked at the scroll in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

As a Taiyi Jinxian, he still knew something about the news in the prehistoric world.

Among them, Bai Ze of the demon clan, he naturally knew.


Bai Ze of the demon clan is a quasi-saint, while the Bai Ze just now is a Daluo.

"Isn't it the same Bai Ze?" Ji Xuanyuan was a little confused, but he quickly put it aside.

The most urgent task now is not to be curious about Bai Ze, but to verify the Bai Ze demon map in the demon scroll in his hand.

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