"Minghe, if this is all you have, then become a part of my body!"

Using the Beiming Divine Art, a black hole appeared on Xiangliu's palm.

It was bottomless, but full of infinite danger.

"Could it be that I will really die here today? ?"

Facing Xiangliu's palm, Minghe was already powerless to resist.

It was because he had used up all his strength in the previous attack.

The killing sword rules of Abi and Yuantu, the rules of the Blood God, and some related small rules, and finally the tenth-grade red lotus.

This tenth-grade red lotus is a very extraordinary thing, born from Pangu's filthy blood.

Although it is not as good as the twelve-grade blue lotus, its effect is no worse than any tenth-grade lotus.

But even if he used all his means, he was still powerless to save the situation.

You must know that he usually relies solely on the Blood God. , you can roam the prehistoric world without dying.

But now even if you have revealed all your secrets, the opponent is just indifferent and only uses one sword.

Is this really the witch clan?

But why have the twelve witch ancestors never used this kind of swordsmanship?

And the whole prehistoric world has never heard of this sword consciousness.

You know, in the whole prehistoric world, Tongtian is the best at playing with swords.

But that is just the power of the saint and the four swords of Zhuxian. How can there be someone like Xiangliu who really relies on the swordsmanship to kill himself and be at a loss?

""Fellow Daoist Minghe, do you need any help?"

Just when Minghe thought he was going to die, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him.

The sword consciousness fell into the whirlpool and disappeared.

At the same time, in the Ten Palaces, suddenly, a sword consciousness that could destroy the world fell.

The nine human ancestors and Xuandu didn't even react. When they were about to be annihilated, these sword consciousnesses disappeared instantly.

"Everyone be careful, Ksitigarbha has appeared."

The sword consciousness disappeared, but Xiangliu's voice was left behind.

"The power of the six paths was brought about by Ksitigarbha!!"

"Fortunately, Xiangliu was able to control his power, otherwise we would have been finished."

"They are all in the Quasi-Saint realm, but why do I feel that Xiang Liu is so strong? ?"

Without Xiang Liu saying anything, they all knew that this power came from Xiang Liu.

And when they saw the power of the Six Paths, they knew clearly that this was Ksitigarbha's method.

"Damn it, we didn't bother looking for him, but he dared to plot against us."

"Brothers, put down everything you are doing."

"Yes, Brother Xiangliu can defeat Ksitigarbha, but if you want to kill him in hell, it is a hundred times more difficult than killing Minghe in the blood sea."

Seeing this, the ancestors immediately crossed their legs and went down.

And they opened fire at full force, vowing to help Xiangliu and kill Ksitigarbha.

The blood sea has dried up now, but within a trillion miles here, you can still see the appearance of the seabed.

"What a pity, it was almost there!!"

Ksitigarbha secretly said what a pity, just at the critical moment, he used the Six Paths to transfer Xiangliu's power to the Ten Palaces.

Unfortunately, Xiangliu reacted in time and dispersed all his sword knowledge.

And Ksitigarbha also knew that this move failed, if he wanted to sneak attack next time, it would be difficult.

At the same time, he instantly felt the resistance of the tunnel to him, it seemed that they had already started.

But the Six Paths of Reincarnation are not these powers.

As long as the Styx is taken down, the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation will inevitably be dispersed, and his chances of controlling the tunnel will be even greater

"Dizang, you dare to use me!!"

Xiang Liu looked at the ascetic monk, his eyes full of murderous intent. He didn't need to do anything at all. With his huge power, Dizang unconsciously showed endless black Buddha light.


At this time, the Buddha light around Dizang was not golden, but black.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Buddha!

This was the power of his great wish obtained by his oath to the heaven.

"It’s not a matter of using, it’s just a small favor!!"

Dizang put his hands together, but he didn’t look like a monk.

Instead, he looked more like an executioner holding a butcher knife!!!

""Why are Xiangliu and him talking nonsense? Get started!!!"

Kuafu, who was standing aside, couldn't help himself.

Seeing Dizang coming out, he used his hand as a knife and chopped him down without saying a word.

The Six Secrets of Ao Han!!!

The sword energy that spread between heaven and earth directly enveloped the entire blood river. Even the creatures in the entire hell could feel the extreme horror of this sword.


"Kuafu, you are a saint of the Wu clan, how dare you attack the quasi-saint?"

As he spoke, two figures appeared in front of Kuafu.

"Jieyin, Zhunti, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Kuafu saw this, laughed grimly, picked up his wooden sword and rushed forward.

"Today, I will use my demon-killing skills to kill you completely!!"

Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other, which was exactly what the two saints wanted.

The Wu clan has now produced two saints, and there will be three saints and four saints in the future...

Now that they have the opportunity, how could Jie Yin and Zhunti miss the good opportunity to hunt.

After all, the saints of the Wu clan are characters who have become saints in the flesh.

They have no souls, and if they are really killed by themselves, they are really dead.

So arranging Di Zang to go to the underworld is also to lure out the saints of the Wu clan.

But what the two saints in the West don't know is that his idea actually coincides with Wu Wudi.

Wu Wudi is even more calculated than the two of them.


Kuafu, who had already obtained the Heavenly Blade, now obtained the Six Secrets of Ao Han.

In a moment, the three saints fought in the empty hell.

"Oh no, the two saints from the West have also come down to the underworld"

"Ksitigarbha made a great wish, which must be the conspiracy of these two saints."

"How despicable! Is there really no place for our human race to survive in this prehistoric world?"

The ancestor of human beings cried out. Now, a total of six saints have attacked them.

The Three Pure Ones are one family. Laozi's debt is also counted on Yuanshi and Tongtian.

In addition, Nuwa created humans and let her subordinates eat people, and now there are the two saints in the West.

The ancestor of human beings is completely desperate for these saints.

"Brothers, hold on to your mind and don't let them break the tunnel."

Seeing this, Qian Zu hurriedly reminded loudly.

Now the human way is not obvious.

And they are alive, walking half of the human way.

If they add the weak tunnel now, they still have a glimmer of hope.

If even the tunnel is gone, even if they are under the protection of the witch clan, they will lose the possibility of becoming the protagonist of the prehistoric world in the future.

You need power to get out.

Originally, the human race could become the mainstream of the prehistoric world because they had the support of the six saints.

Nuwa molded clay to create humans and became a saint.

The Three Pure Ones established a religion and made a vow to the heaven and became saints.

The two Western religions are even in the next catastrophe, borrowing the luck of the human race to save the Western dragon veins.

But now?

Due to the dominance of the witch clan, the trend of the entire prehistoric world began to get out of control.

Even the saints dare not say that the results of their calculations are correct.

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