"Let them go!"

At this moment, a tall and handsome figure came from the sky.

"Master Xuandu, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business."

Seeing that the person who came was actually Laozi's apprentice, the monsters not only did not have the slightest intention of stopping, but their movements became even faster.


The monsters were not afraid of Master Xuandu, and their actions became more and more violent.

Master Xuandu did not tolerate them and directly took ruthless action.

After all, he was Laozi's first disciple, and also the first disciple of the Three Pure Ones. His strength had reached the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

To deal with these monsters in front of him, he did not even need the Taiqing Immortal Technique, and strangled them all.

"Xuandu, you are finally back"

"Did the saint call you back to save us?"

"Great! With the saint coming forward, the demons will no longer dare to act recklessly."

Seeing Xuandu coming back, all the humans were overjoyed.


Master Xuandu opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Although he didn't know the specific inside story, he knew some gossip.

The human race was abandoned, or it could be said that the human race was temporarily sold to the demon race by his teacher, the Supreme Saint.

And his return was not ordered by the Supreme Saint, but he came back on his own.

Just because he was a human, he couldn't bear to watch the human race being killed one after another.

So he would rather disobey Laozi's order and come back to show his own intentions.

Of course, he didn't dare to tell the news that the Supreme Saint had abandoned the human race, especially now that he saw many of his fellow tribesmen crying with joy.

He pulled the corners of his mouth apart, but felt extremely sad.

Could it be that the heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as straw dogs ?


"Haha, you humans are just dreaming of eating shit."

"Let me tell you, Saint Taiqing has completely given up on you."The great demon Chi Tie came with the demonic wind, but he did not attack immediately after arriving. Instead, he looked at the great magician Xuandu with interest.

"What, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"That is, now that the great master Xuandu has returned, it proves that the Saint Taiqing has us in his heart."

"Don't even think about alienating us. The Great Saint of Taiqing established the Human Religion. We are all his people. He will never abandon us."

The nine great human ancestors glared at the big demon.


"Why don't you ask Master Xuandu?"

"He is a disciple of the great sage Taiqing. His words are not as true as my thousands of words."

The great demon Chitie is ugly in appearance, shaped like a buffalo, but with huge horns, black fur, and feeds on iron. His excrement is as sharp as steel.

Spiritual beasts like him are really rare, and they can actually refine steel.

He transformed into a human form, with a dark complexion and a face like the bottom of a pot. He held a wolf tooth stick in his hand, with his upper body bare, staring at Li Suiyun with a fierce look, and he looked like a tyrannical and powerful person.

Although his face was dark, at this moment, he looked at this group of human beings and couldn't help but grin.

This is something that the whole world knows, but only the human race is still in the dark.

But it's true.

The human race, even the so-called ancestor of mankind, is so weak that he can be dealt with by one palm. It is normal for the saint to give up on them.

Chitie is a demon race, and it emphasizes the rule of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

"This is not true, Xuandu, tell me?"

Qian Zu is the ancestor of the nine ancestors and the boss of all the ancestors.

His strength is also at the peak of the late Golden Immortal, and his methods are powerful and his thinking is meticulous.

Since Nuwa molded the clay to create humans, he has been leading the human race to survive.

If he was not the first batch of innate humans and had too many causal relationships with Nuwa, the one who was accepted as a disciple by the Taiqing Saint was not the second generation Xuandu Master.

It was him.

""Qian Zu!!"

Master Xuandu wanted to say no, but this was the decision of the saint.

He wanted to say yes, but he couldn't say it.

For a moment, even though he was at the peak of the late Taiyi Jinxian realm, his face turned pale and the corners of his mouth trembled. He felt powerless.

A deep sense of powerlessness came from his heart and he couldn't stop it at all.

""Okay, I got it!!"

Seeing the appearance of the great master Xuandu, Qian Zu's heart had completely turned cold.

He had experienced the process of the human race from nothing to something, and he was also the first group of human beings still alive.

He knew even more about the hardships of the human race over the years, but he was powerless. He had tried to practice desperately, but it seemed that there was always a shackle between heaven and earth that bound him.

He was called Qian, but the distance between him and the sky was getting farther and farther.

It was obviously Nuwa who created them, but in the past tens of thousands of years, the demons had eaten them the most fiercely.

He wanted to find the saint Nuwa and question all the Yi Ran came.

But he didn't even know where Nuwa was.

But even so, for thousands of years, he still insisted, wanting to lead the human race to survive. He also wanted to find a place for the human race to survive in this primitive world.

So for thousands of years, he ran around, but he didn't gain anything.

In the end, he returned to Buzhou Mountain, where Nuwa created them with the Nine Heavens Xirang.

This place was originally thought to be the last piece of pure land for the human race, but now the demon race has come to the door.

They have no way out now!!!

"We just want to live, why is it so difficult?"

"If you don't want us, why create us?"

"Exchanging one's own children for food is no more than this."

When Qian Zu said this, the heaven and earth shook.

"Qian Zu, you!!"

"Don't be discouraged, Qianzu. The saint must be in seclusion now and has no idea of our current situation."

"As long as I am sincere, the saint will surely respond."

"Taiqing and Nuwa, we have the protection of two saints."

Among the Three Pure Ones, Laozi founded the Human Religion and recruited the great master Xuandu as the chief disciple.

The human race created the human race, so it can be said that he is the mother of the human race.

"Come on, now you can't get any help from heaven or earth."


It is better to stick your head out obediently, so as to avoid some physical pain.���He grinned.

"Qian Zu, take as many people as you can."

Master Xuandu did not speak, but stood in front of Chitie.

"You think you can stop me? ?"

Chitie laughed.

Saint disciple, so what?

Now is the great era of the prehistoric times, Daluo is the core power of this era, as for Taiyi Jinxian!!


Sure enough.

Without blocking a single move, the great magician Xuandu was knocked to the ground by Chitie.

You should know that Chitie is at the peak of the late Daluo, and his demonic power has reached the peak.

Moreover, after experiencing several wars between wizards and liches, his anger is even more overwhelming. Once he fights, he will use all his strength.


The nine ancestors of the human race saw this and rushed up one after another.

""Go away and ignore me!"

The great master Xuandu had nothing on him, and relied on the Taiqing Immortal Technique.

But facing Chitie, he had no way to deal with him.

The nine ancestors of the human race were weaker than him, and were only golden immortals.

Before they rushed over, they were suppressed by Chitie's momentum.

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