"What's wrong?"

"It is what you see. You can't see it clearly. Do you want me to bring them closer for you to see?"

Kuafu laughed.

"I will kill you!!"

Kuafu said that, and waved the Fusang branch and the body of the three-legged little golden crow in his hand.

Killing people and destroying their hearts!

Donghuang Taiyi was so angry that he rushed over with the Donghuang Bell.!!!

Unfortunately, before he could rush to Kuafu, Houyi punched him.

The seven kinds of killing power gathered into a torrent, making the Donghuang Bell clang.

It turned out that while Kuafu and Donghuang Taiyi were talking, Houyi's broken body had completely recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Being beaten so badly by Donghuang Taiyi Bell, Houyi was naturally unwilling to accept it.

So when Donghuang Taiyi was distracted, he went up and punched him with the Seven Injury Fist with all his strength. When this punch came out, compared with the one that hit Chang Xi, it was dozens of times more powerful.

"Boy, you dare to stop me...Hey, you were injured by my Donghuang Bell, why did you recover so quickly? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Houyi in shock.

His Donghuang Bell contained the power of the supreme law. If a Daluo realm was touched, it would be injured, and if it was hit, it would die.

Since he had it, he had never failed.


Hou Yi sneered, his face full of disdain.

"How dare the small witch tribe be so arrogant?"

"Look, I am going to cut off your heads, hang them under the Heaven, and suppress them for thousands of years."

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, holding the Chaos Bell in his hand and ready to fight.

But at this moment, Kuafu had already appeared in front of him.


Since practicing the art of the stars shifting, Kuafu has never used his full strength.

Now, a single move can affect the whole body.

His strength penetrates the heaven and earth, and the stars surge under the chaos.

With Kuafu's punch, the sky full of stars rushed towards Taiyi like meteors.

Taiyi's mouth curled up slightly. A mere great witch wants to challenge a quasi-saint like him? He shook the Chaos Bell in his hand. Ding ding ding!!!

As he shook the Chaos Bell in his hand, the shaking heaven and earth instantly stabilized.

Even the falling meteor was frozen in the void under the Chaos Bell.

""Go to hell!!!"

The Chaos Bell was shaken, and only three rings froze the whole situation.

Just when Donghuang Taiyi wanted to make a quick decision, two huge millstones appeared between the sky and the earth.

One was dim and filled with the smell of withering and death of all things.

The other was red and full of vitality.

Now the two strange millstones, one above and one below, directly enveloped Donghuang Taiyi.

Gaga Gaga!!!

He moved his body, as if his whole body was rusted.

Seeing that the Yin-Yang millstone in the sky was about to turn.

Donghuang Taiyi snorted disdainfully.

He waved his sleeves, and countless scorching sun fires gushed out.

Wherever he passed, even the void was directly pierced.

But strangely, the two Yin-Yang millstones were unmoved.

And as he turned, the sun flames gradually disappeared.

"As expected of the Yin-Yang Grinding Wheel, this strength is considered top-notch among our great witches."

Hou Yi said this, but his hands and feet did not hesitate at all. With a flick of his little finger, a murderous sword energy shot up into the sky.

He was even more ferocious, and rushed directly in front of Kua Fu.


"Yin-Yang millstone, sword energy?"

"You are not from the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan cannot have these methods."

Donghuang Taiyi watched his own Sun True Fire being extinguished, and it also hit his Chaos Bell.

Even though he was at the Quasi-Sage level, he was still shocked.

"Yi, do it!!"

Kuafu saw this and stopped talking nonsense.

The two of them used their full strength at the same time, and for a moment they were evenly matched with Donghuang Taiyi.

Of course, this was an illusion. It was because Donghuang Taiyi felt very strange now, and he had never seen these fighting skills.

But the power was so strong that even if he wanted to kill the two witches, he forced himself to stop and observe.

"Kuafu, go away!!!"

As the two great wizards, they naturally knew what Donghuang Taiyi had observed.

So they understood each other tacitly, and after using a big move, they wanted to run away.

""Can you leave?"

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly.

He had just come out of the Zhoutian Star Array, so how could he let them leave at will?

The Chaos Bell shook, and all the laws of heaven and earth were frozen.

Houyi and Kuafu were no exception.

The huge bell sound, the sound waves formed, formed an unparalleled mountain, directly pressing down on Kuafu and Houyi.

""Destroy the heavens and the earth, Six Meridians Divine Sword!!"

At the critical moment, Hou Yi's body exploded directly.

At the cost of his life, he exerted all the power of the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

The mountain exploded, Kuafu survived intact, but Hou Yi was blown beyond recognition.


Seeing Hou Yi in such a miserable state, Kuafu roared and stopped running.

With a bang, his body suddenly turned into a huge Yin-Yang millstone.

Wherever it passed, everything was destroyed.

Donghuang Taiyi saw this and snorted coldly.

He shook the Chaos Bell in his hand, and there was another earth-shattering sound.

The Yin-Yang millstone destroyed everything in the world, but in front of the Chaos Bell, it was disintegrated inch by inch.

""A mere witch dares to fight me to death. You really don't know what you are talking about!!"

If I wasn't curious about their special skills, with the peak realm of Donghuang Taiyi Quasi-Saint, plus the power of the Chaos Bell, I could have killed them long ago.

But it's not too late now.

It's a pity for my nine nephews. As for Chang Xi and Xihe.

When they were practicing the Zhoutian Star Array, their souls were placed in the Zhoutian stars.

Although their bodies are dead now, their souls are immortal.

This is a bit similar to saints.

However, saints place their souls on the laws of the void. As long as the way of heaven is not dead, they will not be destroyed.

The two are completely different, but they have one thing in common.

That is, after death, the soul can be resurrected.

"Nine little golden crows, replacing two great witches!!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Houyi and Kuafu, his eyes full of coldness.

He knew about this situation, and Dijun knew it even more.

Although they were refining the Zhoutian Star Array, Dijun had been paying attention to the witch clan.

With the River Map and Luoshu, how could he not know what was about to happen?

That's why Houyi and Kuafu went to heaven, and Changxi and Xihe died.

"My little nephew, you will not die in vain."

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes were dim. He had to agree with his elder brother.

Because they had the River Map and the Luoshu, they actually knew that they had become victims of the catastrophe.

So they had to clear all obstacles for the future of the demon race.


Peach Forest

"Tsk tsk, there is such a change, it seems that this demon tribe is not without people."

Wu Wudi put down the pen in his hand.

In his plan, Kuafu and Houyi would escape unscathed.

But now the two witches were left behind by Donghuang Taiyi.

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