It was just the power of the lunar star. Wu Wudi had already left him a backup plan.

With one move of Bei Ming Divine Art, no matter how powerful you are, it will be completely sucked away.

Of course, he doesn't know Bei Ming Divine Art, but he has obtained the Star Absorbing Art!!

Although this thing is a weakened version of Bei Ming Divine Art, it is not as terrifying as Bei Ming Divine Art.

But it is surprisingly useful for the power of the stars.

In the past two hundred years, he has read fourteen novels. Some of the novels have obtained skills, while some have not.

However, the harvest is so great that even he is dumbfounded now.

"Do you think that you can leave here alive after eliminating my Taiyin star power?"

Chang Xi snorted coldly.

At this moment, she wanted to immediately get rid of the two witches in front of her, and then quickly find Bai Gua.

Just because the other party can get rid of the Taiyin star power, then maybe Bai Ze's plan has been known to them.

If Bai Ze still stays in the Wu clan, even if his soul is placed here with her.

But in the end, it will only hurt more and more, and he will never be able to return to the Daluo realm.

So she didn't take action, and once she took action, she would use the peak power of Daluo.

""Seven Injury Fist!!"

Unfortunately, Hou Yi was even faster when she made her move.

With one punch, the terrifying power shook the entire Taiyin Star up and down.

And Hou Yi himself was the first to spit out three mouthfuls of blood.

Chang Xi was even more miserable. She didn't expect Hou Yi to be so cruel.

With one move, he threw such a terrifying punch.

Even though she had the advantage of home court and the blessing of Taiyin Star, she was still blown up by one punch.

""Houyi? ? ?"

Chang'e was shocked.

She was not only shocked that Chang Xi was blown up by a punch, but she was also shocked that Houyi was injured.

This was her husband, her beloved.

"It's okay, I just haven't bled for a long time, I want to feel it again."

Hou Yi laughed and comforted Chang'e.

Seven Injury Fist, hurt yourself before hurting others.

This skill has seven kinds of extinction power, and every punch has extremely terrifying power.

Hou Yi was just trying it out, but the power of this punch made Hou Yi very satisfied.

You know, he is no longer the same as he was a hundred years ago. In addition to the top-notch martial arts such as the Six Meridians Divine Sword, he also obtained the Shenzhaojing, so he is not afraid of getting hurt.

"You dare to hurt me? I want you to be annihilated!!"

At this moment, Chang Xi slowly recovered under the power of countless Taiyin stars.

"You still want to brag in front of me? I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word death."

Hou Yi protected Chang'e behind him, and then used the Star Absorbing Technique to the extreme.

Suddenly, the entire Taiyin Star howled like ghosts and wolves, and the power of countless stars fell apart.

"What kind of martial arts is this? Why can it restrain my Taiyin star power so much? ? ?"

Chang Xi was shocked.

If the punch just now only made him feel pressured.

Then the martial arts displayed by Hou Yi now completely overturned his view of the Wu clan.

When did the Wu clan become so able to restrain the stars?

You should know that she participated in the practice of the Zhoutian Star Array. She has achieved a small success in the Taiyin Star. If not, she would not have left the practice of the Zhoutian Star Array.

Now in the demon court, all the demon courts above the Golden Immortal are practicing the Zhoutian Star Array.

This is also the reason why Wu Wudi wanted to clean up the demon clan and made a plan within a plan.


The Beiming Divine Power can absorb all the energy of heaven and earth, but the Star Absorbing Technique is a little worse.

However, with Hou Yi's current means, it is easy for him to deal with Chang Xi.

"Humph, the Taiyin Star is so huge, with your Great Wizard realm, I wonder how long you can suppress it? ? ?"

Chang Xi snorted coldly, and pushed his demonic power to the extreme.

With the control of the Taiyin Star, once it explodes, the power will be enough to defeat even a quasi-saint, except for a saint.


The invisible impact is the most deadly.

Hou Yi's body is decadent, and his spirit and energy suddenly dropped.

"Chang'e, you go back first!!"

Hou Yi took a deep breath and suppressed the injury.

Then he tore it with one hand and directly opened a hole in the void.

"No, Yi, I won't leave!!

Chang'e is at the Golden Witch level, and her strength is not weak.

But between this Great Witch and Daluo, this strength can't help much.

"Don't worry, this bitch is no match for me, you can go back without worry."

Hou Yi smiled gently at Chang'e, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Want to send people away, have you asked me?"

As the companion spirit of the lunar star, Chang Xi is no match for Hou Yi in terms of individual strength.

But when she uses the power of the lunar star, even Hou Yi feels pressured.

Chang Xi was furious, and the power of the entire lunar star surged and rolled.

It was like a raging storm, and the terrifying power was like the sky falling.

"Great witch Dharma body!!"

Hou Yi snorted coldly, and used his physical strength to forcibly take on all the power.

"Yi, kill this bitch"

"I'll wait for you at home!!!"

Seeing her man being suppressed, Chang'e knew that going back was the best way to help.

So Chang'e no longer hesitated and stepped into the void crack.

""You bitch, you are the bitch!!"

As the master of Taiyin Star, Chang Xi had never been so angry before.

You should know that Taiyin Star was transformed from an eyeball of Pangu. Although Chang Xi had no relationship with Pangu, she was the first creature on Taiyin Star and held the power of Taiyin Star.

At this moment, compared with Houyi, she wanted to kill Chang'e more.

The power of Taiyin Star was transformed into a river of stars by her with a ribbon.

Wherever it passed, even time and space were frozen into ice. But when she thought that Chang'e would die in the next second, her Taiyin Star Technique could not hurt the void crack at all.

"What, who is it? ? ?"

Chang'e was shocked.

She used the power of the Taiyin Star to perform the Taiyin Star Method.

With such power, even the Quasi-Saints had to retreat.

But now, this terrifying attack could not shake the void crack.

"What else can you do? ? ?"

At this moment, Hou Yi turned into a giant of a thousand feet.

Each hand and each foot was extremely powerful.

Especially his fists, wherever he passed, contained seven kinds of killing power.

Seven Injury Fist.

Hurting others hurts himself.

At this time, Hou Yi, because Chang'e was no longer by his side, did not hold back.

This was also the first time he had gone all out after two hundred years of accumulation.

With one punch, the river of star ribbons formed by the Taiyin Dafa was instantly broken.

Hou Yi took a step forward and grabbed the broken star ribbon with one hand.

With a single hand, he threw the entire galaxy out.

Chang Xi was shocked. She had already used her combined strength, but she didn't expect that the other party had just started.

Just when Chang Xi was about to think of a countermeasure, an even more terrifying sword energy came straight at her.

"Sword Qi???"

The sword Qi that could destroy the heavens and the earth was so strong that even the body hidden in the Moon Star could not hide.

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