"I think Xing Tian is the best. How about Xing Tian!"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Xing Tian. As one of the innate great witches, Xing Tian was the strongest among the seven witches. He also had a very high prestige among the witches. If it weren't for the lack of Pangu's blood in his body, he could actually break through the realm of the ancestor witch.

"Dear Ancestral Witches, I have gained a lot from fighting the four fierce beasts."

"We Wu people prefer to move and not be quiet. I want to try to see if I can find my chance in quietness."

Xing Tian is an extremely burly man with muscles bursting all over his body.

""What about you guys?"

The Wu clan is good at fighting, and it is normal to gain something from every battle.

So Di Jiang looked at the other six innate great witches.

"After this battle, I found that my archery skills are not good enough, and I need to practice my accuracy."

"Oh, my wind bag seems to have a hole in it, I need to sew it up"

"Forget it. My peach wood stick almost broke when I hit those two old women. I have to go to Peach Mountain and plant it."


Speaking of power, it is a strange thing.

That force or cultivator can refuse, but these seven innate great witches are trying to refuse.

There is no other way.

If you ask them to fight for their lives, they will agree. If you ask them to spend their time on food, clothing, housing, and daily necessities

, they can't do it.

"You guys have disappointed us so much. Even if you don't want to be in charge of the Wu Clan, you should find a better reason."

"That's right, especially you, Kuafu. Everyone knows that your peach wood stick has been extinct, but you still want to go to Peach Mountain to plant it. Aren't you afraid that the monsters in Peach Mountain will seek revenge on you?"

"And Hou Yi, you are such a genius, you are the most accurate archer in the entire witch clan, hitting the target every time is nothing, this is your basic skill."

The witch ancestors pointed at the noses of the seven innate witches and cursed them, but as the witch ancestors, they could understand the thoughts of the witches.

This is embarrassing!!

"Nine Yin Ancestral Witch, I have an immature suggestion."

The seven innate great witches, all sitting upright, like children who have committed a crime.

But at this moment, Kuafu raised his hand with a confident look.

However, when he saw the murderous eyes of the ancestral witches, his neck shrank unconsciously.

Even the great witches who were known as desperate men outside would feel scared when facing the ancestral witches.

"Okay, everyone sit down."

"Kuafu, tell me!"

"If there is nothing constructive, then the responsibility of managing the witch clan will be handed over to you."

Kuafu breathed a sigh of relief the previous second, but the next second, after hearing the words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Kuafu's whole person was like an eggplant hit by frost, as ugly as it could be.

"Haha, Emperor Jiang Zuwu is wise. I also think Kuafu is the most suitable."

"Indeed, Kuafu had a kind nature, a good character, and most importantly, patience."

"I think so too. In addition, he was the most courageous in this war. He fought two of the three most powerful women in the prehistoric world alone. It would be easy for him to manage the witch clan."


The six innate great witches winked at each other and praised Kuafu.

Seeing his good brothers gloating over the misfortune, Kuafu's face became stiff, with only his eyebrows twitching.

"The reason why I was able to go to heaven from the Northern Wasteland so smoothly is because of a crucial person here."

Kuafu took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to kill his brother.


"Could it be Wu Wudi?"

"I never thought that Kuafu would recommend this brother.

The other six great witches looked at Kuafu thoughtfully.

"Yes, it is Wu Wudi.

Kuafu nodded.


"Brother Kuafu, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but even if you don't want to manage our witch clan, there's no need to assign this difficult task to a new witch."

"That's right, you are being irresponsible. Otherwise, follow the suggestion of the ancestor witch Dijiang and let you do it."

The reason why the innate great witch is the innate great witch is that they are the closest to the ancestor witch. And they are seven brothers who have lived together since birth. They know each other well, and the most important thing is strength.

They fully recognize Kuafu's strength.

As for this Wu Wudi who suddenly appeared, they have not even seen him once.

Even though they belong to the same clan, they still cannot reach the level of absolute trust.

"Humph, you guys really underestimate Wu Wudi"

"Take Brother Xingtian for example?"

Kuafu pointed at Xingtian.

"Me? ?"

Xing Tian looked at Kuafu in confusion.

Why did he point the problem at himself?

"Gui Che, your axe only caused more damage"

"That's right."

Xing Tian nodded. He also wanted to kill Gui Che at that time.

But this Gui Che had a head that was good at controlling the wind, so it could escape very quickly.

"Where is brother Wu Wudi?"

"They just killed the ghost car."

"Brothers, remember, it's a complete kill."

"We have fought two rounds of war between wizards and liches, and only a handful of Golden Immortals have died."

"What's more, Gui Che is one of the ten great demon commanders in heaven, and his strength is definitely obvious to everyone."

Kuafu talked freely.

"That is what they said, but the ghost car was hit hard by the ancient witches and Brother Xingtian."

"If it were me, I could kill him."

"Kuafu, stop making excuses."

The ancient witches didn't say anything, but just listened quietly. On the contrary, the great witches were afraid that they would be caught to manage the witch clan, so they quickly denied it.

"Hey, don't be so full of yourself when you talk."

"Even though Guiche was injured, what about Bai Ze?"

After these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Bai Ze's ability was known to the whole prehistoric world.

When Di Jun was not around, he was the first military advisor of the Heavenly Court.

His power was so great that it was simply shocking.

"Bai Ze is proficient in innate magic. If he wants to escape, who can kill him?"

"I think even if Emperor Jiang Zu Wu wanted to kill him, it would take some effort!!"

Kuafu looked at Emperor Jiang.

"Kuafu, you are crazy, you actually compare yourself to Emperor Jiang Zuwu"

"Even if you don't want to manage the Wu clan, you don't have to do this."

"This is a great act of treason. If you were not my brother, I would give you a big bag right now."

Pangu is their belief, and the ancestor witch is their spiritual pillar, an existence that must not be desecrated.

"Kuafu was right. Bai Ze in the demon court was indeed extraordinary.

Emperor Jiang did not rebuke the great witches, but agreed with Kuafu's statement.

This was the ancestor witch, just like fighting, very real.

"Wu Wudi did it. Not only did he kill Guiche, he also killed Bai Ze."

"Otherwise, even if I can reach the Demon Court from the Northern Wilderness Gate, I may not be able to reach the Ninth Heaven."

In order to push away the responsibility of managing the Wu Clan, Kuafu was also very hardworking and directly attributed all his credit to Wu Wudi.

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