Chapter 451 Surrender

As the blood-robed ancestor said, he is a ray of evil thought, and he does not have any complicated emotions, so what he likes most is to make himself and those living creatures have emotional fluctuations.

The fight with King Xuanyuan was just what the blood-robed ancestors did in pursuit of stimulation.

The blood-robed ancestor also said that he admired the human race, because at the beginning, the human race was fighting to the death of the Xuanyuan Fa King’s army and ignited a passion that he had never had before.

The blood-robed ancestor also assured him that even if Lin Changhe died one day, he would protect the continuation of the human race.

Even the blood-robed ancestor said that if one day he really won the Nanming Continent, he might let the descendants of the human race inherit this land.

The blood-robed ancestor’s sincerity towards the human race has always been in the eyes of Lin Changhe, so these words of the blood-robed ancestor made Lin Changhe not know how to explain, or even how to face the blood-robed ancestor.

The blood-robed ancestor just looked at the silent Lin Changhe, waiting for his answer, but Lin Changhe stood there with a complicated expression, and he did not speak for a long time.

“Go back, it’s not too late to tell me if you think about it, I said, my blood-robed ancestor has always believed in you!”

Hearing this, Lin Changhe’s body was shocked, and he looked at the blood-robed ancestor in disbelief.

“Make up a better reason when you come next time, at least I can fool you!” The blood-robed ancestor said again.

“You… did you forgive me?” Lin Changhe stumbled and said.

“I said that I have always believed in you, and you have been calling me Boss. This title is recognized by my blood-robed ancestor. Although you lied to me, your human race has never betrayed me, so there is nothing to forgive or not forgive. of……”

Although the blood-robed ancestor has lived for millions of years, he is not even as emotionally rich as an ordinary person. However, in contact with the human race, the blood-robed ancestor found that his own emotions have become more and more abundant, so he In the eyes of Human Race is a completely different existence from other subordinate forces.

When the blood-robed ancestor said this, although the eyes revealed a fierce light, Lin Changhe still saw a trace of disappointment and unwillingness in his eyes.

At this time, the blood-robed ancestor was like a child who had just made a good friend, and then gradually discovered in the contact with the good friend that he was sincere, and the so-called good friend was hiding from him everywhere.

Although the truth made him angry and sad, in the bottom of his heart, he still didn’t want to lose Lin Changhe, his friend and human race.

“Boss…” Looking at the blood-robed ancestor, Lin Changhe had a complicated expression. He opened his mouth to say something, but he still held back.

Whether the secret of the human race is told to the blood-robed ancestor is not for him to decide alone, although he is the “patriarch”, but he can not represent the human race.

“If you don’t think about it, go back first, and think about how to make up this flawless story!” The blood-robed ancestor said impatiently.

However, Lin Changhe found that the blood-robed ancestor clearly had expectations when he spoke, but in the end it turned into disappointment.

“Boss, when the time is right, I will tell you. You said that you have never been ashamed of our human race, and I, Lin Changhe, also promised you that I have always regarded you as my boss, and I will not be ashamed of you!”

After saying this, Lin Changhe turned and left.

Looking at Lin Changhe’s back, the fierce light in the blood-robed ancestor’s eyes faded, and there was only relief in his eyes.

In fact, he didn’t want to listen to any explanations, nor any lies. Although Lin Changhe didn’t say anything, the blood-robed ancestor was still very pleased, at least Lin Changhe didn’t deceive him anymore.

Especially when Lin Changhe said the last sentence before leaving, the blood-robed ancestor could feel the sincerity of Lin Changhe’s emotional fluctuations. With this sentence and this heart, in the blood-robed ancestor’s view, it is the best guarantee.

Although his curiosity has not yet been satisfied, in this world, the races that can survive have their own secrets. Although the secrets of the human race made him curious, he no longer wants to know it.

Soon after Lin Changhe left, the figure of the blood-robed ancestor also disappeared in place.

At this time, a ghostly figure under the moonlight came from the outside, and silently escaped the guards and entered the stone pillar palace.

Naturally, his appearance could not be hidden from the blood-robed ancestor. At this time, the blood-robed ancestor’s figure slowly condensed with the emergence of the black evil wind, appeared behind the ghostly figure, and then raised his hand to take a picture.

The ghost figure that had hit the palm of the blood-robed ancestor showed a circle of ripples on its surface, removing all this power, floating forward like a feather, and then slowly landing.

“Who!” Looking at the figure, the blood-robed ancestor said coldly.

“Blood-robed ancestor, let’s talk?” The vague ghost shadow said with a smile.

“Sneaky, I think I killed you, and then drew your soul. Let’s talk to your soul!” The blood-robed ancestor’s mouth turned up, and his body appeared in front of the ghostly figure in the blink of an eye, with his right palm. Suddenly photographed, a violent evil wind suddenly formed and swept forward.

Faced with the tearing of the blood robe ancestor’s evil wind, the ghost figure obviously couldn’t bear it anymore, and suddenly collapsed in place.

At this time, the blood-robed ancestor reached out to the area where the ghostly figure was disintegrated, and wanted to grab the soul of that person. However, the blood-robed ancestor was surprised that no soul was taken out.

“Blood-robed ancestor, this is the first time I met, it is not good to do this!” I don’t know when, the ghost figure appeared behind the blood-robed ancestor.

“A bit capable!”

The blood-robed ancestor snorted coldly, and turned around to launch another attack, but saw the ghost figure suddenly retreated, and then the shadow on the body surface dissipated, revealing the real body.

Looking at the young man with long, soft white hair in front of him, the blood-robed ancestor couldn’t help being stunned, but the vigilance in his heart did not let go.

“Boy, who are you?”

Yu Qing, who had a smile on his face and an unpredictable posture, instantly pulled his face down when he heard this.

When the blood-robed ancestor called him a little kid, Yu Qing’s expression was instantly dull.

The blood-robed ancestor was also very curious in his heart, because he found that Yu Qing seemed to have no entity, and he could not perceive his emotional fluctuations.

The blood-robed ancestor is extremely sensitive to this aspect, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

“Explain your intentions, kid!” The blood-robed ancestor asked again.

If it wasn’t for Yu Qing’s strength that he couldn’t see through, he would have killed him with the character of the blood-robed ancestor, but now he is very curious about Yu Qing’s purpose in finding him.

Although it was very upset that the blood-robed ancestor called himself a kid, Yu Qing did not want to entangle with the blood-robed ancestor in this regard.

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