Chapter 433

However, Wen Liang and others would not discuss anything with him. They were from the “Heavenly Dao Sect”, not negotiators. Since the conditions were not met, they would use force.

Being a disciple of the “Heavenly Dao Sect” is so headstrong and so violent.

The battle started completely, and the huge group of ships pushed forward directly and slammed into the sea animal group on the sea.

This battle will come sooner or later, if you encounter it, do it!

Facing the attitude of the people at Hangu Pass, Qin Honghai suddenly thought of what his subordinates had said when reporting to him.

Everyone at Hangu Pass has an elusive temper, and if they say anything inconsistent, they will kill you with their lives!

“The forces, fight back with me!”

At this time, Qin Honghai looked gloomy, but naturally he would not wait to be killed in the face of an attack, and immediately roared to the rear.

Suddenly the sea beast army also began to counterattack.

“Retreat!” With Wen Liang’s words, except Chi You, everyone else immediately began to turn back and leaped towards the ship.

Seeing this, Qin Honghai waved his palm forward, and the streamer of the three giant palms suddenly slashed towards Wen Liang and the others.

Now that the war has started, he will naturally not keep his hands.

“Heavenly Gu Yuan roundworm!” Chi You’s mouth curled slightly, and the three descending Gu nerves suddenly appeared.

The three descending Gu nerves that I saw were lingering in the void, among them were faintly wrong, they were all Gu worms, like a dark cloud, terrifying and shocking, making people frightened.

Many gu worms turned into a huge pitch-black palm, ready to step forward to meet Qin Honghai’s attack and create an opportunity for the rest of the people to retreat, but Wen Liang stepped up to him first, and then slammed Xing Tianshi.


The huge impact drove Wen Liang away, but relying on Xing Tiandun’s absolute defensive power, he was not injured in any way.

“Boss Chi You, let’s go!” Wen Liang in the air shouted immediately.

Hearing this, Chi You took a deep look at Qin Honghai and stepped on the surface of the sea.


Suddenly, there was a huge wave around him, which was about a hundred feet away.

Chi You’s figure floated into the air and rushed towards the ship.

“Where to go!” After knowing that Chi You and others are the leaders of this wave of forces, Qin Honghai had the idea of ​​capturing them to frighten the army of Hangu Pass.

Qin Honghai’s strength is obviously not what Chi You can match, and he immediately caught up with Chi You in flight, but then Chi You suddenly turned around: “I’ll give you a taste of the fun!!”

Behind him, unexpectedly, a long time suddenly appeared at an unknown time.

As it shook lightly for a long time, there was a vague error in it, and it turned out to be countless Gu worms rushing out.

Qin Honghai was unprepared and was immediately struck.

Suddenly, countless gu golden cicada evil spirits swarmed and directly passed into Qin Honghai’s body.

The infinite pain suddenly hit him, leaving him with a splitting headache.

Under the gnawing of countless Gu Jin Chan Sha, the body fell straight from the air.

Upon seeing this, Chi You raised his middle finger, then turned around and flew towards the ship quickly.

The leaders of the forces behind the sea beast army were all shocked when they saw Qin Honghai suddenly falling into the water.

After all, Qin Honghai is now the leader of their combined army, so naturally there can be no mistakes at this stage.

When Qin Honghai was fished out of the water, the leaders of the forces were dumbfounded, and Qin Honghai trembled lightly and in a panic.

“Sect Master, what’s the matter with you!” Elder Qin Lang immediately grabbed Qin Honghai’s shoulder and shook it vigorously.

However, at this moment, Qin Honghai was trembling all over, as if sifting chaff, foaming at the mouth, and his eyes turned white.

This scene really made the leaders of all the forces dumbfounded. Just when they didn’t know what to do, Qin Honghai’s body suddenly trembled. He used the vast Magic power to expel all the Earth Gu Jin Chan Sha from his mind and regained consciousness.

“Asshole!” He snapped his fingers and burned all the gu worms. Qin Honghai pushed Qin Lang abruptly away while pressing his shoulders. He stood up suddenly and looked back at the big ship.

However, Chi You smiled and waved at him with a cold expression.

Chi You’s demonstration really made Qin Hong feel so angry, shaking his body and pointing to the army of Hanguguan: “Since you don’t know what is good or bad, then fight!”

Although the pressure in his heart is extremely high, after all, the army of Hangu Pass is really huge, but Qin Honghai can no longer take care of these at this time. Everyone has been bullied, so naturally he will not sit and wait for death.

Next, the first war broke out between the army of Hangu Pass and the forces on the coast of the Bohai Sea.

In this battle, the forces on the coast of the Bohai Sea were very nervous, but after the official fight, it was discovered that the army of Hangu Pass was completely a paper tiger, and the actual combat power could not compete with them at all.

This made them more and more excited, and Qin Honghai’s anxiety was for the pleasure of revenge.

However, everyone at Hangu Pass is calm, Death, they have long been accustomed to this thing, and they didn’t intend to win this battle!

Therefore, the people at Hangu Pass selected those sea beasts that carried treasures and spiritual materials to kill them.

At this moment, the Bohai Coast Coalition Army was fighting to annihilate the Hanguguan Army, while the Hanguguan Army was fighting for their own interests, and both sides were very excited.

When the battle lasted for the third hour, the army of Hangu Pass was completely surrounded by endless sea beasts. Faced with this situation, Qin Honghai once again proposed to discuss with the people of Hangu Pass.

Because in Qin Honghai’s view, this strength is obviously not the whole of Hangu Pass, and it is very likely that there will be even more powerful forces behind.

However, the people at Hangu Pass had already hit the real fire. How could they give up? They all raised their middle fingers at the old and cunning Qin Honghai, and the war broke out again.

If you lose, you will definitely lose, but everyone at Hangu Pass is not depressed, because Monster Core no longer knows how many they have gotten. This is more important to everyone at Hangu Pass than victory. This is the actual benefit.

Therefore, the people at Hangu Pass continued to resist stubbornly and launched a desperate contest on the sea with the coalition army.

However, this battle also made the people of Hangu Pass realize the strength of the coalition army, which is obviously not of the same order of magnitude as them.

At the fifth hour of the battle, there were only a handful of millions of large ships left in Hangu Pass, and the sea beasts of the coalition army were still endless, and it seemed that they would never be able to kill them.

When the last Hangu Pass ship was sunk, Qin Honghai was still stern, without any happiness.

Because the breakdown of negotiations with the forces of Hangu Pass means that the follow-up will come, and this battle that should have been won has therefore been changed. After all, the background of Hangu Pass has always been a mystery in their eyes.

“From now on, at the border of the Bohai Sea and the Boundless Seas, garrison troops will be dispatched…”.

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