Chapter 421

At this moment, Chong Heihu’s heart was extremely bewildered. He didn’t expect that after he arrived at Hangu Pass, he didn’t fight a battle. The two biggest threats had been collectively surrendered.

Faced with the surrender of Xu Gaiguan and Dou Rong, Chong Heihu was completely unprepared, which made him feel like he was unable to exert his energy with a punch on the cotton.

However, Xu Gai and Dou Rong are willing to take refuge in him, and Chong Heihu is naturally willing. After all, his power at Hangu Pass is not stable at this stage, and more strength is also good for him.

Moreover, with Heavenly Dao taking the oath, he didn’t believe what Xu Gai and Dou Rong could do.

As a result, Chongheihu, who had originally left for the expedition, returned to Hangu Pass with a complicated mood.

This time Dou Rong and Xu Gaiguan also followed.

After bringing Chongheihu to the Great Hall, Chongheihu waved back his subordinates, and then faced the three Wen Liang and said: “You are loyal to me, I believe, but the necessary procedures are still to go. Let Heavenly Dao take the oath. !”

“What Heavenly Dao swears?” Wen Liang looked a little dazed.

“You just read it with them!” Chong Heihu didn’t doubt that Wen Liang didn’t understand Heavenly Dao’s oath. After all, Wen Liang had always been a fool in his eyes.

Wen Liang looked at Xu Gai and Dou Rong beside his eyes and nodded subconsciously.

And Xu Gai did not hesitate, anyway, they were not afraid of this stuff at all, and began to read calmly.

“Heavenly Dao witnessed Samsara, I swear…”

Upon seeing this, Wen Liang also read it.

From Wen Liang’s point of view, he is a member of the Heavenly Dao sect. The so-called allegiance here will not have any effect on him at all, so he is naturally fearless.

As for the allegiance of Xu Gai and Dou Rong, Wen Liang was a little worried, but it was not without a solution. As long as Chong Heihu died, then everything would be no problem.

And the second step of their plan is to use Chong Heihu and even kill him.

However, if they rely on their strength alone, they definitely can’t compete with the existence of a big Luo Jinxian Realm, so they can only outsmart it.

After the three of them had sworn allegiance to Heavenly Dao, Chongheihu couldn’t help laughing, his heart felt relieved.

He never expected that it would be so easy to win Hangu Pass.

Then what he has to do next is to wait for Heavenly Dao’s reward.

“Can there be other forces in Guguan?” After thinking for a while, Chong Heihu asked intently again.

“Chongheihu boss, there are still two forces at this stage, one is the Demon King and Demon Wolf in the dense forest of the cliffs, and the other is the prisoner of the Earth’s core who lives underground all the year round!” Wen Liang said at this time.

“My king, these two armies are not enough. We already have an absolute advantage. They will inevitably surrender. Then I will find them and persuade them to surrender!” Xu Gai continued the gentle words.

Although Xu Gai didn’t care about the Demon Wolf and the Prisoner of the Earth’s Center, these two were the Heavenly Dao Sect’s existence to protect. He said that he would be his own in the future, so he naturally had to guarantee their safety.

“Okay, then you go quickly, and when I am unified at Hangu Pass, go and pray for Heavenly Dao!” Hearing this, Chong Heihu was happy in his heart and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Soon after, I thought to resolve the dispute and end the chaos.

Heavenly Dao grants merit!

At the same time Heavenly Dao lowered the merit of the golden lotus.

A golden golden lotus emerged from the void, wrapping Chong Heihu.

In this golden golden lotus washing, Chong Heihu smiled ecstatically.

He could feel that own Realm loosened under the washing of golden light, and the Magic power in his body was abnormally full.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, Chong Heihu’s body ignited a golden flame.

“Lying grass, he has broken through the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian!”

“666, golden lotus of merit, really awesome?”

“Mmp, Da Luo Jinxian, Realm can be promoted directly, then we don’t have to be directly promoted to Da Luo Jinxian!”

“Envy! Jealous! Hate!”

“Who can tell me what Realm is Heavenly Dao? Is it the follow-up Realm of Realm?”

“Play with this Chonghei Tiger first and then talk about the follow-up, we can grow up a little bit slowly, don’t be too far-sighted!”

In the discussion of the people at Hangu Pass, the strengthening of Chongheihu did not end. With another loud noise, his strength was directly promoted to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Xu Gai and Dou Rong who saw this scene were rather calm.

After the golden light completely dissipated, Chongheihu felt as if he had regained a new life, and there was infinite power brewing in his body, as if a fist with one hand could break the sky and crack the ground.

At this time, a golden light gleaming with a light blue color slowly formed in front of Chongheihu.

Three flowers gather on top! ! ! !

Chong Heihu was extremely satisfied, and then volleyed to his knees and bowed to the fading Heavenly Dao Jinlian: “Thanks Heavenly Dao for blessing!”

When the people at Hangu Pass below saw this, they all began to chat, but no one panicked.

Because Chongheihu became stronger, it was also a step in Zhugehan’s plan.

And for the next war against Liangzhou, the existence of Chong Black Tiger is indispensable!

Therefore, only the stronger his strength, the better the subsequent arrangements can progress.

At this moment, Chongheihu was very happy, and the people in Hangu Pass were even more happy.

They seemed to see the moment Chong Heihu was played with autism, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Great Zhou, Xiqi!

A huge black sculpture stands on the Great Hall. In the middle of the palm of the right hand of this sculpture, a brass-colored whip is floating.

The sculpture looks clear from time to time, sometimes fuzzy, surrounded by lines of different colors.

These lines look ugly, but each line represents a supreme law that constructs the world. There is an infinite law inside. It just circulates around the sculpture, tearing out countless fine spatial cracks in this space. .

“is it you?”

No one spoke, but the voice echoed in the Great Hall.

An old man in a Taoist robe frowned, staring into the distance.


Hangu Pass.

After Chongheihu ruled the big area eight hundred miles west of Hangu Pass, his heart was full of pride.

He has coveted this supreme glory for a long time, but in Liangzhou, there is only one, Dage Chonghouhu, and he will never have that opportunity.

But now, he has obtained the position he most desired, and he has also gained great strength.

At this moment, Chong Heihu’s heart is undoubtedly swelling.

In the next few days, Chong Heihu got a good understanding of the current situation in Hangu Pass through Wen Liang, Xu Gai and others.

But soon there was a problem that caught Chong Heihu’s attention.

That is the dead soul of the heavenly soldiers that constantly invades from the east to the boundless seas.

At this stage, the people of Hangu Pass directly abandoned the defense on the east side because of Liangzhou’s affairs, causing the dead souls of the heavenly soldiers to flood from all over the world, causing considerable damage to Hangu Pass.

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