Chapter 404: Will There Be A Big Baby?

After finishing all this, Zhu Jiuyin spread out his hands, looking at Lu Yue expectantly.

“To be honest, I don’t want to give it anymore!” Lu Yue said with a sad face.

That is a bottle of spirit wine.

After arriving at Sage’s Realm like theirs, they have no desires and desires.

What attracts them now is the desire to speak.

Opening his mouth just took out a bottle of spirit wine, Lu Yue was reluctant, very reluctant.

Zhu Jiuyin chuckled, and then directly took a fist the size of a sandbag, and shouted at Lu Yue fiercely.

A few minutes later, holding the spirit wine happily, he headed towards the Heavenly Dao sect.


At this time, Lu Chen was not panicked at all.

Isn’t it just a small black room closed for a few hours?

What are you afraid of? ? ?

When I was young, the master just found a large tomb and stuffed it directly into myself in order to strengthen my courage.

Follow the comparison, Xiaoye can renew the package until you cry.

And there was some thought in my heart faintly, ready to explore and explore inside, maybe there is something fun!

At this point, the pretty fan walked up to the Demon King Kusu, hooked the Demon King Kusu on the shoulders, and said: “The size of the buddy is smaller, and I will come again for 10,000 years. I really want to come for another 10,000 years… ”

Demon King Kusu: “…”

Looking at the somewhat bewildered Demon King Kusu, Lu Chen frowned and said, “Didn’t you just ask me how I feel? I didn’t feel it clearly. I didn’t know how it came out. Do you want to? Renew it for me?”

Demon King Kusu was already extremely angry at this time.

He thought that after Lu Chen was released, he should kneel on the ground and beg himself to let him go.

How do you look now, this guy seems to be challenging his bottom line?

The cold eyes condensed slightly, and his brows frowned, or this guy was dishonest.

However, he never believed that Lu Chen was all right.

Didn’t he have never seen the demon clan who had been sealed out of it again, wailing a little better.

After a long time, it has lost its mind.

It can make Daluo Jinxian lose his mind, which shows the advantages and disadvantages.

When thinking of this, the corner of the Demon King Kuisu’s mouth was slightly tilted, with a smirk on his face, coldly staring at Lu Chen in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and a sneer, quietly said: “Okay! Since you like it, then I As you wish, I hope you can do the same when you come out.”

After speaking, he threw Lu Chen in directly.

Entering the cage of time again, this time Lu Chen was also happy, summoning several corpses,

Then, holding the dark green light, it began to dangle.

“Friends present, how are you????”

“Swing along with my rhythm!”

“Come and draw a dragon with me on the left, and draw a rainbow with me on the right.”


“You will love you when you die, and you will not be happy if you are not incisive…”

After a full hour passed, a light appeared again around him, and Lu Chen also quickly gathered a few plague corpses, holding a lamp in his hand, and slowly floating in the void.

“Now you feel better???”

“How is it?” Kusu Demon King said with a grinning smile.

Lu Chen nodded, rubbed a somewhat hoarse voice, and said, “It’s just a bit of a throat, is there any water? Come on!”

Demon King Kui Su suddenly became angry, and when he was about to throw Lu Chen in again, his gaze flickered, condensed on the light not far away.

His face became more and more stalemate, and he snorted: “What is this?”


Before Lu Chen had time to explain, the Kuisu Demon King directly snatched the magic lamp.

I was thinking about studying it carefully.

As a result, the palm of his hand began to purify at an extremely fast speed, and within a short while, the palm of the Demon King was forcibly corroded into a big hole.

And this tendency to decay, like a tarsal maggot, can’t be eaten away.

“What the hell is this???”

The Demon King Kuisu trembled and slammed the magic lamp directly at Lu Chen’s head, looking at Lu Chen with some trepidation in his eyes.

“This thing is called the magic lamp, as long as it is not for me and my master, under the quasi-sage, basically it will die if you touch it, you…”

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, he was kicked in by the Demon King Kusu.

Immediately afterwards, he drew a sharp knife and slashed it viciously towards own arm.

The arm fell on the ground and turned into a dark green mist, which made people look at it and frightened.

However, Lu Chen, who entered the time prison once, became a little behaved, and took out a chessboard from the Qiankun bag, just because he had no chance to play the score!

It’s so quiet here just for contemplation.

After playing chess for a while, he took out a tea set and sipped it.

Not long after, when the void crack appeared again, Lu Chen was sucked out along with his teacup.

The Demon King Kusu wrinkled his eyes slightly, and said with a chuckle: “Boy, how are you feeling now?”

“Is there some fear? If there is some fear, beg me to let you go!”

Lu Chen looked at the ghost king Kusu seriously, swallowed his mouth and said, “This time it’s okay, don’t you drink tea???”

With that, he picked up the tea cup in his hand and handed it to the Demon King Kusu.

This Kusu Demon King would dare to pick up Lu Chen’s things.

An anger spread from his eyes, and immediately, he waved his hand and slapped Lu Chen in.

He didn’t believe how long Lu Chen could stay inside.

However, an hour later, Lu Chen, who had returned to the Kusu Demon King once, just came out, was handed over by Kusu Demon King and kicked in.

This is, he is really angry.

He doesn’t believe that if this kid is locked up for a hundred thousand years, he can still be alive and kicking?

This time, Lu Chen, who had entered the endless darkness, felt that he could no longer waste it like this. Holding the plague lamp, he began to walk around.

It was supposed to be deserted and empty, the boundless realm, but after a purple light flashed in Lu Chen’s eyebrows, it disappeared.

He didn’t know how long he had been walking, and there was a transparent wall of air around him. It was all white, very weird.

Originally under the control of Zhujiuyin, the reason why it can feel as if there is no border here.

In fact, it’s just that because of the prison inside, the people in it will always be kept in the center.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that this can feel boundless and terrifying.

However, now that Lu Chen has the spiritual seal placed by the Nine Yin Candles himself, the space and time laws here are naturally completely ineffective.

Lu Chen pushed the transparent wall cautiously, and it felt like it was unusually strong.

What is hidden in it, will there be a big baby? ? ?

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