Chapter 295

This person can be regarded as a small person with some means.

But at this time, he even couldn’t believe that someone could steal Chi Yuan Guo under his own eyelids, and he was so boldly injured his only heir abruptly, and now he is dead.

And the main thing is that this Chi Yuan Guo is not his at all, but is the thing of the Water Ape Demon in this sea area. Because the Spiritual Qi is surging here, this is what made Yuan Qing plant Chi Yuan Guo in it. There are not many here, and one is missing now. How does this make him explain to the Demon King Yuan Qing? ? ?

Maybe I will be blamed at that time, even I can’t eat it and go around!

But at this moment, a little demon was kneeling on the ground, trembling, and in his eyes, some helplessly said: “Great King, we, we don’t know anyone is coming up!”

Hearing this, Dai Li’s eyes also burst out with a hint of coldness.

He knew Yuan Qing’s temper. Although he was one of his subordinates, he had lost Chi Yuanguo. He definitely needed Yuan Qing’s severe beating.

If the son is gone, he can regenerate, but if the Chi Yuanguo is gone, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Look it up for me! I want to see who it is, so courageous, to steal something and steal my head, it’s just looking for death.”

Beside Dai Li, a pretty-looking rat demon carefully stroked Dai Li’s chest, tears diffused, and his voice hoarsely said: “My lord, we must look up this murderer who killed our child, so I have finally had an heir for many years, and I must not just die unclearly like this.”

Dai Li also frowned, waved his hand slightly and said, “Madam, don’t worry, how can I let the group of ants go.”

After finishing speaking, it was for people to hold this Madame Mouse and slow down.

A mountain dog demon beside him also hurriedly followed.

In this room where Dai Li, Mrs. Mouse burst into tears, she was unreasonable, and she was very frightened.

Seeing this, but seeing the mountain dog demon, he looked around and slowly put on the door of the room, and then came to Mrs. Rat very gently, holding it in his arms.

Mrs. Rat didn’t even resist, but very gently leaned her little head against the coyote’s chest.

“It’s okay, isn’t it just a child?”

“Dai Li’s child is gone, I’m helping him, isn’t this there anymore?”

As he spoke, he saw the mountain dog demon, slowly leaning over his body, with a slightly stunned look in his eyes.

Mrs. Rat chuckled, pushed the coyote demon, pouting her lips to the point: “Don’t you think Dai Li’s child is somewhat similar to you?”

“What do you mean?” The coyote demon frowned and looked surprised.

Mrs. Mouse blushed and said secretly: “Do you remember the last time the Nujia called you to come over for dinner, and you also showed the Nujia a handwritten copy of Huayan Sutra?”

“After that time, the slave family was pregnant.”

“Dai Li’s rubbish is nothing at all.”

Hearing this, the coyote demon raised the corner of his mouth, patted Mrs. Rat’s back gently, and said softly: “Should we continue to read the handwritten Huayan Sutra now?”

Around, the breath became more and more ambiguous.

“It’s not closed yet!”




At this time, in the evil rat cave, a rat demon walked slowly, his expression a little anxious.

“My lord, a group of people came from outside the cave. They said they were the subordinates of King Wen. I heard that we are rich in elixir and want to buy some. Would you like to let them in?”

“Wang Wen??” When Dai Li heard this, his eyes changed slightly, thinking.

This week’s literary king Jichang’s name taboo is extremely famous in this prehistoric world.

He is the emperor appointed by Heavenly Dao, sitting on the earth, nine out of ten of them.

Hearing this, Dai Li is also a little confused. Although they have a few elixir fields here, most of them are ordinary things. Even if this Chi Yuan Guo is in front of the King Wen, it is not considered What?

Now sending someone over to buy the elixir, it’s a bit weird at this time.

Frowning slightly, immediately, without hesitation, he slowly walked out of the cave and walked towards the pale golden beach not far away.

At the same time, on the beach, Ma Shan and others were covered in black robes, with a huge mask on their faces, waiting here.

“San Ye, you said that we are pretending to be Da Zhou people, is it a bit mean?” A man lowered his voice and said leisurely.

Because Ma Shan had a third eye on his head, he was called Sanye by everyone.

Similarly, a proverb, the three eyes of Lord Ma, is the same as this Ma Shan.

Hearing this, he saw Ma Shan frowned slightly, lowered his voice, and said cautiously: “It’s okay, I’m afraid he will do anything, the big deal is that we will just run away. First, fudge him well, maybe we can get something good! ”

When everyone heard this, they nodded again and again, and their smiles became more and more wretched.

Although they had been here several times before, they were all masked, but it was extremely difficult to recognize them, and they also planted the banner of Da Zhou, which was naturally extraordinary.

Soon, but not far away, Dai Li walked slowly with a plain face. Behind him, he was followed by dozens of sturdy rat monsters with fierce complexions and small scarlet eyes constantly looking around.

After coming to the front, Dai Li gave a cold snort, raised his eyes slightly, looked at Ma Shan standing on the deck, and said: “People of Da Zhou, who are you subordinates of Da Zhou, why are you here?”

Ma Shan didn’t hesitate, and shouted: “I’m waiting for Chen Tangguan, General Li Jing’s subordinates. I want to buy some Spiritual herbs here. I wonder if you are willing?”

Chen Tangguan and Li Jing?

It was that Jinzha, Muzha’s father, who was quite famous in Da Zhou Dao.

After reading this, Dai Li nodded slightly, and said calmly: “What do you want, just say it! I have several Spiritual herbs here.”

“Chiyuanguo, I want Chiyuanguo.”

Suddenly, a man behind Ma Shan suddenly raised his eyes and said with a smile.

When Ma Shan saw this, he coldly snorted, slapped at the man, lowered his voice, and said, “Are you stupid, how do we know that he has Chi Yuan Guo? Isn’t this exposed?”

Immediately, he hurriedly explained: “That’s it, the hundredth son of King Wen, Lei Zhenzi, I think you should have heard that we have been out for so long, just to buy some Chi Yuan Guo. Honor Lei Zhenzi, so…”

Hearing this, Dai Li hurriedly said: “Brothers don’t want to talk more. We all understand this matter and this kind of doorway. I really don’t want to hide it. I really have Chi Yuan Guo here.”

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