Chapter 285 Look At This Shrimp, It’s Big And Round

For a time, in the Hangu Pass, countless pubs, almost staged the same plot at the same time.

“Dage, we were beaten this time, do you think I have to find a face for my brother?”

“What did you get beaten, who was it? Who did it?”

“A fishing village in Da Zhou.”

“Why, a fishing village in Da Zhou???? I said you can do it? Wait, some of my buddies are archers, take me over and kill Zhou Gou.”

In this way, a large group of practitioners in Hangu Pass were fooled past.

Then, they were beaten back again and again. Fortunately, they had the wind talisman, otherwise they would have lost their lives.

Almost every big business man who came back was in groups of three or five, and he was eager to try and set off slowly.

At this time, in the fishing village, a few members of the Yeyu tribe looked at each other, with blank eyes, squatting on the beach, their complexion withered, as if they were very tired.

I don’t know how many times, some of Da Zhou’s dudes have attacked one after another. At the beginning, I still wanted to catch one or two to change the title of Da Zhou?

As a result, after a few days, these Dashang people came and went like wind, and they couldn’t keep it.

And now Jichang of the Great Zhou is known as the emperor, the general Talisman Talisman taught to them by the emperor before is difficult to use half a point, and he can only watch the other party use the general Talisman to come and go freely.

Today, I don’t know how many times, countless dandies of big businessmen rushed in, making them feel weak in their hearts, and they were hit hard.

Bullying, there is no such bullying, right?

Sure enough, just as they didn’t expect for a while, a huge ship appeared not far away, slowly coming.

When they saw this scene, everyone in the Yeyu tribe burst into tears, and suddenly they didn’t want the title anymore.

In the boundless seas, in the Bohai Sea, a huge crystal palace stands on the bottom of the sea. It is a building left over during the expansion of the ancient dragon clan, but now I don’t know where the strong ancient dragon clan will go.

However, there was a huge water ape on the bottom of the sea, with strong muscles, gills behind his ears, holding a sky-covered sea stick, sitting on the top of the crystal palace.

However, he saw the water ape frowning and looking at the old man crawling on the ground with a weird expression. His brows were slightly frowned, and the difference said: “You said… the big business often sends people to attack your small fishing village?”

“What are you kidding? Are you crazy?”

“Although the Dashang Dynasty said that Zhuolu, Yingzhou, Chaoge, Hangu, and other small cities are left, but there are countless strong people in Dashang. If you want to destroy your little city, Fishing Island, isn’t it easy? Is it so troublesome?”

“Besides, they can’t beat it. You should be happy. If you can be a descendant of a few strong men, and then dedicated to the King Wen, won’t you still get the title?”

The patriarch of the Ye Yu clan wiped a tear, struggling to hold up the light blue light curtain around, offset the terrifying water pressure around, and asked for a gradual speech: “Great King Apeqing, you don’t know it, they have the popular talisman. There are also Tuxing and Tuhe carts. If you want to run extremely fast, we simply can’t get it.”

At the same time, Yuan Qing was also a little dazed.

Come to think of it, within a radius of thousands of miles, he is within the rule of Yuan Qing, and he has also reached the early stage Realm of the Daluo Jinxian. In this sea area, it can be regarded as a hegemonic existence.

Had it not been for this Ye Yu clan to give himself only to young and beautiful women every year, he would not care about these people’s affairs!

Anyway, it was Da Zhou that they surrendered, and it didn’t have much to do with himself as a mountain king.

I saw the Ye Yu clan chieftain tears in his eyes, bitter wailing, and a little twitching in his voice, and he couldn’t even hear anything more faintly.

Hearing this, a black and golden turtle beside Yuan Qing was also bored. He immediately interrupted the other party’s remarks, frowned, stepped forward slowly, and said to the head of the Ye Yu Patriarch Coldly: “Our king doesn’t have it. Time to listen to you talking, just say something.”

Hearing the words, the head of the Ye Yu clan trembled in his heart, and quickly sent someone to carry up a few boxes. The gold and silver jewels and the like said to Yuan Qinggong’s cupped hands: “Ape King, please send someone to help us guard the village. , Otherwise, if we continue like this, even if we are not killed by them, a little bit of rubbing can kill us.”

When talking about this, Patriarch Ye Yu was also in tears, even a little regretful. Why did they covet the title of Da Zhou for the first time?

If it weren’t for this, just deal with those few dudes casually, maybe you can get a lot of benefits from a few people!

It’s better now, it turned out to be such an end.

Beside that Yuan Qing, several women with excellent looks, also scratching their heads, gently brushed Yuan Qing’s chest, and said in pity, “Great King Ape, please help Sanshu, otherwise, you will often come to trouble. We, we can’t stand it too.”

Hearing this, Yuan Qing smiled, waved his hand very casually, and said to the Wu Qing Jin Jing Jing Jing beside him: “Wu Jin, go and see with him. If you really are a big businessman, we will get some back. So, when the time comes, I will ask Zhou Wenwang for a reward.”

“Maybe we will be able to go to heaven by then, Dangdang that happy fairy!”

The black-green golden turtle holding a long stick in front of him nodded slightly, walked out slowly, glanced at the head of the Ye Yu clan with contempt, snorted coldly, and said with disdain: “For such a thing, come look for it too. Our lord, this is not knowing good or bad.”

Patriarch Ye Yu’s heart trembled, his complexion was not clear, he remained silent, staying where he was, his legs trembling, and a stream of light yellow liquid slowly emerged in the light.

Seeing this, how dare Ujin let this filthy thing dirty the sea.

Immediately, he stood up suddenly, carrying the patriarch Yeyu, wrapped a few clansmen with a thick Magic power, and rushed towards Yeyu Island.

When they came to Yeyu Island, everyone around them breathed out a long suffocation, and they started to be normal. 1 and said that after they had gone, the unimaginable peace finally came again.

And Ujin is to let the shrimp soldiers and crabs who follow from around, guard in that sea area.

Several people from Yeyu Island were still discussing it secretly.

“You said, I look at the shrimp soldier, he is big and round, look at the crab general, he is flat and wide.”

“Do you think the shrimps and crabs will be delicious? Compared with ordinary sea prawns and sea crabs, which one is more delicious?”

“I personally think that the small shrimps are delicious, the old saying goes well, the fish is old and the meat is rough…”

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