Chapter 276 Heavenly Dao’s Calculation

After bidding farewell to the Lord Tongtian, Chu Feng left Biyou Palace and headed to the Wa Palace, which was thirty days away from the Third Stage.

In the Wa Palace, Nuwa sat on the futon, frowning, obviously thinking about this divine measure.

Using copper coins to deduce the past and the future, after several times, it was hidden by this mixed secret, and it was difficult to get a glimpse of it.

At the moment, he can only secretly open his mouth and say: “Forget it, let’s follow the master’s arrangement. This time, maybe you can really avoid the human race. This amount of calamity is chosen from the three teachings, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Right here, Nuwa’s eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she suddenly felt that her surroundings were covered by the Three Thousand Dao Law, and the secret was unknown.

Looking back, he saw a Daoist slowly approaching not far away, the flower crown fell randomly, and the golden lotus rushed to the ground.

“Chu Feng fellow daoist, I haven’t seen you for tens of thousands of years. Why do you have time to visit my palace today?”

Nuwa said bitterly.

I couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy in my heart. Now that the calamity is measured, Chu Feng is coming at this time, is it because of the great calamity of the gods?

But if that’s the case, you shouldn’t come to him, Nuwa?

Chu Feng smiled honestly, scratched his head and said: “Nuwa fellow daoist has not been seen for a long time, but it has become more and more beautiful.”

If ordinary people ridiculed Sage in this way, Nuwa would definitely become angry.

But when Chu Feng said it before him, he laughed wildly, glamorous and generous.

But it wasn’t Chu Feng who was blind. Since being sanctified, Nuwa’s appearance is indeed a bit coquettish.

He chuckled, and immediately frowned, Nuwa’s face was red, and he thought to himself: “Chu Feng fellow daoist came here, is it because he inscribed the marriage on the Sanshengshi, he knew about it???”

According to legend, after Nuwa repaired the sky, he began to use mud to make people. For each person he made, he took a grain of sand as a countermeasure, and eventually became a huge stone. Nuwa stood it on the West Tianling River.

Because this stone began at the beginning of the heaven and earth, it is gradually understood by the Essence of the Sun and Moon.

I don’t know that after a few years of spring and autumn, I only heard a loud bang in the sky, and a stone hit the sky, piercing the sky hole, which seemed to have the meaning of breaking out of the sky.

Nuwa looked around and turned pale with shock. After absorbing the Essence of the Sun and Moon, the stone was top-heavy, standing upright and not falling down. It could stand up to the sky, and its appearance was fantastic. It actually gave birth to two god patterns, dividing the stone into three sections. Even though it means The Three Realms that swallows heaven, earth, and people.

Nuwa eagerly applied the spirit talisman, sealed the stone, and thought that after he created a man, he would only lack the godship of Samsara, so he named it a three-life stone, gave it the Magic power three-life tactic, and named its three stages as the previous life, this life, and the next life. , And added a line of marriage to his body, which will continue from this life to the next life.

In order to better restrain its devil, Nuwa thought about it again and again, and finally put it on the side of the River of Forgetfulness, in charge of Samsara, the marriage of the three generations. When the stone stands upright, its divine power shines all over the world, and there is an endless stream of people begging for marriage Samsara.

Moreover, after obtaining these three-life stones, Nuwa often secretly inscribed Nuwa, Hou Tu, and the marriage of Chu Feng on the three-life stones.

However, I don’t know if the Magic power is not enough, or what the reason is. Every time it is inscribed, the Sanshengshi will automatically erase the name of Chu Feng. Even to this day, Nuwa is also out of place.

Reminiscent of this, Nuwa inexplicably raised a shy, empty Dao heart, and indeed, the moment he saw Chu Feng, there was more or less a ripple.

Looking at Nuwa’s shy appearance, Chu Feng didn’t know what to do for a while.

After a short while, this is the only way to take away your mind, hehe smile, and say to the Nuwa cupped hands: “Nuwa fellow daoist, it’s a coincidence that I came here this time because of the luck of the human race, supreme The amount of robbery.”

There was a trace of loss in Nuwa Empress’s eyes, pouting, frowning and saying: “I don’t know what the Chu Feng fellow daoist can give to this world.”

Chu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and frowned: “Nuwa fellow daoist, this time the tribulation of heaven and earth seems to be superior to many great religions, but in fact it is not the case. It should be in the human race. This is Heavenly Dao’s calculation.”

Hearing this, Nuwa was shocked. He looked at Chu Feng in disbelief, and said in a trembled voice: “Chu Feng fellow daoist, you…do you know that you are slandering Master?”

Everyone knows that this ancestor Hongjun is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao.

Now Chu Feng says that all of this is Heavenly Dao’s calculations, but in fact, it’s just another matter of Hongjun Daozu.

It is true that his Chu Feng is good at strength, but An dare to slander Dao Ancestor? ? ? ?

How dare he?

Chu Feng shook his head, and said innocently, “I didn’t slander Lao Jun?”

“I just said that this is Heavenly Dao’s calculation, Lao Jun is also involuntarily, do you think he is willing?”

“Fine, nothing!”

“When I said this, you don’t believe me either. When this seat deduces it for you, you will know it naturally.”

After finishing speaking, I saw Chun’s big hand waved, and the surrounding Three Thousand Dao Law lingered around him, instantly covering up the secrets of heaven.

The world around is already in chaos.

Don’t say it is Hongjun Dao ancestor, even Heavenly Dao, it is difficult to detect.

Now that Chu Feng understood the Three Thousand Dao, compared with Heavenly Dao, there was only a difference in strength.

This Heavenly Dao can’t kill Chu Feng, and Chu Feng can’t kill Heavenly Dao either.

It’s a good time to hold the gods and weigh the robbery.

With the help of human luck, Heavenly Dao can be countered.

This is that man will conquer the sky.

Seeing this, Nuwa suddenly flashed a trace of consternation in her beautiful eyes, and some of them couldn’t believe it and said: “This is, this is the law of the Three Thousand Dao???”

You know, even if he was Nuwa sanctified, it was nothing more than comprehending a great law.

And the Chu Feng in front of him, who has not yet been sanctified, actually comprehended the three thousand great principles.

Chu Feng didn’t say a word, and with a big wave of his hand, all of a sudden, the starry sky appeared around him, and endless avenues deduced it.

In the starry sky, a series of water curtains emerged.

Dao Zu Hongjun was forced by Heavenly Dao to set up a list of gods, and promised Haotian as the lord of The Three Realms.

Conferred God Volume Tribulation is completely opened.

Man Emperor Xin, Nuwa Shrine mentions poems.

Empress Nuwa was furious, and borrowed Calabash from Chu Feng to recruit the demon, and sent Nine tailed Fox, Pipa jade face, and pheasant spirit to harm the business luck.

The Zhou clan of Xiqi rebelled and swore Heavenly Dao. There will be no emperor from now on, and the human race is willing to obey the jurisdiction of heaven.

Di Xin sticks to his homeland and wants to resist Heavenly Dao.

However, Shangtang’s luck was corrupted by Sage, and Tongtian couldn’t bear the destruction of the emperor, so he offered to help.

Subsequently, the four great Sages besieged the Jiejiao, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Daozu, personally suppressed the Lord of the Heavens, and ordered three to pay for the falling sacred pill. After that, the Emperor of the Great Zhou opened the emperor, and the human race was on the list of the bestowed gods.

The commander of Heaven Court The Three Realms, the human emperor, also became the puppet of the Heaven Court.

Qi Luck was declining. After hundreds of thousands of years, traveling westward, the great world exploded directly, turning into countless Star, Earth Immortals.

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