Chapter 195

The pale golden blood slowly flowed down from the neck of the fifth prince of Golden Crow, and the ground was above the ground, actually corroding the ground into a huge hole.


“Dare to hurt me Little Brother, and see if I don’t kill you!”

Suddenly, the surrounding Golden Crows also suddenly stepped forward, sending a strong temperature all over their bodies.

Suddenly, Yu Qing was already surrounded tightly.

With a smile at the corner of Yu Qing’s mouth, her eyes were slightly cold, and he coldly snorted: “It’s amazing if there are more people, right?”

“Want to bully me?”

“You want to be beautiful!”

After speaking, Yu Qing suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly three planets burst out from the palm of his hand, lingering around her body.

No matter how terrifying these nine Golden Crows are, it is difficult to score half a point.

At the same time, within the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Chu Feng, who was already asleep in the bed, did suddenly open his eyes, looking out of the Heavenly Dao sect.

“Nine Golden Crow???”

“What are they doing in the Heavenly Dao Sect?”

“Yu Qing, this kid is born with a grudge against Golden Crow, right??”

Seeing Yu Qing fighting against the nine Golden Crows with his own power, Chu Feng felt angry.

Before the big Golden Crow Haosuan bullied Yu Qing, he was taught a lesson by himself.

It’s just that now I’m eating and drinking for nothing.

What’s the matter, you guys want to eat and drink for nothing here?

Immediately, a cold glow burst into his eyes and a cold snort, approaching outside Heavenly Dao Sect.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the nine Golden Crow not far away.

At this time, the nine Golden Crows had already restored the Golden Crow body, and the whole body was burning with raging flames.

That terrifying temperature turned out to melt all the glaciers in the extreme north.

It turns out that the great flood recorded in later generations was caused by you little rascals?

Chu Feng frowned.

But it was not because of worrying about Yu Qing. After all, this kid is already Realm, and there are so many Magic Treasures on him.

In contrast to the nine Golden Crows, the strongest is only the middle stage Realm.

It’s simply incomparable with Yu Qing.

It is said that nine people have practiced their hands. Even if there are nine more, they may not be Yu Qing’s opponent.

However, what I have to say is that this Golden Crow flame is indeed a bit appalling and extremely hot.

In an instant, countless glaciers in the surrounding area melted and turned into oceans, terrifying waves, surging like clouds.

In just such a short while, the surrounding area of ​​Heavenly Dao Sect has already turned into an undersea world, with terrifying huge waves rushing towards the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Seeing this, Chu Feng’s expression was also slightly ugly.

The brow furrowed, the eyes burst out with cold light, with a wave of a big hand, a huge magic power bombarded out, the central area has the apricot and yellow flag, the eastern green lotus color flag, the western plain cloud border flag, and the south is off the ground. The light flag, the northern Xuanyuan controlled water flag, and the five Xiantian superb spirit treasures galloped out, trapping Yu Qing and the nine Golden Crows.

Although the temperature of the Golden Crow flames is hot, it cannot break through the control of the Five Square Banner.

At the same time, Chu Feng waved his palm, turning out a handful of melon seeds out of thin air, and knocked it out.

“Yu Qing, beat me to death!”

“Bullying, bullying to the doorstep?”

“How did you teach Haosuan that little bastard back then, how do you teach these little bastards now.”

Suddenly, Chu Feng’s voice also exploded in the ears of Yu Qing and others.

Upon hearing this, the corners of Yu Qing’s mouth were slightly tilted, and his face turned cold.

Originally, he was just teasing these little chicks.

As a result, he was even taught a lesson by his own master.

Immediately, there was also a slight face in the eyes, holding the Greedy Wolf Seven Star Sword in his palm, and shouting: “Die me!”

After speaking, the greedy wolf seven-star sword swept out in his palm.

A horrible sword light suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

The nine Golden Crows are already shrouded in this terrifying sword shadow.


“Kendo???? Xiaodaoer!”

After saying this, the palms of the nine Golden Crows suddenly trembled, holding hands, they turned out to be the fusion of the Golden Crow flames.

The pale golden Golden Crow flames, surging like clouds, looked like an ocean, and slammed towards the sword light.

In their eyes, this so-called kendo is nothing more than a trail.

In addition, the nine of them joined forces and were said to be the second-generation disciple of this little Heavenly Dao sect, and even that Chu Feng might not be able to take it down.

At that time, let Chu Feng see their demon clan’s majesty.


The endless flames of Golden Crow collided with the sword light.

I saw that the sword light suddenly stirred, and the golden Crow flames around him, which seemed like a vast expanse of flames, were instantly wiped out and strangled.

The triumphant smile on the face of the top ten Golden Crow directly froze.

Looking at Yu Qing in front of him with a dumbfounded look, his small eyes stared like bull’s eyes, and he couldn’t believe it.

Just kidding, it was the nine of them who made a single blow, but in the hands of the other party, it turned out to be so vulnerable?

Yu Qing shook his head and chuckled softly: “Are you two hundred and five from the monster race?”

“That’s the same with your silly Dage.”

“What a madness!”

“Do you have this capital?”

After speaking, he saw that Yu Qing suddenly sacrificed to a palace.

The nine Golden Crows were familiar with each other. After hesitating for a while, he was shocked and said: “This is…Ling Xiao Palace?????”

The nine Golden Crows were stunned, would they not know the existence of Ling Xiao Palace?

This horse riding is clearly their original home!

As a result, it was refined into a Magical Item! ! !

I am still being taken over by other “apprentices” to suppress myself. This is simply too embarrassing and embarrassing!

its not right! The Demon Emperor, the Eastern Emperor and their father, and the uncle, didn’t they say that this Ling Xiao Palace was stolen by someone else? ? ? ?

Will this appear here now?

Could it be that Chu Feng not far away was the thief who stole Ling Xiao’s palace?

It must be like this. When you go back, you must report to your father and uncle so that they can visit the Heavenly Dao sect in person and bring Ling Xiao back to the palace.

Regardless of how the nine Golden Crow guesses, in the void, Ling Xiao’s treasure hall suddenly grew, and the terrifying coercion began to crush the surrounding void a bit.

The original Golden Crow flames, under this terrifying deterrence, turned out to be extinguished one after another.

Only heard bang bang bang bang bang, a loud noise.

The nine Golden Crows, under this terrifying oppressive force, turned out to be half kneeling in the void.

For a while, the pale golden blood in his mouth spouted wildly, falling into the void, and it turned out to be igniting a void. It can be seen how terrifying the Golden Crow flame is?

But even so, under such a huge power, the nine Golden Crows suddenly felt that they were black, and they almost didn’t go directly….

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