Chapter 94

In the hearts of Heavenly Dao people, there are all kinds of tastes.

In vain, he has respectfully respected people for so many years, but he only regards him as a pawn that he can handle at will!

It’s not just him, who is not their pawn?

The Heavenly Dao people feel a bit bitter in their hearts. Sanqing was originally born from the same root, but under the calculations of Hongjun Daozu, the flesh and blood are mutually crippled, which is unacceptable.

“This… how is this possible?”

Tong Heavenly Dao’s face was pale, and he said unacceptably.

Although I didn’t want to believe it, but Heavenly Dao people knew that it was true.

Is the death of Hongyun Daoist not enough to prove something?

People who pass Heavenly Dao are not stupid!

Chen Sheng glanced at Tongtian, not knowing what this guy was going crazy, with an expression of grief and indignation.

I don’t know, I thought it had anything to do with him!

It is rare to take care of this guy, Chen Sheng continued to talk freely: “Look at it, as long as Hongjun is alive, there will be more disasters.”

The Heavenly Dao people paused.

Hongjun is not dead, is he more than a catastrophe?

The Heavenly Dao person settled down, and then cupped hands said to Chen Sheng: “Thank you, Master, for your suggestion. The disciple has retired first and will visit again in the future.”

The Heavenly Dao people respectfully bowed to Chen Sheng. This attitude was not much better than that of Hongjun Daozu.

Chen Sheng was a little baffled, and didn’t understand what he had brought up again.

However, Chen Sheng still told the Heavenly Dao person: “Don’t care about things you shouldn’t care about, remember that only strength is the only kingly way!”

This sentence directly shook a thousand sail waves in the hearts of the Heavenly Dao people, and the Heavenly Dao people understood that this was a reminder of Master!

After Heavenly Dao left, he returned directly to Kunlun.

At the same time, Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun also paid goodbye to Hongjun Daozu and returned to Kunlun.

Seeing the Heavenly Dao person, daddy meditated for a while and said, “Third brother, I know you are obsessed with kendo, but you must not be obsessed with it anymore.”

People who know Heavenly Dao understand that there are some things that don’t make sense with daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun.

But he can’t let Hongjun Daozu calculate, right?

Seeing the attitude of Heavenly Dao, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately scolded: “Sage is for you for things that are not up to you. Don’t listen to Da Luo’s nonsense. It’s just like my Sanqing Shengming.”

Daddy hurriedly pulled Yuanshi Tianzun. He knew that Yuanshi Tianzun said this to make the Heavenly Dao people not want to be obsessed.

But Yuanshi Tianzun’s way of speaking would definitely not be accepted by Heavenly Dao people.

The Heavenly Dao people did not argue with Tianzun from the beginning, but said firmly: “Second Brother Dage, no matter what you think, I will never become someone else’s pawn!”

Daddy was taken aback and realized that something was wrong with Heavenly Dao’s words, and quickly asked, “What are you going to do!?”

The Heavenly Dao person had a deep gaze, and said solemnly: “I want to quit Xuanmen!”

When the Heavenly Dao people said this, Daddy and Yuan Shi Tianzun were stunned on the spot!

We must know that the Xuanmen was established by Hongjun Dao ancestor, so those two people in the West set up their own doors for sanctification. Now the Heavenly Dao people actually want to withdraw from the Xuanmen?


This must be crazy!

Yuanshi Tianzun was very annoyed. He looked at Tong Heavenly Dao and scolded him: “Tongtian, you don’t know what is good or bad, can anyone enter this mysterious gate?”

The Sanqing is one, how could Yuanshi Tianzun allow the Heavenly Dao people to exit the Xuanmen?

Isn’t this insulting their three clean faces?

The things that have been caused by Heavenly Dao people these days have made Yuan Shi Tianzun extremely annoyed, and he still dares to do so recklessly!

Daddy also felt that the Heavenly Dao people were insane.

Betrayed Xuanmen?

This requires Heavenly Dao to be a quasi-sage, how can we gain a foothold in the predicament in the future?

Daddy is not like Yuanshi Tianzun, but rather persuades him with words: “Third brother, I will worship Xuanmen and be taught by Master. How can you listen to others and be the ungrateful person?”

Then, daddy was there again to know the reason, and said with emotion: “Not to mention that you now only have the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage. After rebelling against the Xuanmen, how should you stand on the land? Can overwhelm you!”

The Heavenly Dao guy shook his head, he didn’t care about the names outside.

Seeing the attitude of Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun, the Heavenly Dao people sighed and decided to tell them what they had heard from Chen Sheng.

“Brother Dage, do you know about the death of Hongyun Daoist?”

The Heavenly Dao person looked at Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun, and asked with a serious expression.

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun are a little unclear, but they nodded.

Then, the Heavenly Dao person said: “Of all the people who have gained the grand and purple qi, only Hongyun Daoist is not a disciple of the Taoist ancestor, and he is the weakest among us, so you feel that his death is really the same. Is Jun Daozu irrelevant?”

Daddy was stunned, and then said: “Nonsense, Master gave him a grand and purple qi, how could it be to harm him?”

Yuanshi Tianzun also said: “You are crazy, I think you are really crazy.”

Having said that, Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun still didn’t believe it.

The Heavenly Dao people had no choice but to continue: “Not only Hongyun Daoist, our Sanqing will also be calculated by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. In the end, we will turn against each other and we will become enemies and kill each other!”

Thinking of the brothers who were in the same spirit, but in the end because of Hongjun Daozu’s calculations, the people of Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but sigh.

But Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy looked at each other after hearing this.

How could this be possible when the three cleansed themselves turned against each other and were stricken with flesh and blood?

It seems that Dao Ancestor Hongjun is right, the Heavenly Dao people are really bewildered by demons!

Sanqing was transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Tong Heavenly Dao have been a little uncomfortable recently, how could they be smashed like the Tong Heavenly Dao said?

In this way, the Heavenly Dao people are indeed crazy.

Daddy sighed, and said helplessly: “It seems that Master is right, third brother, you are really stunned.”

Yuanshi Tianzun was the most calm, and Dang even said to Daddy, “Dage has nothing to do with him, he can’t listen to us now!”

Daddy nodded, he also understood the truth.

So, daddy said directly: “Third brother, I’m sorry.”

Through Heavenly Dao:? ? ?

Why does he think that Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun are a little different?

Then, Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun directly sacrificed Magical Item.

The Heavenly Dao person immediately made a big alarm and asked:

“What do you want to do!?”

While talking, the Heavenly Dao person walked back vigilantly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun noticed this scene, snorted coldly, shot directly, and said, “Huh, as your brother, you can’t let you behave like this anymore!”

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