Chapter 88-Demon Race Compromise

Kunpeng, the demon master who ran out to watch the battle, was panicked at this time.

Imagine that the two demon kings of the demon clan were tossed in the air like objects. Are you panicking?

If this continued, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi were not tortured to death by Nuwa and Fuxi, but were humiliated to death first.

The demon master Kunpeng hurried up to persuade him to fight, and said to Nuwa and Fuxi: “Emperor Xi, Emperor Wa, after all, these are all monsters, how can you fight inwardly?”

Humph, dare to persuade this thing?

Usually this guy is the most rampant!

Nuwa stopped kicking the tails of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi directly, and swept the tail towards the Kunpeng Demon Master.

The Kunpeng demon master sturdyly took Nuwa’s tail, and then flew out directly.

He was dumbfounded, what did he do wrong?

Isn’t it just going up to persuade me?

Why do you want to beat him?

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi took this opportunity to get rid of the control of Nuwa and Fuxi, and after a glance at each other, they immediately prepared for formation!


No matter how strong Nuwa and Fuxi are, they will never be able to beat the Universe Star Array!

With absolute self-confidence, the two quickly set up the Universe star formation.


Nuwa and Fuxi are not stupid, how can they not see the little nine of these two people?

Fighting with her actually had to use the Universe star battle array, these two people really have no future!

Nuwa was very simple and rude, and flicked his tail.

The universe that is about to be completed has collapsed…

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at Nuwa’s masterpiece, and there was a moment of silence.

This f*ck…

Is it a quasi-sage?

Why is Nuwa not Sage anymore, and was seriously injured, and still can’t beat it?

Nuwa was another red hydrangea smashed in the past, and Emperor Jun was hit by the red hydrangea before he could dodge.

At this time, Nuwa used 80% of his strength, so Di Jun was directly injured.

At the same time, Donghuang Taiyi was thrown by Emperor Jun’s tail, and he also squirted blood directly.

Both of them are a bit exhausted at this time, they really can’t figure out how Nuwa and Fuxi can be so strong.

The eyes of the two were hopeless.

Nuwa looked at the two condescendingly, and said, “Don’t stop fighting?”

Fuxi also stopped at this time, silently watching the two of them.

How could Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi be willing?

If it were a truce, not to mention how the primordial beings viewed this matter, nor how shame the demon clan was in the primordial land.

They couldn’t just make Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi give up their ambitions for so many years.

If Nuwa agreed to a truce, how could they still have a chance to become Sage?

How would Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi be reconciled?

Di Jun bluntly said: “My monster race is extremely powerful, so we should destroy the group of mindless goods of the witch race, and then dominate the predecessors! It is impossible for us to avoid war!”

From the bottom of their hearts, they feel that the Witchs are not worthy of standing in this prehistoric place. In their opinion, the Witchs are vulgar and a group of brave fools!

At the same time, Eastern Emperor Taiyi said very stubbornly: “That is, my demon clan will surely dominate the prehistoric! You are also the demon emperor of the demon clan, how can you be so excessive?”

This is like saying, although I just can’t beat you, but I still can’t convince you.

Upon hearing this, Nuwa smiled.

Nuwa was aloft, transformed back into a human body, stepped on Di Jun’s face, and said, “If you don’t say that I have forgotten, I am also a monster!”

Hearing this, Dijun thought that Nuwa had figured it out, but who knows, Nuwa continued: “If Ruoer and others insist on going to war with the Witch Clan, I immediately switched to the Witch Clan.”

Hearing this, the demons were shocked!


If the monster clan keeps fighting, Nuwa will switch to the witch clan! ?

This is really incredible!

The girl is the demon emperor of the demon clan, why on earth would she do this?

Di Jun frowned and exclaimed: “Are you crazy?”

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t expect Nuwa to say this, and was already dumbfounded.

Even Fuxi looked at Nuwa with a dull face. Is this still his Little Sister?

Isn’t it too fierce?

The demon master Kunpeng was shocked when Nuwa said this.

Regardless of Nuwa just hitting him by the tail, he persuaded him directly: “Emperor Wa, you are the monster emperor of the monster race, how can you be someone with those witches with well-developed limbs and simple minds?”

The Ten Demon Saints couldn’t sit still anymore. Baize Lion said firstly: “That’s right, Emperor Wa, you have to think twice!”

Other demon people onlookers also followed to persuade.

In short, Nuwa must not be allowed to go to the Witch Clan.

With Nuwa’s explosive combat power, if one goes to the Wu Clan, wouldn’t the Yao Clan finish in minutes?

Donghuang Taiyi was a little flustered for a while, and then persuaded him: “Emperor Wa, this is not good for you, why do you have to be so aggressive?”

Nuwa just sneered and didn’t put everyone’s words to put in one’s eyes.

Seeing that Nuwa couldn’t hear a word, the Eastern Emperor turned her gaze to Fuxi, and said in a low profile: “Xi Emperor, please persuade the Emperor Wa, how can she abandon the whole monster clan?”

I thought that Nuwa was going crazy and Fuxi could be more sensible, but who knew that Fuxi shook her head and said solemnly: “The little girl is not abandoning the monster clan. On the contrary, she does it just for the sake of the monster clan. So of course I am on my side.”

Seeing that Fuxi did the same, everyone in the Demon Race was completely helpless.

Fuxi glanced at Nuwa and understood that Nuwa would be able to resolve the matter.

Seeing that the demon clan stopped speaking, Nuwa continued to say to Dijun, “Have you thought about it? You only have time for a cup of tea.”

After saying this, Nuwa didn’t know where to get a cup of tea and tasted it.

Fuxi? ? ?

He said that Nuwa doesn’t look like Nuwa today?

This simple and rude way, this way of drinking tea anytime, anywhere, isn’t it just someone from Shouyang Mountain?

Fuxi wiped his sweat silently, and said that he was not Chen Sheng’s dao companion?

Can this escape his eyes?

Soon, Nuwa’s tea was finished.

Nuwa looked at Dijun and said calmly: “I’m finished drinking tea, have you thought about it?”

Dijun was full of black lines and hesitated: “Emperor Wa, have you thought about it?”

Nuwa rarely talks nonsense with Dijun, so she immediately got up and took the Heavenly Dao oath.

Di Jun was frightened on the spot.

Can’t really let Nuwa go to the Witch Clan!

If Nuwa is helping the Wu Clan, the Yao Clan is likely to perish.

Forget it, stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!

Dijun gritted his teeth and finally agreed to Nuwa before Nuwa gave the Heavenly Dao oath.

“Okay! I am willing to let the monster race avoid war!”

Dijun nodded extremely frustrated, and said to Nuwa.

Nuwa clicked with satisfaction, this method is really cool to use!

Donghuang Taiyi also understands that this is the best choice right now.

After all, Nuwa couldn’t beat and beat, reasoned and couldn’t listen.

What can they do?

They are also very helpless!

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