Chapter 81: A Blessing in Disguise

Luo Hui was surprised. Didn’t he see anyone when he came here to heal his injuries?

Who is talking?

After looking around, there was only the tyrannical broken sword beside him.

Could it be this broken sword?

Could it be that Broken Sword gave birth to sage?

There is no one else here, I think this is the broken sword.

It’s just a broken sword, so what if it’s a sage?

Luo Hui was very disdainful, and said directly: “A broken sword, dare to take care of my business?”

In Luo Hui’s view, even if this sword is superior, it is just a broken sword.

So Luo Hu was very contemptuous of Broken Sword.

However, just after Luo Hui finished speaking this sentence, Broken Jianhun Movement Technique burst out, and the entire sword body exudes an incomparable Sword intent.

Luo Hui was immediately sluggish on the spot, exclaiming:


This f*ck is Sage?

Who can believe this?

Luo Hu always wanted to be Sage in his dreams, and even did not hesitate to create a dragon and a lot of calamity!

But even if Luo Hui arranged the Longhan Volume Tribulation, he still failed to achieve his wish, but he didn’t expect that the guy in front of him was Sage?

Suddenly, Luo Hu dared not make any more movements.

After all, Sage is standing in front of him!

Just when Luo Hui was dumbfounded, Broken Sword said:

“I don’t know who you are or where you are from, but it is your blessing to be accepted as a boy by the protagonist. If there is another time, I will cut your origin!”

Broken Sword has always been cold and arrogant. Apart from Chen Sheng, he didn’t put anyone in one’s eyes, and Luo Hu naturally did the same.

The master will not put Luo Huo to put in one’s eyes, but Broken Sword cannot allow Luo Huo to be so disrespectful to his master!

If the master hadn’t insisted on accepting this guy as a boy, this kind of guy wouldn’t be able to survive a single move in his hands!

Facing Broken Sword, Luo Hu felt lingering in his heart.

I couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. Although this guy looked like a big Luo, he couldn’t even pass a single move by himself in his hands.

Not only that, but Nuwa and Fuxi’s level can also come to visit in person. They will not respond after drinking the poison, and will not be invaded by own magic energy!

The most important thing is that this broken sword is clearly Sage’s breath, and he actually calls him master! ?

Thinking of everything before, Luo Hu hesitated.

Is this guy really just a big Luo?

Luo Hou couldn’t help but fell into thought.

On the other side, in the Wa Palace.

After Nuwa received another blow from Hongjun Daozu, he went straight back to the Wa Palace.

When Nuwa came back, Fuxi hurriedly greeted him.

Seeing Nuwa who fell into Sage’s place and was seriously injured and embarrassed, Fuxi said distressedly:

“Little girl, why are you embarrassing yourself so much?”

Hongmao Ziqi and Nuwa have merged into one. What kind of pain is forcibly stripping away the Hongmeng Ziqi?

In addition, Nuwa also took the hand of Daozu Hongjun!

Fuxi looked at Nuwa with a worried look, and said distressedly:

“You have suffered such a severe injury, I’m afraid that in the future, we will only be pushed by everyone in the predicament.”

Nuwa held her chest weakly, and said with a pale smile: “Don’t worry about Big Brother, I just don’t know how old you are.”

When Nuwa said this, Fuxi nodded.

He understands the truth, but it is Nuwa who bears all this!

Fuxi sighed and said, “The place of Sage…”

Fuxi actually is not coveting the position of Sage, but feels that Nuwa will lose the position of Sage, and will be coerced by others.

However, he respected Nuwa’s opinion.

After all, as long as you don’t become a running dog for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, it doesn’t hurt to lose some.

Nuwa also followed with a weak smile and said, “Big Brother, this time I am out of Sage, it may not be a curse.”

First, because Nuwa left the Sage status, he was out of the control of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao.

Since then, he is no longer the humble dog of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao.

Secondly, it was because after Nuwa became Sage, for some reason, her understanding of the law of good fortune ceased, no matter how she tried it, it was useless.

However, now that Sage has been cut off, her understanding of the law of good fortune is even better than before!

So, maybe this is a blessing in disguise for Nuwa.

If she can understand more laws, maybe she can blaze new trails in the future!

Thinking of this, Nuwa began to be thankful that she knew all this, and then chose to turn against Hongjun Daozhu!

Seeing Fuxi still frowning, Nuwa realized that Fuxi was actually worried about herself, and then said, “Big Brother, now I have a better understanding of good fortune than before. Isn’t this another opportunity?”

Fuxi nodded, still feeling unacceptable.

Actually, I can’t accept Nuwa’s fall into the Sage position. It’s just that Nuwa has to endure so much.

Although Nuwa talked about the benefits of cutting Sage’s place, she looked at Nuwa’s pale face and severely injured body.

Fuxi still felt that this wave was a loss!

Fuxi sighed and said to Nuwa with distressed eyes: “Little Sister, you said you are like this. Why does that guy care about you as your reason?”

With that, Fu Xi became a little dissatisfied with Chen Sheng.

Even if Chen Sheng is a strong one, after all, Nuwa is also Chen Sheng’s dao companion. Now he is bullied like this when he goes out, and Chen Sheng doesn’t even say a word?

The strong, are they so unfeeling?

Fuxi couldn’t help but start to sigh, this is really a failed relationship.

Nuwa Yuan himself was seriously injured, and she was stunned when she saw Fuxi’s expression.

Where does all this go?

Nuwa couldn’t help but feel a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, if Chen fellow daoist is her dao companion?

My Big Brother, why do you have such Eight Trigrams all day long?

Although a little helpless, Nuwa blushed involuntarily when thinking of Chen Sheng’s figure for some reason.

Nuwa blushed, glared at Fuxi and said, “Dage, you think too much, that senior is not my dao companion.”

When Fuxi saw Nuwa’s shy appearance, how could he believe Nuwa’s words?

He has been with Nuwa for so many years, he still doesn’t know Nuwa?

This blushing heartbeat makes it clear that someone is outside!

Fuxi didn’t believe Nuwa’s explanation, and said directly: “Little Sister, you still don’t know Big Brother too much. If he is not your dao companion, why do you look nervous and blush every time you mention him?”

Hearing Fuxi’s words like this, Nuwa was suddenly speechless.

God knows why he blushes when he thinks of Chen Sheng, but his blushing, does it have anything to do with Chen Sheng himself?

Seeing the determined face of her Big Brother, Nuwa rolled her eyes and was too lazy to explain it, anyway, Fuxi would not believe it.

On the other side, Heaven Court.

As Nuwa fell to Sage’s place and suffered serious injuries, the Yaozu suddenly became panic.

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