Chapter 75-The Terrible Situation of the Human Race, Nuwa Swears to Protect the Human Race

After the third ancestor left, Nuwa and Fuxi began to look at the devastated human race.

The Human Race had just gone through a great battle, although Broken Sword forced away the Demon Race by virtue of its strength.

However, the status quo of the Terran is not much better. Although the Terran has not suffered much, the house has fallen and the food is useless.

Nowadays, human races are multiplying more and more and have daddy preaching, but human races are still very weak.

Even sometimes, I can’t even collect food and I’m hungry.

Today, the food that the human race has finally saved has been destroyed, and their situation will be even more difficult.

Nuwa was shocked as she walked.

As Sage, she doesn’t need to eat anything at all. Even if she has that idea, a large number of delicacies will be delivered to her.

But the weak human races are different, they have already used all their strength even to survive.

At this time, a yellow-faced and thin child suddenly fell to the ground.

Nuwa has quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately went to help the child up.

The child opened his eyes tiredly and said, “Hungry.”

Then, the child fainted.

A scrawny woman ran out from the side and pulled the child up. She knelt on the ground and said in panic: “The Virgin Mary is spared. The child either deliberately offended the Virgin Mary, or was hungry and fainted!”

Hearing this, Nuwa felt sad for a while.

Nuwa said quickly, “It’s okay.”

Afterwards, he cast another spell to wake the hungry child.

When the child woke up, he found that not only was he not hungry, but he seemed to have this energy that he could not use up all over his body!

The child was so happy that he couldn’t help jumping around.

How can the trembling woman not understand what is going on?

She immediately knelt on the ground and said in awe: “The Madonna is really merciful, thank you Madame.”

Nuwa felt sad again. It was the human race she created, but she couldn’t even eat.

After all, she pays too little attention to the human race, and she has not fulfilled the responsibility of the virgin at all, so that the human race has suffered so much.

In the eyes of the human race, they only need to give a little favor to their superior Sage. How can they experience the suffering of the world?

If it weren’t for this visit, even Nuwa wouldn’t have such a deep feeling.

So, why should these human races become the victims of Heavenly Dao?

Nuwa already had the answer in her heart at this time, her eyes were very firm.

Nuwa rose directly above the Terran Territory on the spot.

Below Fuxi, there are many human races with a dazed expression.

Nuwa is this? ?

Then Nuwa spoke.

“The deity swears today that the human race will be protected by my Nuwa from now on. If anyone dares to kill the human race, he will be the enemy of the deity!”

Nuwa is Sage, and as soon as she said this, it spread throughout the entire prehistoric land in an instant!

Similarly, Heavenly Dao felt it instantly.

Almost just for an instant, the whole sky was covered with dark clouds!

Jiuxiao responds to the thunder of the gods, floating in the sky, crumbling!

Heavenly Dao shook, and all the living beings in the wilderness also felt a strong sense of oppression at this moment.

After hearing Nuwa’s words, all the mighties were shocked!

Prior to this, there were occasional frictions between the Yao race and the human race, but Nuwa had never intervened.

Why is Nuwa suddenly declared a great famine at this time, and Human Race is blessed by her?

Even, do you hesitate to take the Heavenly Dao oath?

The Heavenly Dao person was injured, so he was in the Closed Door Training. At this time, he heard Nuwa’s words and couldn’t help being surprised.

However, it is normal for Nuwa to protect the human race, so the Heavenly Dao people didn’t think much about it.

And because Yuanshi Tianzun was injured more severely, daddy was helping Yuanshi Tianzun to heal his injuries.

Hearing Nuwa’s voice, both of them were shocked.

Nuwa is not only the Virgin of the Human Race, but also the Demon King of the Demon Race!

The Monster Race is stronger than the Human Race. Besides, the Monster Race has suffered such a big loss this time, but Nuwa actually helped the Human Race?

It’s incredible!

The ancestral witches who left the Pangu Cemetery were also a little surprised at this time.

They just went to the Pangu Cemetery, so many things happened?

Houtu thought for a while, and said, “The human crisis has been resolved, and the monsters have suffered a big loss. They should not dare to take action against us in the near future. Let’s restrain ourselves, don’t forget…”

The meaning in Houtu’s words is self-evident, and the Twelve Ancestor Witch also understood that, although he was unwilling, he still nodded.

After all, as the ancestor witches, they cannot make fun of the entire witch clan.

On the other side, Heaven Court.

Hearing what Nuwa said, the whole monster clan was shocked.

Nuwa is their demon emperor, and now he has made it clear that he wants to support the human race?

So the Yaozu can still grow up the idea of ​​the human race?

Now that Di Jun was seriously injured and broken an arm, wouldn’t the Yaozu’s situation become more difficult?

West, on the Sumeru Mountain.

The two bald heads looked in the direction of Shouyang Mountain with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

“In my opinion, 80% of this monster clan is cold!”

Succeeding Daoist with a confident look, said to Zhunti Daoist.

Zhunti Daoist thought for a while, and then said, “Nuwa met the mysterious senior. I am afraid that this statement was meant by the senior.”

The lead Daoist also nodded, and said, “In the future, I would rather confront the monster race, and never offend the human race!”

Zhunti Daoist nodded in agreement.

In the main hall, high-level demons gathered together to discuss the matter.

Kunpeng’s complexion was a bit unpleasant. He was originally invested because of the strength of the Monster Race and the Nuwa cover. He didn’t expect…

The ten demon saints also looked different, but after all, no one dared to say anything.

Donghuang Taiyi said with a cold face, “Dage, Emperor Wa actually defended the human race publicly, didn’t you say that Emperor Wa would never interfere?”

Di Jun’s face was pale, he had been seriously injured before, and now he was hit like this again, and he was instantly angry and vomited a mouthful of blood!

Although Donghuang Taiyi felt angry, he was still very worried about Emperor Jun.

Seeing Dijun vomiting blood, he hurriedly healed his injuries, and then said, “Dage, how are you?”

Di Jun shook his head, and then said with a vicious look: “It’s okay, but what the monster race suffers today will surely be returned to you a hundred times in the future!”

Kunpeng’s face was blue, and he thought that this monster race could look forward to it, who knows?

Kunpeng looked a little displeased and said, “I don’t know what idea the Demon Emperor has? Can you move the human race under the eyes of the Emperor Wa?”

Di Jun knew the reason why everyone pushed the wall down. Regarding Kunpeng’s words, Di Jun replied unceremoniously: “Huh, it seems that the Kunpeng demon master has a lot of criticism towards my demon clan?”

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