Chapter 66-Demon Race Attacks, Broken Sword Appears

The human race monster race, as well as the great powers of the predecessors, were directly stunned.

No one had thought that this broken sword was so strong?

The ubiquitous Sword intent scared everyone.

Under this terrible Sword intent, even Yuanshi Tianzun’s coercion became vulnerable!

However, the dagger technique has not yet begun!

The Sword intent of Broken Sword surrounds the Yaozu, as if all creatures are going to look up to him!

Except for him, everything in this world seems to be so vulnerable!


A huge sound directly knocked all the monster races into the air!

Among them are Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng, you know, they are the Cultivation Base of Quasi-Saint Seventeen!

Being able to knock the quasi-sage into the air so easily, it can be seen that what is the strength of this broken sword?

Although the Eastern Emperor Taiyi Jun Kunpeng and others were knocked out, they were still unwilling.

Because they didn’t even see where this Sword intent came from, is it a Heavenly Dao person?

Or maybe this is the strongest blow to pass Heavenly Dao! ?

People who pass Heavenly Dao were also stunned by this trick.

He looked at Broken Sword in awe!

Is this what the Master said that seeing is the king’s soldier?

Is this the domineering spirit of the sword?

Originally, the Heavenly Dao person was already complacent about own progress, but seeing Broken Sword, the Heavenly Dao person understood how small he was on the way to the kendo!

Just as the people of Heavenly Dao sigh with emotion.

The demon clan who was blown out by the broken sword was not so comfortable anymore.

The originally high-spirited, glamorous monster race became embarrassed and extremely fragile after the Sword Intent attack.

Even many monster races have directly lost their combat effectiveness!

Fuxi froze directly in place, although he didn’t think Chen Sheng would deceive him with a useless broken sword.

But he really didn’t expect that this broken sword could be so strong!

Also shocked was Yuanshi Tianzun, who frowned tightly.

He stared at this scene with gloomy eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Looking at the horrible situation of the monster clan, Di Jun was furious, but he had nothing to do!

“Dage, this is too strong, unlike the Sword intent of the Heavenly Dao people!” Dong Huang Taiyi frowned and said to Di Jun while analyzing.

After hesitating for a moment, Di Jun also said, “It really doesn’t look like someone from Heavenly Dao. How can I even suppress Yuqing Daoist when I see him?”

The demon master Kunpeng sneered, and said indifferently:

“This Heavenly Dao person is like getting lost and mad. He doesn’t even listen to Yuanshi Tianzun’s words. He has to protect the humble human race. Maybe this is the last blow he uses to run out of life!”

Although Kunpeng Demon Master’s words sound illogical, but at present there is only one basis.

Donghuang Taiyi also tried hard to comfort himself, that is, the Heavenly Dao people.

Never thought that he would sacrifice himself so much in order to protect the human race!

Hearing what they said, Heavenly Dao laughed directly, and coldly said, “Huh! My Master took action. If you wait for advice, I will eventually be punished by my Master!”


Isn’t the Master of Heavenly Dao person Hongjun Daddy?

However, it has spread throughout the prehistoric times, and it is said that Heavenly Dao people have worshipped another Da Luo as a teacher.

I thought it was just a rumor in the wild, the rumors were not credible, and now it seems to be true!

Donghuang Taiyi couldn’t help frowning, Master?

That human race Ronaldo can have such great ability?

After thinking about it for a while, Donghuang Taiyi solemnly said, “This must be a blind eye from Heavenly Dao people in order to prevent us from discovering that he is already weak at this time!”

Through Heavenly Dao:…

Is it okay to give yourself so many plays?

And Di Jun is even more convinced of this, he doesn’t believe that a mere Daluo can really do anything to them!

“Huh, not to mention the blindness and not blindness, just a little bit of Daluo, what can I do for the monster race?”

Di Jun said so.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t believe it either. It was not that he had never seen Chen Sheng, but in his opinion, Chen Sheng was nothing more than an ordinary Luo.

Therefore, after a moment of contemplation, Yuanshi Tianzun still said sarcastically: “Huh, third brother, are you really able to fool me with these methods? Just your Master, who is vulnerable to a blow, how can you be in charge of such a kendo?”

So kendo?

Hmph, I’m afraid this kind of kendo is nothing in the eyes of his Master, even his Master controls the Three Thousand Dao!

“Vulnerable? You will know how strong my Master is!”

The Heavenly Dao person said with great confidence that for Chen Sheng, he only had endless admiration in his heart!

However, seeing the appearance of the Heavenly Dao people, and seeing Yuanshi Tianzun still supporting them, the Yaozu was directly embarrassed into anger!

Emperor Jun arrogantly yelled, “Hmph, since you think your Master is so powerful, let him come out!”

Donghuang Taiyi also nodded, and agreed: “In my opinion, there is no Master at all, that’s nothing but Tongtian you made up yourselves!”

Kunpeng is even more direct, pointing to the sky and angrily said: “What breaks the big Luo, dare to ruin the good deeds of the demon clan, and Tongtian, you dare to take action against the demon clan today, sooner or later someone will ask you to settle this matter!”

Looking at everyone in front of him, Fu Xi felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time.

Why did he join Heaven Court and become the Demon Emperor when he was full?

Just for such things that are not foresight, but also stupid and unknowingly, he wants to run around, all kinds of busy.

I really don’t know what he Fuxi plots!

Facing everyone’s ridicule, Tong Heavenly Dao couldn’t help frowning.

Originally he had interesting pity for Yaozu, but now it has been exhausted!

Since the monster clan wants to find his own way, it is not easy for him to stop it!

The Heavenly Dao people looked at these guys coldly, and said pityingly: “You can’t live by committing sins!”

Everyone in the Yaozu naturally heard it, and Di Jun rolled his eyes even more.

“Hmph, I really take myself seriously, now even Yuqing Daoist is on our side, what do you want?”

Di Jun and others became more vigorous as they spoke, and the more they scolded, the more intense they became.

Without knowing it, the sky at this time once again shined with a divine light!

The whole sky was shining brightly again, and everyone who irradiated it couldn’t open their eyes.

The extremely powerful Sword intent caused the monster race, who was already a little embarrassed, to crawl on the ground again!

The eyes of Heavenly Dao people are very hot. To see such a powerful Sword intent here, he just feels that this life is enough. ,

Along with the strong light, a broken sword directly suspended in the air.

Broken Sword’s fierce Sword intent distorted the void!

Although Broken Sword’s body is not as tattered as usual, the Sword intent all over it is very restrained and does not look like a peerless power.

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