Chapter 55-Breakthrough

Daozu Hongjun’s face was cloudy and sunny, and he wiped the blood from his mouth silently.

Did you actually get backlash?

This is the first time since I became holy!

What makes Hongjun Daozu even more surprised is that the Karma line he explored was actually broken?

Has Luo Hui’s strength been restored to this level?

Thinking of this, Daozu Hongjun’s eyes couldn’t help but deepen.

It seems that the progress of the Lich Volume Tribulation has to be speeded up a bit!

It must not be broken because of Luo Hu!

the other side.

Kunlun Mountain.

After Heavenly Dao returned from Shouyang Mountain, he closed Door Training.

At this time, through the trick that Heavenly Dao gave Chen Sheng to him, he realized another 20%!

Although it is only 20%, when the Heavenly Dao people understand and exit the level!

The coercion instantly covered the entire Kunlun Mountain!

And the Sword intent of the Heavenly Dao people rises directly on the ground, straight into the sky!

The extremely powerful Sword intent directly made the entire prehistoric tremble involuntarily!

Stars above nine o’clock are cracked every inch!

this is too scary!

The great power of the predecessors was amazed!

Although Yuanshi Tianzun was dissatisfied with the Heavenly Dao who worshipped a great Luo as his teacher, he was sincerely happy to see the Heavenly Dao breakthrough in kendo.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not think that the breakthrough of Heavenly Dao swordsmanship had anything to do with Chen Sheng.

And now that the Heavenly Dao people pass the customs, he just took this opportunity to talk to the Heavenly Dao people.

And daddy was also very surprised. Long ago, tens of millions of years ago, the kendo of Heavenly Dao people entered the bottleneck period.

Recently, the swordsmanship of the Heavenly Dao people has broken through twice in a row!

Nuwa knew that Sanqing had gone to Shouyang Mountain and had a breakthrough in the swordsmanship of Heavenly Dao. Nuwa also guessed that it was related to that great power.

At the same time, the Wu Clan and Yao Clan were also quite surprised.

Why is this kendo Ascension so fast?

Swordsman breakthrough Heavenly Dao people, amazing surprises!

Closed Door Training these days, he finally realized the 20% of the trick Chen Sheng passed to him!

Although only 20%, Heavenly Dao people feel that with their current strength, it is not a problem to sling both of them.

That is to say, I can still comprehend the Master’s trick by 20%. If it is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that he can’t even comprehend it now, right?

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Dao people are actually a little proud.

This is all because of Master’s sword!

If it weren’t for the guidance of the master, I am afraid that own kendo is still in the bottleneck period, unable to break through.

Now that I have left the customs, it is time to thank Chen Sheng.

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Dao people decided to go to Shouyang Mountain.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy walked over.

Daddy smiled and cupped hands said: “Congratulations to the third brother for breakthrough.”

The Heavenly Dao person smiled in return, and said with some emotion: “Thank you Dage, it’s actually my Master who taught me well.”

Daddy nodded thoughtfully. The senior is indeed very powerful. In such a short time, he has made Heavenly Dao a breakthrough again!

It seems that the third brother has to worship the senior as his teacher, that’s right.

Yuanshi Tianzun originally wanted to congratulate the Heavenly Dao people, but after hearing what Heavenly Dao said, he frowned and snorted coldly: “It’s just a coincidence! Do you really think that Da Luo can teach you anything?”

Huh, actually think that a big Luo can make his sword breakthrough?

It’s just wishful thinking!

The Heavenly Dao people were very happy because they saw a breakthrough.

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s sarcasm, he frowned somewhat displeased, and said to Yuanshi Tianzun:

“Second brother’s words are wrong. That’s my Master. My kendo can break through because of the Master’s teaching.”

Yuanshi Tianzun was originally dissatisfied with the Heavenly Dao who was born as a teacher by Chen and brought a snake club to Kunlun.

Now, the people who met Heavenly Dao dared to attack him, even more unhappy, and directly yelled: “Huh! One of the dignified Sanqing, actually worshipped a big Luo as a teacher, but the big Roman leader is not talking, and has a wet egg. It’s so embarrassing to return to Kunlun!”

When the Heavenly Dao people heard Dao Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, his face went black!

Chen Sheng pointed him to breakthrough, which made the Heavenly Dao people respect Chen Sheng very much.

Now, listening to someone insulting own Master so much, Heavenly Dao people are naturally unhappy!

The Heavenly Dao person frowned, and said to Yuanshi Tianzun with a displeased expression: “Second brother speaks a little bit ugly. He is also a prehistoric creature, what happened to the damp and egg generation?”

“Besides, it’s my business to go to my teacher, so what to do with my second brother?

Yuanshi Tianzun sees through. Heavenly Dao doesn’t enter Yuanshi with oil and salt. Tianzun is very angry and said: “My Sanqing is one, you are ashamed, and the one who lost it is my Sanqing!”

Seeing the two people getting more and more quarrelsome, Daddy was helpless and had no choice but to stop the Heavenly Dao person and say, “Well, arrogantly, it’s the easiest way to make people laugh at such a quarrel inside.”

In fact, Daddy also agrees with Chen Sheng’s strength.

But Yuanshi Tianzun’s words were not unreasonable.

Therefore, daddy said again: “Anyway, it’s good to be able to Ascension, and we must not let outsiders see the joke.”

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun had to shut up, and silently turned his head and stopped talking.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun still wants to have a good theory with Heavenly Dao people, but now daddy is Sage, he still wants to listen to Sage.

People who pass Heavenly Dao don’t want to care about Yuanshi Tianzun anymore, cupped hands said to daddy, “Dage, I have gained a lot this time, and I need to go and thank Master.”

Daddy nodded, and then the Heavenly Dao people went to Chen Sheng very happy.

On Xiaoposhan, the Heavenly Dao people didn’t know where to get two pots of wine. Standing outside Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave, he respectfully said to Chen Sheng: “Master disciple came to visit, I wonder if you are free. ?”

Chen Sheng was originally wiping the broken sword in Immortal Cave, when he suddenly heard the Heavenly Dao coming, he couldn’t help frowning.

What is this guy doing to himself if he has nothing to do?

After calling the Heavenly Dao person in, Chen Sheng asked, “I don’t know if you came to be a teacher, what’s the matter?”

The Heavenly Dao person smiled honestly, holding the two jugs of wine in his hand, and said to Chen Sheng: “Thank you, Master, for your guidance. Now I have a major breakthrough on my kendo journey. I came here to thank the teacher. Honorable.”

Chen Sheng looked at the wine mentioned by Heavenly Dao and nodded in satisfaction.

This apprentice is quite sensible, although he seems to have a serious illness in his brain, he is more considerate.

Chen Sheng accepted the wine and said to Heavenly Dao in a good mood: “Since you have made a major breakthrough, then use the Sword Technique that I taught you that day.”

Tong Heavenly Dao nodded, confidently began to swing his sword.

Following the Heavenly Dao man swinging his sword, the surrounding Sword Qi Ling Tian, ​​awe-inspiring!

However, Chen Sheng’s eyes were so intriguing.

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