Chapter 39: The Lich’s Failure is Inevitable

Hou Tu also frowned tightly, and Chen Sheng just said that the Wu Clan would fail, and Hou Tu thought that the Monster Clan would definitely be able to take advantage.

Unexpectedly, it would hurt both sides?

Both Fuxi and Houtu were shocked, and at the same time they didn’t believe it.

Hou Tu shook his head and said: “The monster race and the witch race are both prehistoric overlords, how could they both lose out?”

Chen Sheng saw that neither of them believed, he was a little speechless.

Afterwards, Chen Sheng pulled it straight away!

A scene of the Lich battle suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Houtu saw that his Big Brother died of exhaustion, and Fuxi saw that he died for the demon clan, exposing himself!

Suddenly, Houtu and Fuxi couldn’t believe it.

Fuxi was still muttering to herself: “This, this is impossible…”

However, Fuxi’s face has turned pale.

Because in the dark, Fuxi could feel that all of this is true!

Chen Sheng twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said: “This is how to capture a point in the long river of time. The deduced ending of the Lich’s Volume Tribulation is as accurate as 90%. Believe it or not.”

Do you think these people have problems?

He always came to the precipice and asked some inexplicable questions, did he answer it, and still be questioned?

Then, Chen Sheng directly dissipated the picture.

Houtu looked uneasy, could the Yaozu really not escape?

Do not!

The fellow daoist in front of him can solve the human crisis, and he can certainly help the witches too!

Thinking of this, Houtu knelt down in front of Chen Sheng with a thump, and said sincerely: “Fellow daoist, I know your magical powers, please save the Wu Clan!”

Chen Sheng looked inexplicable.

Supernatural powers?

With his strength, is it okay to be seconds after going out every minute?

“I am a little big Luo, and I can’t have any influence on this battle. Little Tu girl, are you dizzy?”

Chen Sheng said quite speechlessly, what can a big Luo do?

Only in front of Xiaotu, and this brain-dead thing to play prestige.

But when Hou Tu heard Chen Sheng’s words, his eyes dimmed.

Such a powerful senior must be unwilling to care about this, so he would say that he is a big Luo!

Now, the ancestor Wu Hou Tu of the Wu Clan, and the Demon Emperor Fuxi of the Demon Clan are here, just to ask this matter to understand.

After thinking about it for a while, Fu Xi asked again: “Is that as long as the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan truce, the ending can be changed?”

After asking this question, Fu Xi looked at Chen Sheng with some hope.

Hou Tu also looked forward to it. As long as the Lich War does not begin, the prehistoric will not be overwhelmed, and neither will the Lich Race and the Demonic Race suffer both!

Isn’t it the best of both worlds?

But, how can there be the best of both worlds in this world?

Not to mention that there is no room for two tigers in a lifetime, no one can compete with Heavenly Dao’s will alone!

“That’s a calamity, it can’t be stopped by a simple truce!”

Chen Sheng said directly to these two people.

Upon hearing this, Fuxi and Nuwa were a little discouraged.

Even a truce cannot be stopped. Do the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan have to face such a fate?

Seeing Fuxi and Houtuhun not staying at home, Chen Sheng was a little confused.

“What does the Lich War have to do with you? What can you do if you are so weak? Why are you so sad?” Chen Sheng asked solemnly.



One of them is the Ancestral Witch and the other is the Demon Emperor, so why doesn’t it matter?

But they also knew that this hidden worldly man had a weird temperament, so they didn’t say much.

Hou Tu sighed, and said some unconsciously: “Fellow daoist, I have something to do today, so I will leave for a while and then come to visit.”

Chen Sheng nodded, and exhorted: “Okay, don’t get Karma casually!”

Houtu nodded and left.

Seeing Hou Tu leaving, Chen Sheng silently shook his head, Xiao Tu, this kid is good everywhere, just too temperamental.

Then, Chen Sheng glanced at Fuxi and said, “Are you still okay?”

Fuxi was a little embarrassed, but he was really not in the mood to stay. Even the cupped hands said, “Fellow daoist, then I will leave first.”

Seeing Houtu and Fuxi both leaving in despair, Chen Sheng felt baffled.

Regardless of immediately, Chen Sheng made a pot of tea for himself. The sun was just right!

Wa Palace.

Nuwa was thinking about whether or not to ask about Chen Sheng’s human race again, and saw that Fuxi’s soul returned without guarding her home.

Usually the husband and wife talk to Nuwa happily. At this time, when they saw Nuwa sighing, they decided to turn around and leave?

Nuwa didn’t know where Fuxi had gone, but felt something was wrong with Fuxi.

Immediately, he chased up and asked: “Dage, what’s the matter with you?”

Fuxi didn’t speak, but looked at Nuwa with a complicated expression, and sighed deeply.

Nuwa:? ? ?

Her Dage, she still doesn’t understand? Has Fuxi ever showed such an expression?

Nuwa continued to ask: “Dage, I…?”

Fuxi patted Nuwa on the shoulder, and said earnestly, “Sister, do you want to tell me about that human race? Don’t worry, Big Brother is not such an unreasonable person. Big Brother agreed!”


What kind of human race?

What agreed?

At the same time.

After Houtu returned, he went to see the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

Everyone was sitting together, and there was some confusion on each other’s faces.

Di Jiang first asked: “Sister, you called us all here, what happened?”

Zhu Rong had the most direct temper, and immediately asked: “Could it be that the monster clan bullied you? Big Brother is going to destroy his monster clan!”

After speaking, Zhu Rong started to plan to find the Yaozu to settle the accounts!

Hou Tu quickly stopped Zhu Rong and said, “Big Brother don’t want to be impulsive. What I want to say is about the life and death of our entire witch clan…”

Zhu Rong was stunned, but finally sat down.

Di Jiang was a little confused, and asked: “Sister, what are you talking about?”

Hou Tu frowned and said to everyone: “My Wu Clan, I may disappear into the wilderness afterwards.”

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn’t help frowning.

After hesitating for a moment, Jumang still blamed: “Little sister, don’t talk nonsense, my Wu clan is the overlord of the prehistoric, how could it disappear into the prehistoric?”

Zhuan Xu also said, “That’s right, little girl, are those monster races threatening you? What are they?”

Hou Tu was speechless for a while, and she knew that if she said it like this, several Big Brothers would definitely not believe it.

Simply, Hou Tu directly showed the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the scenes Chen Sheng showed him at the time.

The scenes surging, the scenes of the Lich War, like a movie, appeared in the eyes of the ancestor witch!

The Twelve Ancestor Witch was shocked!

“This is impossible! This…”

Everyone was shocked and shook their heads, unwilling to believe all this!

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