Chapter 35-I’m Sanctified Today

Nuwa was speechless for a while.

Is daddy brain sick?

In the entire predicament, if you dare to say that daddy, I am afraid that only this fellow daoist is in front of you!

Afterwards, Nuwa asked: “Fellow daoist, can daddy really achieve the Sage status because of the human race?”

Although Chen Sheng’s strength is naturally beyond doubt, Nuwa really doesn’t understand what daddy’s sanctification has to do with the human race.

After all, Daddy, as the head of the Sanqing Dynasty, has a detached position in the prehistoric state.

The human race is born weak and weak, how can daddy be sanctified because of the human race?

This is always unreasonable.

Chen Sheng nodded calmly, and said to Nuwa: “Human race is the protagonist of the predecessor, with great opportunities and great luck, otherwise, why do you think Nuwa will make people holy?”

Thinking about it this way, Nuwa felt that what Chen Sheng said had some truth.

She didn’t understand why she was guided by Heavenly Dao to create humans, and then she became holy.

After listening to Chen Sheng’s words, Nuwa understood a little bit.

It’s just that Nuwa still wonders why Heavenly Dao chooses the weak human race to become the protagonist of the prehistoric.

While Nuwa was thinking, Chen Sheng asked again: “By the way, fellow daoist, as a maid of the Wa Palace, you should often see Nuwa Empress? How is it? What does Nuwa Empress look like? Isn’t it amazing?”


Nuwa was a little confused when Chen Sheng said this.

What does Nuwa mistress look like?

Are you serious about asking this?

Nuwa can no longer tell whether this fellow daoist really knows his own identity.

However, Chen Sheng is so powerful, he shouldn’t know it!

This is unreasonable!

But looking at Chen Sheng’s appearance, he really seems to think he is an ordinary Ronaldo?

No, no, it’s impossible!

He shouldn’t be aware that he is so powerful!

Is it possible that this fellow daoist should be in the game world?

Now that the fellow daoist asked this question, Nuwa must not avoid talking about it. After thinking about it, she smiled and replied, “Nuwa, mother, is about the same as me?”

After Chen Sheng heard Nuwa’s words, he looked contemptuous. Is this little palace lady wanting to be Nuwa crazy?

“Fellow daoist, I told you everything, don’t contaminate Sage Karma casually, it will cause big problems!”

Chen Sheng said with earnest persuasion.

Nuwa is speechless again, why does no one believe her every time she tells the truth?

She is really Nuwa

Replace it like a fake!

After thinking for a moment, Nuwa decided to follow Chen Sheng’s words and continue speaking.

Nuwa sighed and said, “Fellow daoist, I was wrong, Nuwa empress is graceful and luxurious, and there must be Purple Qi from the East to greet you when you travel!”

When Nuwa said this, Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

This is the ostentation that Nuwa Empress should have! !

The Empress Nuwa is Sage, how could it be similar to a little palace lady?

This little palace lady is so whimsical!

Mother Nuwa!

That created the existence of the human race!

Chen Sheng looked longing and muttered to himself: “I really want to see Nuwa Sage. Unfortunately, my strength is too weak. It’s only Realm. I can’t contaminate Karma at will.”


Please, be your own person?

If you are Da Luo Realm, isn’t her Nuwa even worse than Jin Xian?

Facing Chen Sheng’s yearning for Nuwa, Nuwa was speechless for a while.

the other side.

Daddy got Chen Sheng’s guidance and hurried back to Kunlun Mountain in a hurry.

Seeing Daddy hurried back, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tong Heavenly Dao were a little confused.

Yuanshi Tianzun has always been adhering to the rule of doing nothing, and the goodness is like water. Where did he show such a flustered expression?

Upon seeing this, the Heavenly Dao person couldn’t help but ask with some curiosity: “Dage, what’s wrong with you? You were chased and killed?”

Yuanshi Tianzun also looked at the Heavenly Dao person with a curious look. He didn’t believe that there were still people in this predicament who were so bold and dared to attack one of the three daddys.

So Yuanshi Tianzun also asked, “Yes, Dage, didn’t you go to visit Nuwa fellow daoist?”

Daddy laughed loudly and said madly: “I understand! I am!”

Yuanshi Tianzun:…

Through Heavenly Dao:…

What do you realize?

Daddy ignored the two people who were stuck in place, and went to Closed Door Training with a look of excitement.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Daddy’s back for a while speechless.

The Heavenly Dao person seemed to remember something, and then said: “Wait a minute, Dage will visit Nuwa, and when he comes back, he said that he has realized it, is it possible…”

Yuanshi Tianzun also understood, and said with a look of surprise: “Is the Nuwa fellow daoist who told Dage the opportunity to become holy? Unexpectedly, Nuwa fellow daoist really knows!”

Another figure flashed through Heavenly Dao’s mind. He always felt that even if Nuwa knew it, he would not reveal the secret.

Besides, does Nuwa really have that great ability?

Can daddy realize it in such a short time?

People who pass Heavenly Dao don’t believe him, he is a little suspicious, is it the senior?

I didn’t pay attention to the expression of the Heavenly Dao person, but Yuan Shi Tianzun was thinking whether he should also take the time to visit Nuwa?

Prehistoric time has always been fleeting.

The distance to today is exactly one hundred thousand years of daddy Closed Door Training.

Yuanshi Tianzun was originally discussing the Dao with the Heavenly Dao people, but suddenly felt that the sky changed drastically!

The entire prehistoric land began to shake violently!

The fairy qi on Kunlun Mountain suddenly increased several times, and at the same time, there was Purple Qi from the East in the distance, and cranes came to the kingdom one after another!

The movement is very loud!

Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy are both embarrassed. Could it be that Daddy is going out?

The Heavenly Dao person was surprised, and said in an unbelievable way: “Dage is going out!”

Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded with this, and exclaimed: “I never thought that Dage could have made such a great progress after only a few hundred thousand years of Closed Door Training! Now Dage’s Cultivation Base, I am afraid that it is only one step away from sanctification!”

Tong Heavenly Dao nodded, he is happy for daddy from the heart!

Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes were also full of envy when he looked at daddy Immortal Cave.

In the Immortal Cave.

Daddy opened his eyes slowly.

At the moment Daddy opened his eyes, the momentum of the entire Kunlun Mountain suddenly skyrocketed a bit!

Daddy is surrounded by rules at this time, and the whole person is different from the past.

Soon, daddy exited.

Looking at the scene outside, Daddy couldn’t help but feel excited. For these 100,000 years, he has been on Insight Gold Core Avenue every day.

Today, it is finally done!

“Hahaha, after 100,000 years, the deity finally understood this Gold Core Avenue!”

Daddy couldn’t help but sighed.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao and Yuanshi Tianzun also greeted them.

“Congratulations to Dage for leaving.”

The two spoke to Daddy in unison.

Daddy nodded to the two of them, and Yuanshi Tianzun asked a little enviously: “Dage is now only a thin line away from Sage, right?”

Daddy nodded, Heavenly Dao suddenly cast a golden light on Daddy.

Daddy stepped on the lotus platform, and the whole body was filled with golden light!

“I am holy today!”

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