Chapter 26 Nuwa: I have a dao companion?

Fuxi struggled, while cupped hands said to Sanqing: “Three fellow daoist, today’s matter is that I am abrupt and I will leave first.”

The Heavenly Dao person is very humane, patted Fuxi on the shoulder, and said with a heartfelt voice: “Being out of Fuxi fellow daoist, relax, it’s human nature~”

Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded, and said with approval, “Nuwa fellow daoist, now I have reached Sage, emptiness and loneliness are inevitable, Fuxi fellow daoist still needs to understand more!”

Although Daddy didn’t speak, his eyes had already betrayed himself.

Fuxi was shocked by the words of Yuanshi Tianzun and Heavenly Dao!

What kind of stuff is human?

Why is it empty and lonely?

Fuxi raised her forehead and said, “Nuwa, as Sage now, how can he care about her children’s personal relationships so much?”

Daddy looked at Fuxi meaningfully, and said solemnly: “I understand, it’s definitely not easy to be a brother!”

Fuxi felt that he could not communicate with Sanqing, so he had to leave.

Seeing Fuxi leave, the Heavenly Dao person couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “I didn’t expect that the cold and noble Nuwa Sage would have a dao companion!”

Yes, the explosiveness of this news can even be equal to that of the Lich War!

After all, the Lich War will happen sooner or later, and Nuwa has a dao companion, which is really unexpected!

Daddy touched his beard and said with a smile: “It is really surprising, but I don’t know where is this Nuwa Dao companion Sacred?”

In this regard, the people of Heavenly Dao and Yuanshi Tianzun are also very curious.

Are ordinary people who can be seen by Nuwa Sage?

“Didn’t Fuxi fellow daoist just talk about it? He has searched the entire predecessor!” Yuanshi Tianzun touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

It seems that Nuwa Sage doesn’t pay much attention to his dao companion. Today, Fuxi has searched for the entire Primordial Land and failed to find it!

Afterwards, Daddy shook his head and said to Heavenly Dao and Yuanshi Tianzun: “That’s the Nuwa fellow daoist own thing, why do I wait for it? I just need to cultivate harder.”

The two nodded and stopped paying attention to the matter.

but in the meanwhile.

The news that Nuwa has a dao companion, like a bomb, exploded directly in the wilderness!

There is a lot of rumors in the entire prehistoric land!

Everyone in Honghuang was amazed, Nuwa Empress is Sage, she actually has a dao companion?

“Can Sage still have a dao companion?”

“Manny Nuwa actually has a dao companion, I really don’t know who that person is!”

“Who can be worthy of Nuwa, is it a rumor in my opinion?”

“Didn’t you hear? Fuxi is catching that adulterer all over the world now!”

The speed of gossip usually spreads at lightning speed.

At this time, whether it is flying in the sky, swimming in the water, or the monsters, humans, and witches, they already know that Nuwa has a dao companion.

Since everyone in Honghuang already knew about this, it was not far from Nuwa knowing it himself!

This matter soon reached the Wa Palace.

In the Wa Palace, two little maids were sitting on the steps and whispering.

“Have you heard the rumors? Said that our Nuwa empress has a dao companion!”

“I heard, no wonder Empress Nuwa is always absent-minded these days!”

“The last time I passed by, I saw Empress Nuwa sighing there. Isn’t this just Sichun?”

“I just don’t know who that person is. It’s a blessing to be seen by Nuwa!”

Nuwa, who was thinking about human affairs, accidentally heard the little palace lady’s discussion, and was directly furious on the spot!

When does she have a dao companion! ?

As the client, he didn’t even know it?

Who is spreading the rumors around?

Isn’t this slandering her dignified Nuwa Sage?

After some meditation, she thought that Fu Xi must have done a good thing!

Thinking of this, Nuwa was so angry that she immediately went to find Fuxi to settle the account.

Looking at Fuxi, Nuwa sat down and asked with a low brow:

“Dage, what are you talking about? When did I have a dao companion?”

Fuxi was a little embarrassed to see that Nuwa knew what she had done.

He glanced around, didn’t dare to look at Nuwa, and pretended to be stupid: “Ah, what, I don’t know!”

Nuwa rolled her eyes and looked at Fuxi like this, she knew that this matter had nothing to do with Fuxi!

Nuwa sighed and said directly: “Dage, now the entire prehistoric is spreading that I have a dao companion! Don’t you admit it?”

Fuxi was taken aback for a moment, and then cleared her throat with a bit of embarrassment. He looked at Nuwa innocently and said, “If you don’t tell me, I can only check it myself. I want to see which guy actually made me Little Sister’s spring heart sprouts.”

Yes, after finding that guy, he was hacked to death!

Looking at Fuxi with an innocent look, Nuwa almost made smoke!

Obviously it was Fuxi’s own random suspicion, but in the end it became Nuwa’s problem?

She was furious, but she couldn’t help Fuxi, so she said, “Dage, what are you talking about? I don’t have a dao companion at all!”

Fuxi rolled his eyes. He didn’t believe Nuwa’s rhetoric at all, thinking that Nuwa just wanted to protect the man!

After all, how cold and cold Nuwa used to be, now Nuwa has such a shy side, it is definitely someone outside!

Thinking of this, Fuxi said directly to Nuwa: “Sister, I know you won’t tell the truth, so I will find this person!”


Regarding Fuxi’s obsession, Nuwa was very helpless, so she rolled her eyes and said, “Out of nothing!”

Fuxi waved her hand, very affirmative of own idea!

Nuwa persuaded Fuxi not to move, so she had no choice but to leave.

Whatever you want, how to spread love!

In fact, since returning to the Wa Palace, Nuwa has been thinking about what Chen Sheng said that day. Chen Sheng said that the human race is the destined predecessor.

But what does this mean?

How could Human Race become such a weak and small one?

Thinking of these problems, Nuwa felt a little uneasy.

Nuwa decided to visit Chen Sheng again and ask about Chen Sheng’s family!

Afterwards, Nuwa rushed towards Shouyang Mountain.

Fuxi, who had been secretly observing Nuwa, saw Nuwa leaving Shouyang Mountain, and his eyes lit up. It seemed that Nuwa was going to meet his girl. When he thought of this, Fuxi immediately followed!

He must capture this person today

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