Homo sapiens

Chapter 574 Spread

Southern Rockies.

Due to the terrain barrier, part of the valley did not snow, but the temperature remained at 4 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Especially that part of the mountainous area near the Aztec region.

For example, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Except for some small towns scattered along the highway, the rest of the place is a primitive landform of mountains, forests and river valleys.

November 26th.

A large number of monkeypox patients have appeared in Grand Canyon City near Grand Canyon National Park. Apparently super monkeypox is rapidly spreading throughout southern America.

The reason why we are paying attention here is because the field division of Homo sapiens has established a North American regional business intelligence center in the Grand Canyon National Park, where 172 core business intelligence investigators are stationed.

The heads of the business intelligence center are Columbus and Catherine, a couple who have been working in North America for a long time.

Unlike the intelligence agencies of other forces, the Field Division does not like to set up intelligence stations in cities and towns, and there are even no intelligence stations in the countryside.

This is caused by the differences in intelligence methods and intelligence concepts.

After all, the advantage of setting up an intelligence station in a human settlement such as a town is that it can reach many targets, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, and abnormalities can easily be detected.

Therefore, the Field Support Department went in the opposite direction and set up intelligence stations in inaccessible mountains and forests.

As a national park, the Grand Canyon area not only has dense vegetation, but also has complex terrain. There are many natural caves in the mountains that can be used.

Although locals come here to travel or hunt, there are also rangers patrolling the area.

However, in a primitive zone with such a vast area and complex terrain, and the new humans equipped with biological armor and various special equipment, it is impossible for natural humans to find traces of them.

The Grand Canyon Information Center is located in a cave in the mountain. Through biological means, the cave has been widened and repaired, and all-round camouflage is also used on the outside.

Inside this small base.

Hundreds of investigators are busy at work.

Columbus, who was eating synthetic steak in the base restaurant, was still thinking about some recent arrangements.

Suddenly his subordinate Li Xian trotted over: "Boss, we are in trouble..."

After taking a sip of synthetic coffee, Columbus asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Look at this, this is what Team 7 just discovered in the river valley." Li Xian projected an investigation report.

Columbus looked at it carefully and frowned involuntarily: "Monkeypox appears in mammals?"

Li Xian swallowed: "The bodies of the 12 squirrels have been brought back and are in the isolation room."

Now Columbus was no longer calm. He threw the steak into the digestive aid bag on his waist and drank the coffee in one gulp.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Outside the isolation room.

Catherine, who is in charge of biochemical analysis, has just completed the genetic testing and autopsy of the squirrel. After disinfecting, she walked out of the disinfection room.

Columbus quickly asked: "My dear, how is the situation?"

"The situation is very bad. The squirrel was indeed infected with super monkeypox, and I found that the squirrel's reproductive system was also seriously damaged and it basically lost its ability to reproduce!" Catherine's face was full of worry.

"Damn it!" Columbus gasped.

While grabbing his hair, he ordered: "Report this information to the headquarters immediately, and also ask other teams to collect information on animals in the surrounding areas to see how many animals will be infected."


"I'll go."

The entire Grand Canyon Information Center was in a state of panic.

In less than three days, they discovered that the seriousness of the matter was more terrifying than they imagined.

Squirrels, rats, bats, foxes, brown bears, bison, domestic animals, all mammals, many have cases of infection.

Among them, domestic animals, pet dogs and cats are the most serious, especially those purebred pet dogs and pet cats with serious genetic diseases, which are almost completely wiped out.

Similarly, Friesian cows, Angus cows, white-striped pigs, etc. that have been cultivated by humans for a long time have also been infected in large areas.

This is a disaster for the livestock industry.

They have received relevant information that a large number of farms in Texas have large-scale infections among dairy cows, beef cattle, and pigs.

Even though veterinary antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to ensure that the livestock will not die, this will not help.

Because after being infected with super monkeypox, many livestock will directly lose their ability to reproduce. Although many individuals can rely on their immunity to become a lucky few, the problem is that the livestock population has basically not recovered.

Especially many types of cattle and pigs, as well as dairy cows.

When a cow loses its fertility, it means it will no longer produce milk.

A large number of mammals were wiped out by monkeypox, and a small number of survivors also have antibodies. However, it may take decades for the population size to return to the current order of magnitude.

Especially large behemoths. Some groups of large behemoths are directly on the verge of extinction.

On the contrary, rats and wild boars will recover their population size within a few years due to their huge size and thick skin and flesh.

However, America had not cared about the deaths and injuries of these wild animals at all. They were now concerned about the breeding industry. In addition to chicken, duck and insect farms, other farms that raised mammals were directly shocked on the spot.

Even the Homo sapiens company’s mammal farms in Central America have experienced widespread production cuts.

As a last resort, the Homo sapiens company quickly launched a synthetic meat factory, using genetically recombinant insects to produce protein and fat, and then using nano-modeling technology to weave the protein and fat into artificial meat.

Insects are indeed the core of future food. Their feed conversion rate is very high, their feeding cycle is relatively short, their adaptability to the environment is very strong, and they are basically not infected with large-scale diseases.

After all, the insect population is huge, and it is difficult to completely eliminate any microorganisms that target them. As long as they cannot be exterminated instantly, the insects will quickly evolve resistance.

This is also the reason why many pesticides must be replaced frequently in modern agricultural production.

Insects turn over their generations too quickly to resist microbial threats.

Mammals, headed by humans, often reproduce very slowly, which makes humans unable to adapt to sudden environmental changes and super microorganisms.

Now Super Monkeypox is teaching humans how to behave.

Columbus was at the Grand Canyon Intelligence Center and received daily reports of chaos and conflict across America.

After being infected, many people become neither human nor ghosts, going crazy and destroying everything around them.

In just one week, the scale of shootings in America has increased hundreds of times compared to normal.

Not only ordinary people are going crazy, but ordinary soldiers in the US military are also going crazy.

The Council of the City on the Hill, who had always thought they could control the entire America and the Free Federation, now felt that the situation was completely out of control. They were horrified to find that the people below no longer listened to their orders.

In fact, this is very normal. The purpose of a group formed by bandits is naturally to rob. Now there is no way to rob, and the internal free market is gradually collapsing.

Many people began to reveal their true nature. They frantically destroyed communication equipment, tried to block connections between various places, and then fished in troubled waters, or simply took revenge on the world.

No one expected that America would explode in such a way.

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