Homo sapiens

Chapter 567 Wandering (2)

Luna walked into the room.

Kim Hyo Young pulled the waiter robot to compare her feelings and then took a group photo.

After taking several photos, she processed the pictures while waiting for the meal with her little sisters, and then posted them on her personal account.

Since she was originally from Korea, she casually posted a group photo and hotel photos on Twitter.

Behind the photo, there is also a sentence.

[Guess where I am? (ω)]

Kim Hyo-young still has many fans in South Korea. After she went to work at Homo sapiens company, she has been sharing her daily life on Twitter, and many Koreans have followed her.

Of course, there were also many people who came over and called her a traitor. After all, there are people everywhere who can't get enough of sour grapes.

As soon as she posted her blog, many people who followed her saw it.

The comment section immediately became lively.

[Isn’t it just to travel? What's there to show off? ]——The strongest in the universe

[This hotel is so ordinary, not as good as Shilla Hotel. ]——Kim Myung-mei

[Laurel Hotel? Locate the moon? Are you kidding me? ]——Don’t eat fried chicken

[? ? It seems that there really is such a hotel. I just climbed over the wall and went to the Homo sapiens company. They really have a Laurel Hotel in the Doppler base city on the back of the moon. ]——Park Minho

[real or fake? Has the Homo sapiens company developed moon tourism? ]--Lavender

[It seems to be true. ]——Hanjiang water

[The price for half-moon tourists is 1,500 gold dollars, and for non-Homo sapiens company employees, 5,000 gold dollars per person, including food, accommodation, and round trip. ]——Public Relations Department of Guanghan Palace Space Tourism Company

[hateful! so envious! ]——Octopus balls

[It turns out to be true, the gap is quite big. ]——I have reflected on it today

[Haha, isn’t it just space tourism? We have the Jeju Island Space Tower and can also travel in space. What’s there to envy? You’re a bunch of cowards! ]——Korean ginseng

[ @Korean ginseng, a ticket to the Jeju Island Space Tower costs 1 million US dollars, and can only go to low-Earth orbit for a few hours. Homo sapiens company only costs 1,500 gold dollars to go to the moon for half a month. There is no comparability between the two. ? So speechless (;Д)!]——Cat star person

Soon not only netizens from South Korea were commenting, but netizens from Japan and Seris also joined in.

In less than twenty minutes, most of the Internet in the free world was discussing the Homo sapiens company's lunar tourism project.

However, Kim Hyo Young and the other three ignored the hot discussion on the Internet in the free world. After all, the purpose of her blog post was to deliberately stimulate those netizens in the free world.

The so-called wealth does not return to its hometown, just like walking at night in brocade clothes.

The most favorite thing for those employees whose hometowns are still in the free world is to post their daily lives online in the free world to reflect their sense of superiority and make the right choices.

Although the four major forces in the free world filter information on the internal Internet very strictly, it does not mean that there are no loopholes.

After all, the Homo sapiens company has continued to deliver free mobile phones and notebooks over the years, and there are nearly 180 million devices active in the free world on a daily basis.

The existence of these devices, coupled with the rebellious psychology of some young people, makes it impossible for the free world to block the inflow of information.

A few days ago, the Earth Alliance made a big news. It landed on the moon again and stationed astronauts there. This really inspired some people.

However, I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

The lunar tourism launched by Homo Sapiens has basically reached a level where all employees can go.

Although the salary of many employees is only more than 600 gold yuan, a ticket only costs 1,500 gold yuan. Even the lowest-level employees can buy a ticket with three months' salary.

What's more, many employees of Homo Sapien Company have savings habits. Without tens of thousands of dollars in family savings, they are embarrassed to be called employees of Homo Sapien Company.

Dilian does have space tourism business, but the price is very impressive.

The cheapest space tourism project within the Terrestrial Alliance is undoubtedly Blue Origin's "Beyond the Karman Line". A ticket costs 100,000 US dollars, and you can take a space plane and take a walk around the Karman Line.

To stay in low-Earth orbit for a few hours, a ticket costs $1 million.

Obviously, at this price, for ordinary workers in the free world, there is basically no possibility of consumption.

Behind the fire, Kim Hyo-young was eating fried chicken steak and mashed potatoes.

"By the way, are all the food at the Doppler base transported from Earth?"

Luna thought for a while: "That should be it!"

However, the tour guide robot explained to them: "It's not entirely from the earth. Meat and food are transported from the earth, but the vegetables and fruits are produced by the Doppler base itself."

Immediately, the agricultural space capsule of Doppler Base appeared on the holographic projection screen.

Currently, the entire Doppler base has a total of 30 agricultural space capsules, which can produce 30 kinds of vegetables and fruits.

There are potatoes, taro, sweet potatoes, soybeans, beets, tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, peas and so on.

The mashed potatoes Kim Hyo Young ate were produced by the Doppler base itself.

While digging into the mashed potatoes with a spoon, she asked curiously: "Tour guide, aren't the fertilizers and nutrient solutions for growing vegetables and fruits also transported from the earth?"

The tour guide robot explained: "In the early stage, it was indeed transported from the earth, but now there is a fertilizer and nutrient production factory at the Doppler base, and we are mining water resources and minerals underground on the moon."

"After eating this bowl of mashed potatoes, do I have elements of the moon in me?" Kim Hyo Young said with a smile.

Luna laughed: "Hahaha, indeed, Xiaoying, you are no longer a pure earthling."

Shi Linqi was sweating profusely after eating. The spicy and sour taste of the pickled fish was stimulating her taste buds: "Huhu... If you don't eat it, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Qi, do you want to pick up rocks later?"

"Let's talk after you're full..."

"All right!"

It took half an hour to have a meal, and then they lay in the room for another half an hour before they leisurely went to the exit area.

The travel company has rented a special cabin area here for tourists to use.

Taking the tram to Area C2 of the exit area, there were already many tourists preparing to exit the cabin. The three people hurriedly put on heavy-duty exoskeleton spacesuits, and then were stuffed into an off-road sightseeing vehicle.

This off-road sightseeing vehicle carries a total of 10 tourists, as well as two synchronized robots from the tourism company as drivers and safety personnel.

In fact, the bio-based armor on these tourists can also be used as space suits. In an emergency, when the out-of-vehicle space suit fails, the bio-based armor can be used as a backup.

Outside the car window, since it was daytime, the temperature of the sand was very high, reaching more than 170 degrees Celsius.

The off-road sightseeing vehicle swayed for half an hour and finally arrived at a sandy land contracted by a tourism company.

The security officer said through the built-in communicator: "Dear tourists, you can move around freely. If you encounter a stone you like, you can collect it as long as it does not exceed 5 kilograms."


"Hurry down..."

Luna, Jin Xiaoying, and Shi Linqi also got out of the car.

Obviously this sandy land was specially selected by the travel company. There are many small stones. This is a terrain similar to the Gobi Desert.

And the radiation in the soil and rocks here is within a safe range.

The tourism company will also check the rocks found by tourists twice to prevent rocks with excessive radioactivity from being accidentally picked up.

One characteristic of moon rocks is that they have sharp edges and corners, and there are basically no pebbles or the like.

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