Homo sapiens

Chapter 351 A forced choice

Kingdom of Judah.

Mediterranean coastal city - Port of Haifa.

Inside a brightly lit underground nuclear bunker.

"Mr. Wood, let's be direct! It's very safe here, and confidentiality is definitely not a problem."

The middle-aged man who spoke was a white man with glasses and a slicked back hair.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man with reddish-brown hair and a hooked nose, a typical Celtic trait. The man spoke seriously:

"Jacob, look at this!"

A document was handed to Jacob, the man with glasses.

Jacob took it and looked through it.

The first page was an enlarged satellite image. Jacob, who knew the surrounding area well, could recognize where it was at a glance.

This is a satellite image of the southern Suez area, and a red dotted line is specifically used to mark a line on the image.

"Is this the southern canal invested by Homo sapiens in the Suez area?"

Wood nodded: "It is part of the Southern Suez Canal. You should know that the canal from Hongku Port to Kom Ombo has been completed!"

With Samode's intelligence power in the surrounding areas, he naturally knew the information about the southern canal, and the Homo sapiens company did not hide it.

Wood looked directly at Jacob: "Don't you think this technology is very scary? It only took them 32 days to dig a canal with a length of 315 kilometers and a double-track channel."

Hearing this, Jacob also fell silent, but he did not lose his mind: "Mr. Wood, although this technology is very powerful, we do not want to provoke the Homo sapiens company."

This is also what Judah was thinking at this time.

They really don’t want to see Homo sapiens establish a full-fledged branch in the Suez region, but the current situation is that the Suez branch of Homo sapiens has been established.

Just 12 days ago, the security forces under the Homo sapiens company were stationed in the Sinai Peninsula and took over military command of the entire Sinai Peninsula (nominally a joint command).

There are also the Sapien Company security aviation division stationed in Sharm el-Sheikh (the tip area on the southern side of the Sinai Peninsula), and the Red Sea convoy fleet in Honku Port.

In the past, when Judah dared to attack Suez, it was because the opponent's fists were not strong enough.

Now switch to Homo sapiens company, try moving it.

Jacob didn't want to mess with the Homo sapiens company.

But Wood shook his head: "I understand your concerns, but this time it is the council's proposal."

Hearing about the council, Jacob's face suddenly became uncertain. You must know that the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family are closely connected with them, so they naturally know about the existence of the council in the city on the top of the mountain.

Without the support of America, they would not be able to stand in West Asia.

Now America obviously wants them to take sides.

Jacob felt helpless in his heart. They had no choice at all. Looking around, there was no reliable friend at all, especially the forces with land borders. They were all hostile. If they didn't rely on America now, how could they go to the Homo sapiens company? ?

"Mr. Wood, what do the council propose?"

“Homo sapiens will soon build the Second Suez Canal, and we can’t stop that.”

Hearing this, Jacob breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, America still had some self-awareness and was not arrogant enough to think that she could stop the Homo sapiens company from building the Second Suez Canal.

This means they no longer need to be cannon fodder.

"The Council decided to support your construction of the Mediterranean-Dead Sea-Red Sea Canal."

"What?" Jacob frowned.

It’s not that I think this canal can’t be built, but that it’s too sensitive.

As early as 1960, America had plans to open a canal in Judah. ​​At that time, it even prepared to use 150 nuclear bombs to blow up a canal.

The Kingdom of Judah itself was also preparing for another canal route around 1970, which was longer but less difficult. However, the canal plan was later rejected by the United Nations General Assembly and was finally shelved.

In recent years, the Kingdom of Judah has re-proposed the project of building a Red Sea-Dead Sea canal on the grounds that the Dead Sea is about to dry up, and has launched a tender.

But it still avoids the more sensitive Dead Sea-Mediterranean Canal.

Wood reminded: "We must suppress the Suez Canal and create an alternative route to the Suez Canal, for security reasons."


"Leave the surrounding forces to us. America has not declined to the point where it cannot fight a war." Wood's eyes flashed with cruelty and coldness.

Jacob thought for a moment, and if America really agreed to help "convince" the surrounding forces, then they would be happy to see it happen.

Moreover, the Europa Consortium at this time should also support the new canal project. After all, they do not want to be choked by the Homo sapiens company.

Likewise, Gulf states such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not object.

After all, having one more canal to compete with can also make it easier for those who need transportation services to get more favorable prices, while avoiding the phenomenon of big stores bullying customers.

Wood continued: "The next thing is the second thing. Didn't you discuss building a new oil pipeline with the Kingdom of Al Thani before? We agreed, but we need 33% of the shares."

Hearing this, Jacob was overjoyed: "33%? No problem."

This oil pipeline is actually designed to avoid the Suez Canal, but because it needs to pass through several countries, there has been no agreement.

The biggest obstacle is that America does not want oil and natural gas from West Asia to be easily transported to Europa, which will affect America's shale oil business.

Now that America agrees to this matter, it is not because these pirates have discovered it because of their conscience, but because they think that Europa has almost been cut off and they should give them a little sweetness to prevent the Europa Federation from collapsing directly.

What's more, oil pipelines are easier to operate.

One day America sees that the Europa Consortium has grown fat, and can let the pipeline have an "accident", repair it for a few months, and continue harvesting.

And couldn’t Jacob see what America was thinking?

Of course they know.

But so what if you know.

Before you have enough strength, you'd better understand your position clearly, otherwise it will only increase your troubles and even burn yourself out.

If America really wants to cause trouble, they will even have to actively cooperate.

Suddenly Jacob thought of something: "Mr. Wood, the construction of the Dead Sea Canal is not difficult, but the two islands at the exit of the Gulf of Aqaba belong to the Kingdom of Sand, and they are too close to the Sinai Peninsula."

"Don't worry, we will not allow the Saudi Kingdom to cooperate with the Homo sapiens company, and there will be no problems with daily navigation."

Haha, you said daily sailing.

What if there is no daily sailing?

Jacob felt a headache when he thought of the Homo sapiens company's actions in blocking the Strait of Malacca.

Wood thought for a while: "Let's do this! I'll convince the Sand Kingdom to build a base on their Tiran Island."

Jacob looked at the map and found that the two islands in the Gulf of Aqaba close to the Kingdom of Sand really needed to build a military base.

"That's all it can do."

In fact, this is nothing more than psychological comfort.

They all know that if there is a fight, Homo Sapiens Company will not care about the Sand Kingdom.

The two discussed various details of the Dead Sea Canal and the Persian Gulf-Mediterranean Oil Pipeline.

Jacob paid great attention to these details and tried his best to benefit the country of Judah while leaving some small loopholes that could be manipulated.

Although Wood saw this, he did not point it out. The two sides were just cooperating with their own agenda.

On the ventilation duct above the secret room, several cockroaches were quietly listening to their conversation.

Absolutely no leaks?

In front of the cockroaches of Homo sapiens company, there is no place that is impenetrable. As long as humans can survive, they can penetrate.

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