Holy Prison

Chapter 1828: Catherine

"Worship me as a teacher" Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Bai Wanli was a ninth-level immortal and immortal-level powerhouse. Chu Feng really did not expect that he would worship himself as a teacher.

"Yes!" Bai Wanli said firmly and firmly. Chu Feng said: "Brother Bai, get up, I'm afraid I can't teach you too much! Everyone understands the rules differently. Your cultivation base is so high now. Tang Jian and the others, I can still have Some things to teach them, your words, I can't teach them."

Bai Wanli and Monkey King are not the same. Monkey King enlightens Dao through battle. As long as he can win the battle, the gains from the battle can make him advance in cultivation. But Bai Wanli is not the same. Let his strength improve, but it can't promote the rapid progress of cultivation.

"Senior Chu, Tang Jian and their cultivation base will improve when they come. They can, what can't I do? Besides, the avenues are the same, what do you say to Senior Chu? I don't have to teach you how much Senior Chu to let me Just increase their combat power!" Bai Wanli said, "I think Tang Jian and the others have hidden their combat power? It is estimated that their combat power has surpassed what they showed!"

"Brother Bai, get up first!" Chu Feng said, "I won't accept you as a disciple now! Apart from Tang Jian and the three of them, I have two disciples, or four disciples."

When Chu Feng said this, he thought of Monkey King and Zhu Bajie. The two of them are now called their own masters, and they are two rather strange apprentices.

"Senior Chu, why?" Bai Wanli said, "Senior Chu, your combat power is so high, even higher than your elder sister. It is more than enough to be my master. Senior Chu, you think I had a master before. So you can't apprentice anymore?"

"No! Get up first!" Chu Feng said.

Bai Wanli stood up obediently this time: "Senior Chu, why is that?" "First, I don't know much about you; second, you have just lost in my hands, and you are excited. Wait until you calm down. , After calm, if you still want to become my apprentice, I can consider accepting you as a registered disciple after my examination. You don't have to worship me as a teacher. If you can become my registered disciple, I will help you improve your combat power! "Chu Feng said.

"Senior Chu"

"Excuse me, don't call me Senior Chu, Tang Jian used to call me Master Chu, you can call me Master Chu if you want, Senior Chu...sounds I am so old." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Yes, Master Chu!" Bai Wanli said. He is basically satisfied with such a result now. Bai Wanli has made up his mind at this time, and he must ask Tang Jian how they changed from a named disciple. The formal disciple's confidence in becoming Chu Feng's named disciple Bai Wanli is very full!

Chu Feng was a little curious and said: "You just said that the eldest sister is big." "Master Chu, the eldest sister is our number one king of life and death." Bai Wanli said.

Chu Feng was surprised and said: "The first king of the city of life and death is a female? How come the information I got is a male?" "Uh, the eldest sister is undoubtedly a woman, but the eldest sister usually appears as a man, not many people Knowing that the eldest sister is a woman, this Tang Jian knows." Bai Wanli said.

"He never told me about this." Chu Feng said, "How is your eldest sister's combat power?" "It's very strong, and the eldest sister is also very strong! The eldest sister has a treasure, if you use that one In the case of the treasure, compete for combat power. Perhaps Master Chu, you are not the big sister's big rival. If you don't use the treasure, you should be able to beat the big sister!" Bai Wanli said.

"Well, let's go out." Chu Feng said. Hearing Bai Wanli said that he has an understanding of the big sister in the city of life and death. In terms of strength, the strength of the big sister in the city of life and death must be better than he does not know how much. At the same level of cultivation, Chu Feng believes that he must be much more tyrannical!

The eldest sister of the city of life and death has a great treasure, he also has this thing, and he is more than a treasure! The world-swallowing gourd and the dark chaotic lotus are both treasures of the last days, and the holy prison, that is even the treasure of the level of the sovereign weapon, but it is a pity that the current level of the holy prison has not yet risen to the highest point!

"Big sister!"

Just appearing outside, Bai Wanli exclaimed, he didn't expect that the eldest sister of the city of life and death had already come and now he was in front of Tang Jian.

What surprised him even more was that the eldest sister of the city of life and death always appeared as a man, but now she appeared as a woman!


Chu Feng also screamed. Han Xiang's master was the **** of war in the ancient holy court. Of course, Chu Feng knew Catherine's appearance. The woman in front of him was exactly the same as Catherine, who was not Catherine.

Catherine's eyes flickered and stared at Chu Feng. When Catherine looked at him, Chu Feng felt that his soul was trembling!

"A person from the Yang world is really brave enough to get into the Yin world." Catherine said coldly. Bai Wanli hurriedly said: "Eldest sister, let me introduce to you, this is Master Chu, Master Chu is the master of the three of Tang Jian! Master Chu, she is the eldest sister of our city of life and death, do you know?"

"It seems that you are really Catherine, Catherine, how about taking a look in my treasure space? I have something to say to you, there is another person you may want to meet." Chu Feng looked straight at Catherine, and Chu Feng said. It was shocking in my heart for a while that Catherine actually appeared in this underworld.

"You have to make it clear later, why do you know me!" Catherine said solemnly.

Chu Feng nodded repeatedly: "It must be."

Let Catherine enter the holy prison space, this is a very important thing, if she is not parasitized, it will be good, if she is parasitized, then entering the holy prison space is much easier to deal with!

Just appearing outside, in a short time, Chu Feng and Catherine entered the holy prison space. "Second brother, did you just call Master Chu Master?" Step outside said in shock and curiousity.

"Sun Dasheng?"

"Hey, Catherine, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to become like this. What happened?" As soon as he entered the holy prison space, Chu Feng made Monkey King appear next to him. If the person is around, it will be much safer, "Hey, your cultivation level seems to have improved a lot!"

"With each other, you seem to be about to reach the seventh-level immortal cultivation base. If you have the seventh-level immortal cultivation base, you will not be far from the strength of the saintly class by then!" Catherine chuckled and said, "Dasheng Sun, Why are you within this person's space treasure? The war with the abyss, don't know what happened?"

Sun Wukong said: "Catherine, he is the old master Sun...The war with the abyss was defeated silly before. As for the ending, I don't know."

"Failed again?" Catherine didn't care too much, and Shengyuanxing's side was not without failure before. "Catherine, the failure I said about grandson is not what you think!" Sun Wukong said, "It's fine, let the master tell you, grandson, I am too lazy to explain too much!"

Chu Feng said: "Catherine, I need to test you first!" A ray of time was quickly moved from the holy prison heavy artillery by Chu Feng.

The power of time is the power of time that can accelerate 300,000 times. Under such a time acceleration, the test results were available in just one or two minutes.

"Chu Feng, be safe, Catherine is not parasitized." Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind. "Hu" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if he was parasitized, it would take some tricks.

"What a great power of time!" Chu Feng moved the power of time away from Catherine in amazement. It was just a short period of one or two minutes, but almost a year has passed since the time has accelerated!

"Catherine, check it yourself." Chu Feng said that a jade slip appeared in his hand. "This" Catherine quickly checked her eyes with shock.

Catherine said with some joy: "I didn't expect that after I left the Yang Realm, so many things happened on the Yang Realm side... Fortunately, I left the Yang Realm back then!"

"Where is Han Xiang? I didn't expect that I already had a disciple. I want to see Han Xiang." Catherine said. Chu Feng nodded slightly; "No problem!"

Han Xiang was in the sacred prison space. At this moment, Chu Feng had already been awakened. She appeared in front of Chu Feng before her thoughts, and it was Tang Ming who appeared with her!

"Master...Master!" Han Xiang hesitated and said, knowing that the person in front of her must be her Master, so she called out hesitantly, because she was afraid that Han Xiang would not recognize her as a disciple.

"Han Xiang, good, good, good, very talented, the cultivation base is now a high-level saint!" Catherine said with satisfaction, "Han Xiang, calling so hesitantly, dissatisfied with my master?"

Han Xiang hurriedly bowed: "Master, no, no, it's just that you are so beautiful, Master. I was shocked by you, Master."

"The little mouth is sweet." Catherine smiled more satisfied. She said that her eyes fell on Tang Ming, "This is Tang Ming, the second-level immortal repair base, not bad!"

"Senior Catherine!"

Tang Ming hurriedly bowed, Han Xiang's master, that was also his elder. "Chu Feng, can we let our master and apprentice chat alone?" Catherine said.

"Naturally." Chu Feng smiled and instantly they disappeared in front of Catherine. "Boss, why did Master Han Xiang come to the underworld?" Tang Ming said in a surprised way in another small space. Catherine is an indestructible powerhouse. It is very difficult for an indestructible powerhouse to die. If you do not die, Just in the Yang Realm, if she died, she was resurrected in the Yang Realm. It was indeed strange for her to appear on the Yin Realm side.

Chu Feng shook his head; "I don't know, I haven't asked yet. I should know if I ask later. I really didn't expect that the first battle king of the city of life and death is actually Catherine!"

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