Holy Prison

Chapter 1754: Chu Ye

Chu Feng watched coldly, and when he spoke, it was a sound of sarcasm that caused a battle of strength. No one can support a quarter of an hour in his hands. It is impossible for those people to believe it!

"Chu Feng, you have a little risk. There should be no problem below the upper saint. If the upper saint wins in a quarter of an hour, you are not 100% sure." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Not now...but now I just show the strength of the middle saint, I will also improve the combat power of the upper saint stage at that time. I am not stupid, so I won't play many games with them in a row!" Chu Feng He said in his mind, "Attract more people to come, then, I should be able to rush this task to a higher level!"

Miao Xian'er said: "If you continue to win a winning streak and everyone beats it within a quarter of an hour, then this task should not be lower in rank and rewards!"


Inside the restaurant, Chu Feng said indifferently, when he opened his mouth, the rest of the people all quieted down to see what kind of amazing words he had.

"I will add a few points. First, for the time being, I will beat ten games per cycle, one game per day, and one cycle per year! Second point, no matter how high the level of cultivation is, I accept the competition, but, For the time being, I don’t accept the strength of the upper saints, so if you are looking for me to compete, the strength will be suppressed below the upper saints. As for the level, whatever level you want!"

"The third point, I accept repeated challenges by one person, but if I repeat the challenge, I must come up with treasures that will fascinate me! Otherwise, stay wherever it is cool!"

"Fourth point, during a duel, injuries are inevitable. If the injury is serious, don't cry and ask your parents to come back. If you can't afford it, don't play! These are the four points. If you have any questions, you can ask!"

"I have got!"

"This is rare!"

When Chu Feng's voice fell, many people rushed to speak out. "My friend, it's very arrogant. If you lose and get out, do you really want to get out?" Shao Zheng said mockingly, "If you don't want to get out, just fly out of Azurite City, then But I'm sorry for your arrogance! So, if you lose, you will roll on the ground from the place where Fairy Qianzi lives, get out of Azurite City, at least which gate to get out from, that is your freedom, how ?"

"Zheng Shao, this proposal is good!"

"You have to roll it out. I have seen arrogant people in Aquamarine City for so many years, and I have never seen such arrogant people. I actually released such arrogant words!"

Chu Feng said indifferently, "It's okay if you use it, but if that's the case, if I lose under my hand, then respectfully salute me to call me Chu, or give me a treasure that I like, how about? If you collect treasures, then don’t call Master Chu. If I don’t accept them, I must salute Master Chu!"

"Boy, you're crazy! I agree, I must watch you get out of Azurite City then, don't worry, I will definitely not bring my mount over and pull some **** on the road!"

"Young Master Luo, you are too evil, and I agree. This young master has grown up so old and has never seen such a crazy person. I want to see how you get out of Azurite City then!"


"I have no opinion!"

In a short time, everyone agreed. Chu Feng said indifferently: "The duel location is just outside Azurite City, just surround an area!"

"Who is the first to be the defeated player of this young man?"

No one answered. Now those people don't know the depth of Chu Feng and don't want to go up there. After all, if they lose, they will be the first to call Chu Feng Chu Ye or give out treasures!

"Hei San, let's let us see this friend's brilliant tricks!" The blue-clothed youth Chu Feng first met in a solemn voice. Hei San in his mouth was under his two men.

"Yes, Master!" said the young man in black who had made Chu Feng roll aside before. Chu Feng looked at the black-clothed youth and smiled slightly: "I have a lot of grudges, I remember, you just let me go away, and later I promise that at least 80% of your bones will be broken! "

Hei San sneered: "Then it depends on your ability. I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat me in a quarter of an hour. You will immediately have to roll all the way from the center of Azurite City to the outside of Azurite City! In my cultivation base at the same level, although my strength is not high, it is not such a thing to defeat me in a quarter of an hour!"

"Don't rush, outside the city, start fighting right away!"

In a short period of time, more than half of the people in Azurite City were outside the city. What happened in the restaurant was spread throughout the entire Azurite City and even some other cities in a very short time. Someone already knew that the news was quickly transmitted to the side of Azurite City!

There is a huge grassland to the east of Azurite City. Chu Feng and the others just got to the east. Not long after, some powerful saints shot to surround a large area. In the area on that side, even the upper saints Competition, it is also difficult to affect the outside of the area!

"Boy, let me see how strong you are!" Hei San's figure instantly appeared in the martial arts area, straightened and proudly said, a long knife appeared in his hand, and the astonishing fighting spirit came from him. Broke out!

Although Hei San is only a subordinate of the young master Luo, he is also a middle-ranked saint. If he can get a middle-ranked saint, he is also a very good luck character!

Chu Feng chuckled and appeared in the competition area for an instant. Outside the competition area, millions of pairs of eyes fell on him. Most of those people did not have the power of a saint. Many times, they must not be able to see clearly, but it is also now. It does not prevent them from coming to this side to see the excitement!

"The cultivation base you revealed is the second-level median saint, then I will suppress the second-level mid-level saint's cultivation base!" Hei San said quickly sealing his cultivation base.

Chu Feng held the weapon in his hand and didn't appear in his hand at this moment. Fighting with a strong man like Monkey King, that needed a weapon. Hei San was like that, it was not worth his weapon to take out!

"Your weapon!" Hei San said solemnly. Chu Feng said indifferently: "As long as you enter the martial arts area and the cultivation base is sealed to the same level, no matter who it is, you can shoot at any time. My weapons will naturally appear when they should appear. Those who can let my weapons shoot, that is also It's capable!"

Chu Feng was telling the truth, but when he uttered the truth, many people cursed wildly in their hearts. They were crazy, too crazy. If they let out such words, they would be able to use his weapons!

"Hei San, go!" Outside the martial arts area, the blue-clothed youth said in a cold tone.

Hei San moved in an instant, and the long knife in his hand had reached Chu Feng in the blink of an eye. "It's too bad!" Chu Feng said in his heart, Hei San's level of combat power is far worse than Feng Bingning and the others, far worse than Monkey King. Compared with him, That is far away!

With the current level of cultivation, if he exerts his full strength, Chu Feng can defeat Monkey King in about ten minutes; and for a person like Hei San with the same cultivation base, if he exerts his full strength, he can instantly kill him!

Hei San's sword naturally did not fall on Chu Feng. Chu Feng briefly turned around, and then slammed Hei San's chest with a heavy punch.

Hei San has defensive treasures, but the defensive treasures did not block the full power of Chu Feng's punch. As a result, under Chu Feng's punch, Hei San's chest bones were broken in an instant!

He was instantly injured when he fought. Hei San roared and the long knife in his hand immediately made a covering attack. Some of his attacks did fall on Chu Feng, but he did not cause any harm to Chu Feng.

The crisp voice rang densely, Chu Feng punched and kicked, and in a very short time, 80% of the bones on Hei San's body were all shattered under his attack!

Hei San was hit in the air. In the end, Chu Feng stomped heavily on his back. Amid the huge roar, Hei San hit the ground, and the ground was under his terrifying impact. It was knocked out of a round pit hundreds of meters deep and thousands of meters in diameter!

After several seconds passed, Hei San flew out of the round pit with a pale face. He coughed a few times, but he coughed blood in his mouth!

"You are defeated." Chu Feng flew down a little bit and looked down at Hei San indifferently.

"I, I lost!" Hei San's expression was very ugly and authentic, the gap, he felt that there was a terrible gap, the same cultivation base, unexpectedly defeated so simply! He couldn't believe the defeat, and it seemed that Chu Feng didn't show too powerful means. How could he be defeated so easily.

Hei San said, turning his head and immediately wanted to fly away from the competition area. "Hei San, don't forget, what else you haven't done yet." Chu Feng said lightly.

"These are for you!" Hei San's thoughts instantly appeared in front of him. A lot of things appeared in front of him. When these things were taken out, he had some pains, but in front of so many people, he really didn't want to call Chu Feng to call Master Chu. !

"These are not enough!" Chu Feng glanced at those things and said, "Triple these things, maybe you just call Master Chu!"

"three times!"

Hei San's complexion became a bit more ugly, and he was in pain when he took out these things. It was unrealistic to take out three times! Hei San glanced at his Young Master's place. The blue-clothed youth on the other side had disappeared. Hei San failed so simply, he really had no face to stand here at this time!

"Master Chu!" Forcibly resisting the depression in his heart, Hei San received his things and bowed to Chu Feng and called out Master Chu and immediately disappeared into the competition field!

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