Holy Prison

Chapter 1413: Talk to Yin Qianqian

Inside the sacred prison space, Chu Feng paid attention to the outside. Although the zerg experts outside madly attacked the place where the small mountain bag disappeared, their attacks were completely unable to threaten the sacred prison. At the eleventh level of the sacred prison, the defense It is extremely powerful, now at level twelve, the defense is naturally stronger!


The control seal appeared in Chu Feng's hand. He shot a few magic arts, and instantly a white light emerged from the control seal, and the white light turned into an extremely ordinary-looking small mountain bag in a very short time.

There was still that cold pool at the top of the small mountain bag, and Chu Feng was about to enter the Nine Dragon Ice Palace from the cold pool, and a suction force suddenly acted on him.

Without resisting, Chu Feng imagined that he was already in the Nine Dragon Ice Palace.

"City Lord of Chu" Yin Qianqian spoke with some doubts. She felt that she did not seem to be in danger of being discovered by her "parents" now.


Chu Feng smiled authentically. Yin Qianqian said: "City Lord Chu, do you have a better ability to isolate the breath in this treasure space?"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly. The Holy Prison is extremely strong in terms of its isolation. As long as Chu Feng prohibits the Holy Prison from communicating with the outside world, then the Holy Prison is a small world on its own. Now the three realms are separated, the Holy Prison There is something in the space, even the top saint can't sense it.

Yin Qianqian's eyes lit up: "What about a powerful saint? Can you also isolate the breath?" "If the three realms are not separated, it is difficult. Now, there should be no problem." Chu Feng smiled.

"Is this okay?" A soul jade slip made of fine jade appeared in Yin Qianqian's hand. "Soul jade slip, Miss Yin, do you want to isolate this soul jade slip from its owner? If you isolate the connection, your soul jade slip will be broken." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian whispered: "City Lord Chu, please try it, I won't blame you if the soul jade slip is broken."

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded his head and thought that in an instant, the holy prison isolated the connection between this piece of soul jade slip and the outside world. Under Yin Qianqian's attention, that piece of top-quality jade was immediately broken with a "click". A few dollars!

"Really!" Yin Qianqian's eyes showed surprise. What was shocked was that Chu Feng's treasure space could cut off the soul connection, and the happy thing was that if she stayed here for a long time, she would be "parents" outside. I must not find her!

"City Lord Chu, this" Yin Qianqian said with some embarrassment. Chu Feng probably guessed Yin Qianqian's thoughts and smiled slightly: "Ms. Yin has something to say, I said, as long as it is not particularly dangerous, I can help, I will definitely help you."

"Thank you!"

"City Lord Chu, your treasure space is very good, can I stay here for more time?" Yin Qianqian said. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "This is a trivial matter, so naturally there is no problem. Just go straight and say it whenever you want Miss Yin. By the way, there is no need for Miss Yin to stay in this Nine Dragon Ice Palace all the time. , Even if you go outside, people who want to sense your breath will not be able to sense it!"

Yin Qianqian's eyes lit up slightly: "City Lord Chu, is this true?"

"Don't worry, I don't have to lie to you. Although your Nine Dragon Ice Palace's ability to isolate the breath is also very good, but compared to my treasure space, the ability to isolate the breath is still worse. When you enter my treasure space, I have already separated you from the outside world." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian hesitated for a while and instantly walked out of the Nine Dragon Ice Hall. When she reached the Nine Dragon Ice Hall, she felt it carefully. Sure enough, it seemed that she could not be sensed here!

"What a powerful space treasure."

Yin Qianqian secretly said in her heart that she had seen a lot of powerful spatial treasures, but the powerful ability of the holy prison still amazed her.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, Yin Qianqian said, "City Lord Chu, if I use some power in it, will I be sensed by the outside world?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, but your strength is very strong. It's better to have a little effort in it. Don't tear down my space treasure!"

"Don't worry, I won't take it apart. I guess I don't have that ability." Yin Qianqian said, she carefully sensed that even if she used her own strength of Tier 10 Quasi-Holy Grade, she would not be able to completely shatter the space here, but, It is still possible if you use some amazing treasures!

Outside the hall, some Zerg experts were still tossing there, Yin Qianqian's eyes flashed cold, and the hall outside instantly became quiet, so the Zerg experts who came out of the icicles were frozen again!

"Don't kill it directly, just freeze it like this?" Chu Feng said. Yin Qianqian frowned slightly, growing up, she was rarely required to take action, so the killing was also very rare.

Yin Qianqian's eyes swept over the frozen Zerg powerhouses, and each Zerg powerhouse was very ugly. "If you break into the Jiulong Ice Palace, you will naturally kill it." Yin Qianqian snorted softly. As her voice sounded, all the icicles outside shattered. At the same time as the ice cubes shattered, the zerg powerhouses who were trapped in the ice were also broken into pieces and scattered on the ground!

A faint white cold air swept across, and all the scattered ice **** disappeared. "Awesome." Chu Feng said with a light smile. There are dozens of quasi-sage-level powerhouses outside and more than a thousand god-excellent-level powerhouses. Even if they are frozen, they will be taken all in a short time like Yin Qianqian. It is not easy to get rid of it.

"Miss Yin, let's rest outside, I am afraid you have been in this Nine Dragon Ice Palace for a long time." Chu Feng said. "You don't need to worry about this, City Lord Chu, you should leave work first, I want to be alone." Yin Qianqian said indifferently.

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay!"

When Chu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Yin Qianqian. Yin Qianqian sat down in a daze, tears slipping from his eyes silently.

"Father, mother, why, why do you have such a son! Father, mother, tell me, what should I do, what should I do?"

Yin Qianqian said that she felt extremely uncomfortable. Since she got the news that her parents were parasitic, she has never had a happy day.

Outside the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, Chu Feng frowned slightly. He said before that he could not know the situation inside the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. He was panicking. He was in the Holy Prison space and the situation in the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. Can still understand.

"Yin Qianqian is also pitiful." Chu Feng sighed in his heart. All his parents were parasitized by the zerg, which is a very tragic thing.

Thinking in his heart, Chu Feng reentered the Nine Dragon Ice Palace with a move.


Chu Feng said a handkerchief and handed it to Yin Qianqian. Yin Qianqian stared at Chu Feng, grabbing the handkerchief and immediately wiped away the tears on his face and the tears in his eyes.

"City Lord Chu, you can come in!!" Yin Qianqian said coldly. Chu Feng rubbed his nose and said in embarrassment, "It seems that he can."

"Miss Yin, don't get excited, let's discuss something. Let's discuss it outside, you are really too cold inside." Chu Feng said.

"Humph!" Yin Qianqian coldly snorted and disappeared into the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. At this time, she was quite angry in her heart. What she said just now, she was crying, I am afraid that Chu Feng would know everything.

Naturally, Chu Feng appeared outside immediately. The temperature in the Jiulong Ice Palace was extremely low and ice cubes were seen everywhere. The temperature outside was about 20 degrees, the sun was shining, and the birds were scented.

Chu Feng and the others quickly sat down in a pavilion. The pavilion was on the surface of the water. Lotus flowers of different colors bloomed on the surface of the water, which was very beautiful.

"Miss Yin, I don't know if you know someone named Yin Xiao?" Chu Feng said. A strange light flashed in Yin Qianqian's eyes: "City Lord Chu, what Yin Xiao? I have lived for so long, but I know many people called Yin Xiao."

"Holy King Yin Xiao!" Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian's expression changed, Chu Feng said Yin Xiao, she felt that she might be talking about her own father, but that was not certain. Now Chu Feng said that the holy king Yin Xiao was completely certain.

In this universe, Yin Xiao is quite young, but there is only one Saint King Yin Xiao!

"Girl Yin, believe me, I won't hurt you!" Chu Feng looked straight into Yin Qianqian's eyes, and Yin Qianqian looked into Chu Feng's eyes. With her strength, she could still feel the sincerity of Chu Feng's words. .

"Holy King Yin Xiao, that's my father!" Yin Qianqian took a deep breath. She used to be very proud of this, but now, she is very depressed how her father's strength is so high, it makes her want to avenge her father so difficult. difficult!

Chu Feng's heart was shocked. Guessing was different from hearing it personally. Chu Feng was still shocked to hear Yin Qianqian admit that she was the daughter of the Holy King.

"Your father and your mother, they were parasitized?" Chu Feng said directly. Yin Qianqian is now in the sacred prison space. Chu Feng is already more than 90% sure that her parents were parasitized. There is nothing wrong with it directly. .

"You, how do you know!" Yin Qianqian said in horror, this is the big secret in her heart, even her "parents" don't know it, Chu Feng actually knew it!

Chu Feng sighed slightly and said: "I have known that many saints were parasitized, so, in fact, I guessed that your parents were parasitized. However, it is only today that it is confirmed that your father is the Holy King!"

"You actually know that many saints are parasitized, no wonder, no wonder," Yin Qianqian said. She thought of the separation of the world. She thought that Chu Feng was just a powerful person of different strengths with different territory, so the three realms were separated, but now listening to Chu Feng said that. If Chu Feng did this, there must be many saints being parasitic.

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